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08-07-2013, 09:03
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Re: MPs Pay Rise
Originally Posted by cashman
That one i aint sure of "D"? would need to have all the info to make a fair assessment on that score.
What no snap decision and rush to judgement ??
Must be the heatwave 
08-07-2013, 09:10
Coffin Dodger.
Re: MPs Pay Rise
Originally Posted by DtheP47
What no snap decision and rush to judgement ??
Must be the heatwave 
Never wi pensions "D".
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
08-07-2013, 12:32
Re: MPs Pay Rise
Originally Posted by DtheP47
It would be better for most people if you could post links to sites that don't have a paywall in place, I had to login to read the story.
I can see it as excessive to pay many of the wealthy MP's a resettlement figure but what about ordinary MP's. I assume MP's like ours give up their jobs when they become an MP which means if they loose the next election they are then unemployed and will have to start looking for a job.
Is the resettlement not similar to a redundancy payment?
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Last edited by Neil; 08-07-2013 at 12:39.
08-07-2013, 12:52
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Re: MPs Pay Rise
they dont need a job neil the pension will easily ensure they dont starve and shoudl easily cover all teh luxuries they have become used too
mps dont leave their job broke i can guarentee you of that
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
08-07-2013, 12:52
Beacon of light
Re: MPs Pay Rise
Oh, come on Neil.
Don't you think that MP's network while they are in office? They know people, who know people who will help them out with a job.
Many of them have second jobs as 'consultants' in some capacity or another...and if that isn't the case, and they haven't managed to save a bob or two whilst in parliament then they are just plain daft.
The main problem is, that having been an MP, they see themselves as a cut above the rest of us..as a consequence of this, they want to lead the same lifestyle out of parliament as they did in it.
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08-07-2013, 12:56
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Re: MPs Pay Rise
if a MP cant afford to keep their child in private education as an example after loosing an election then maybe they should have thought about that before putting their child in private education.
MPs should consider what they may have to return to if they loose their job when taking on financial burdens
they should also consider how much they lie to their local folk because they may one day find themselves back amongst us
there was a mp on panaorama not long ago who betrayed the lifeforce of his own town for cash fr questions id hate to be him if he looses his position and has to go home
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 08-07-2013 at 13:00.
08-07-2013, 13:15
Re: MPs Pay Rise
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Many of them have second jobs as 'consultants' in some capacity or another...and if that isn't the case, and they haven't managed to save a bob or two whilst in parliament then they are just plain daft.
I was talking about normal people who are MP's, the sort of MP's most of us would like to see as MP's. Take things like this away and you will only have those with plenty of money and who see being an MP as a second job left. Is that what you want?
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08-07-2013, 13:21
Re: MPs Pay Rise
Originally Posted by accyman
they don't need a job Neil the pension will easily ensure they don't starve and should easily cover all the luxuries they have become used too
MP's don't leave their job broke i can guarantee you of that
The pension after just one 5 year term will only be very small and not enough to live on, especially if you are fairly young still
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08-07-2013, 13:43
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
MPs Pay Rise
Originally Posted by Neil
The pension after just one 5 year term will only be very small and not enough to live on, especially if you are fairly young still
Probably still better than the pension I and others have paid into only to find it frittered away before I can draw it!
Mine took longer than five years to accrue and is now going to be virtually useless.
(Not a political thing, all parties seem to have been betting I wouldn't live long enough to get it, I'm one of the unfortunate ones that hopefully will cause them to lose that bet).

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08-07-2013, 14:04
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Re: MPs Pay Rise
Originally Posted by Neil
The pension after just one 5 year term will only be very small and not enough to live on, especially if you are fairly young still
just 1 term as a MP and that MP such as our own is set for life in comaprasson as to what they were earning before they gave up their real job
i forget the amount but its extreemly generous
besides if a MP thinks his position is for life then hes either stoopid or dillusional
one thing i know for sure is a MPs minimum pension is a hell of a lot more than what the law says someone shoudl get to live off if unfortunate enough to be on benefits
if a MP looses his or her seat then maybe they shoudl have been less of a cock.Why should the tax payer fund their inability to keep their position in parliament ?
been a MP is a privelage not a carreer prospect or a system to bleed every penny you can from
personally id have them signing on the dole proving what they have done to seek work like everyone else has too
welcome back to reality biatch its time to ear a living again
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 08-07-2013 at 14:07.
08-07-2013, 14:31
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
MPs Pay Rise
Yes well, when we really think about it...
An MP is on benefits, just like the rest of the so called scroungers, it's just that they make sure their benefits, are always better and more lucrative than most of the other false claimants.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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08-07-2013, 14:53
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Re: MPs Pay Rise
Originally Posted by Neil
It would be better for most people if you could post links to sites that don't have a paywall in place, I had to login to read the story.
Is the resettlement not similar to a redundancy payment?
Point taken Neil  I had forgotten the Times was now pay per view.
I think it's as it is called, a resettlement...to help them adjust to civilian life, whatever that is?
08-07-2013, 15:07
Re: MPs Pay Rise
Originally Posted by accyman
just 1 term as a MP and that MP such as our own is set for life in comaprasson as to what they were earning before they gave up their real job
i forget the amount but its extreemly generous
I can't find the amount either but it would only be a 1/10 of a full pension
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08-07-2013, 15:08
Re: MPs Pay Rise
Originally Posted by DtheP47
Point taken Neil  I had forgotten the Times was now pay per view.
I think it's as it is called, a resettlement...to help them adjust to civilian life, whatever that is?
I think it's because many of them will not have a job and will have to find one. Does being a ex MP look good or bad on your CV?
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08-07-2013, 15:10
Re: MPs Pay Rise
Originally Posted by Less
Probably still better than the pension I and others have paid into only to find it frittered away before I can draw it!
Mine took longer than five years to accrue and is now going to be virtually useless.
(Not a political thing, all parties seem to have been betting I wouldn't live long enough to get it, I'm one of the unfortunate ones that hopefully will cause them to lose that bet).

I agree most pensions are terrible. The long time serving lads at work are horrified by what their pensions will be worth compared to what they have paid in.
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