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Old 08-01-2007, 05:51   #1
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mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

Its not that long ago since my kids were born ,(well, 30+ years) first one at Queens Park and the second at Rough Lee and in both cases their mother had a "laying-in " of at least 6 or 7 days ,(time for mother to recuperate and bond with the child, stitches to heal etc.) reading the attached news report it seems its now becoming modern practice to send mother and child home asap, sometimes within 4 hours of the birth , surely this is wrong........its 3rd world ......akin to tales of women squatting down in a rice paddy .
I think we have at least one regular member of this group who has experience in midwifery and would be interested in your and other mothers thoughts on this. Considering all the recent news stories about disease ridden hospitals maybe its a good idea , I dont know .
Writing as a male, and I know we are not known for our over tenderness and such , in my day having babies was womens business, but to me sending a mother and her new born home so soon seems wrong, and in no way gives the new father time to sober up .

Last edited by steeljack; 08-01-2007 at 05:52. Reason: spelling
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Old 08-01-2007, 07:06   #2
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

My daughter was only in hospital 6 hours when she was born and thats 10 years ago.If they have reduced it 2 hours in 10 years then according to my reckoning in 20 years they will be dropping in for a couple of minutes
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Old 08-01-2007, 08:11   #3
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

I couldn't come home soon enough - was glad to get out! When I had my first (15 years ago) they wouldn't let me home straight away because I was linked up to monitors and drips. When I had my second I had a caesarian due to the fact that I also needed to have a problem removed so I was again stuck in the flippin hospital.

I don't know about rest and recuperation what with the heat and the noise I got no rest in hospital and begged to be allowed home so I could get some sleep!

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Old 08-01-2007, 10:14   #4
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

i was in 5 days after having Reece, that was 10 years ago, but i didnt have a natural birth, Reece came out the sun roof
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Old 08-01-2007, 10:52   #5
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

I was in 3 days with 1st no problems other than to give me respite & establish breatfeeding, 4 days with 2nd due to being born with congenital condition & had to await pediatrics & doctor assessment both born on a friday LOL gee a welcome rest from being at home tho lets say i needed the rest!!
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Old 08-01-2007, 10:52   #6
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

Originally Posted by flashytart View Post
i was in 5 days after having Reece, that was 10 years ago, but i didnt have a natural birth, Reece came out the sun roof
Thats a nice way of putting it LOL
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Old 08-01-2007, 11:12   #7
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

it also means i'm neat and tidy
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 08-01-2007, 12:00   #8
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

I know at Royal Blackburn its 6hr discharge, I had a 6 hour discharge 10 weeks ago when I had Robert, it was my choice, they asked me if I wanted to stay in but I didn't want to, Robert is my second child and there were no complications and I wanted to go home, I dont see anything wrong in it you have to meet all the criteria to be able to go home they dont just throw you out.
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Old 08-01-2007, 12:15   #9
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

I was in 3 days after having Harry in March 2006. But I had been in nearly 4 days of labour. They didn't tell me I had to go or ask me when I wanted to, I'd probably be still sat there now, if the woman in the next bed hadnt told me I had to ask to leave then a doctor would be sent for and I would be checked over, given any drugs needed. Only then could I go, and it took a day for the doctor to come. It didnt bother me though, they were all very helpful and very caring.
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Old 08-01-2007, 14:08   #10
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

I don't see a problem as long as everything's normal. I had my first child in 1964 and I had to stay in hospital 12 days, although I'd only had a 4 hour labour and was as fit as a flea. It was hospital policy and we were all going stir-crazy.

Eighteen months later I had my second child - at home. Not a lot of bed-rest with a new-born and a toddler.

My last one was born in 1975. I went into hospital for the birth, had her at 3.15 p.m. and went home at 9.30 the next morning. As far as I was concerned, that was 12 hours too long a stay.

As long as the home provisions are good and the home nursing service is good I'm sure most mothers would prefer to get home as quickly as possible.
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Old 08-01-2007, 14:30   #11
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

I was in 3 days with my first ( stitched upto the eyeballs ) lol

Second was Very easy labor - No stitches and I had him at 5:46am and I went home at 5pm same night. Again I was offered to stay, and they wanted me to stay in over night but I still had a little darling at home waiting for Mummy and I couldn't get out fast enough. As a mother I think a lady can rest more at home with her new baby. No offence but it isn't the dads that have to stay on a ward - full of other mothers and babies throughout the fun when your baby is as good as gold but you're still kept awake by 9 other babies crying throughout the night.

There is nothing more appealing for a mother than to get home, put her feet up, and cuddle her new baby in her own home without feeling like a gold fish.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 08-01-2007, 15:05   #12

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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
I was in 3 days with my first ( stitched upto the eyeballs ) lol
Wow, there is only 2 stitches in a sack of spuds, 1 at each end
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Old 08-01-2007, 15:54   #13
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
No offence but it isn't the dads that have to stay on a ward - full of other mothers and babies throughout the fun when your baby is as good as gold but you're still kept awake by 9 other babies crying throughout the night.
Yep That's why I was glad to get home for a good night's sleep.

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Old 08-01-2007, 17:06   #14
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

Its interesting hearing you all say that you couldn't wait to get home, I was petrified to go home. I was in a lot of pain, very emotional, struggled changing him, didnt have a clue how to bath him, and I was on my own (although I had my parents). I'm sure every first time mother feels the same, but it just felt like I was the only one in this situation and that I was useless. So I didn't actually want to go home.
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Old 08-01-2007, 17:23   #15
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Re: mothers sent home 4 hours after giving birth

I was allowed out the next day-and that wasn't quick enough for me because jack slept most of the time so i was settling other womens babies so i could get some rest.As for not knowing what to do-i just got on with it and the midwives didn't show me ANYTHING at all-i only found out when i was leaving it was because they thought he was my second.probably says more about the state of me than my skills lol.

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