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Old 08-01-2007, 17:27   #16
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

i think it came naturally to me because of all my nephews and nieces and mates kids that i looked after when i was younger, i always had someone elses kid hanging round my ankles, come to think of i still do
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 08-01-2007, 18:19   #17
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

I believe Cindy was only in for a day after both her deliveries. Just enough time to make sure each were safe to check out.


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Old 08-01-2007, 19:14   #18
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

when i had mine i was in for 2 weeks for my first!
a week before and a week after and god was I bored!!!
for my second was in and out, in and out, then when i finally had him I was in for 5 days!!
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
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Old 08-01-2007, 21:12   #19
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

My first one was born in Watford and they kept me there for ten days. I was so eager to take him home but rules were rules.

I was living in Malta when my daughter turned up and although the birth was normal they kept me there for almost three weeks. Dad was off on exercise and I wasn´t allowed to go home alone. My poor son was stuck with foster parents and never forgave his sister!!

Steeljack, you should have reminded folk of your little story of when your eldest was born!!
June xx

So much muck to eat before you die
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Old 08-01-2007, 21:30   #20

Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

I was in hospital (Liverpool Womens) for over a month when had my youngest son, he was born 14 weeks early weighing only 2lb by emergency section and we were both very ill so I suppose it was necessary. He was then transferred to Queens Park and had to stay there for a further 10 weeks, but thankfully he is a health 10 year old now.
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Old 08-01-2007, 22:33   #21
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

i was in for 4 days with my 1st baby due to me not getting the hang of breast feeding for my 2nd baby i had him just after 10am i was out by 6pm same day my 3rd baby i had at 7.30pm so had to stay in overnight because i was told that i had to stay in for 6 hrs and as it would have been 1.30am i had to stay and it was the worst nights sleep ive ever had and it wasnt because of my baby,if i had my way i would have got up shower dress and home 6 hours,it should be up to the mum when she leaves,but if i had my own room i would probably have stayed a month
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Old 08-01-2007, 22:36   #22
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

I Was In For 6 Days With My First One 23 Years Ago, But My Other 3 I Was Home Within Hours .
And The Last 3 Were The Best Because I Found It Much Easier To Bond In My Own Time And Way Than Having Some Midwife Breathing Down My Neck Telling Me To Put My Baby Down
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Old 09-01-2007, 01:43   #23
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

Originally Posted by cherokee View Post
I Was In For 6 Days With My First One 23 Years Ago, But My Other 3 I Was Home Within Hours .
And The Last 3 Were The Best Because I Found It Much Easier To Bond In My Own Time And Way Than Having Some Midwife Breathing Down My Neck Telling Me To Put My Baby Down
Yeah that made me laugh Cherokee - I remember having my first. After looking after 2 of my nieces and being very close at hand when they were babies I had to laugh with my first when - Auxhillary nurse walks in " hi mrs. L I am going to take your baby for a bath would you like to come" Me " damn right I'd like to come - scuse me I will bath my baby" AX " oh but it's your first - are you sure you know how to bath him" " yes I know how to bath him thankyou very much, now give me my baby and let me bath him". she was a right bloody know it of it was she was only about 3 years older than me, and YES NO children of her own I hope someone gave her as much KNOW IT ALL advice when she had her first - then again she actually looked like a dyke maybe not lmao
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 09-01-2007, 09:31   #24
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

Originally Posted by Lolly View Post
Its interesting hearing you all say that you couldn't wait to get home, I was petrified to go home. I was in a lot of pain, very emotional, struggled changing him, didnt have a clue how to bath him, and I was on my own (although I had my parents). I'm sure every first time mother feels the same, but it just felt like I was the only one in this situation and that I was useless. So I didn't actually want to go home.
I think its a bit different with your first Lolly, I stayed in 3 days when I had Ellie cause I wanted to establish breast feeding and I didn't feel confident to go home, fortunately Lettie is a senior midwife and my sister and she did the first bath/ nappy change and was always on the other end of the phone when I needed her which was very reassuring.
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Old 14-01-2007, 01:18   #25
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

There is absolutely no reason for anyone to stay in hospital after a normal birth. Most of the available research supports mothers going home with their babies after normal births. The care in the community in the UK is really good in comparison to the USA and other westernised countries so we therefore have the infrastructure to support early discharges. What we do not have is the infrastructure to keep everybody in hospital, and some people would stay for weeks (if you let them).
Funnily enough, the people who usually want to stay are those who have had several children, probably because they would get no rest at home.

It is worth remembering that it is not too long ago when most babies were born at home. The home confinement rate is increasing again. In cases of normality, I would fully support any mother wishing to deliver at home or be discharged early from hospital. Mothers are always given contact numbers for the hospital, the midwife and breastfeeding support before discharge. We do not throw people out unsupported.
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Old 14-01-2007, 02:38   #26
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

posted by lettie

Funnily enough, the people who usually want to stay are those who have had several children, probably because they would get no rest at home.

I must agree here lettie because by the time id had my 4th child i got sent home almost immediately but what i would have given to have a couple of days peace!!
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Old 14-01-2007, 04:30   #27
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

ok , a daft question from a bloke , is it true or just an owd wives tale that in the old days they used to cook up the after-birth and feed it to the new mother ?

thanks lettie for the response and congratulations on the degree ,mentioned in another thread
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Old 14-01-2007, 11:17   #28
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

I think some people still cook up the after birth, there were a couple on the tv over Christmas that had done just that, personally I think its disgusting! Supposed to be very nutritious though.
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Old 14-01-2007, 12:46   #29
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

when mine was born because it was the early hours of the morning they gave the wife the choice but suggested that she stay the night.

i think that if there are no medical reasons to stay in (after sensible period of monitoring obviously)then the mother should have a choice as to whether she goes home or not if the mother and medical staff are both comfortable with it
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Old 14-01-2007, 14:57   #30
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
Yeah that made me laugh Cherokee - I remember having my first. After looking after 2 of my nieces and being very close at hand when they were babies I had to laugh with my first when - Auxhillary nurse walks in " hi mrs. L I am going to take your baby for a bath would you like to come" Me " damn right I'd like to come - scuse me I will bath my baby" AX " oh but it's your first - are you sure you know how to bath him" " yes I know how to bath him thankyou very much, now give me my baby and let me bath him". she was a right bloody know it of it was she was only about 3 years older than me, and YES NO children of her own I hope someone gave her as much KNOW IT ALL advice when she had her first - then again she actually looked like a dyke maybe not lmao
I know what you mean about how frustrating things like that can be but there are probably some new first time mothers who have never had the opportunity of doing anything for someone else's baby and who welcome all the help, assistance and advice that they get from the nursing staff who may well not be mothers themselves and only a couple of years older (or in some cases maybe even younger) than the mother herself but who have had the advantage of experiencing lots of newborn babies on the maternity wards and had the training too. Some new mothers just don't feel confident enough to be able to do things themselves and are very nervous at the prospect of going home where there won't be any official support.

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