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Old 03-07-2013, 17:15   #106
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Re: MPs Pay Rise

Originally Posted by walkinman221 View Post
ramming home same sex "Marriage".
Hell dave thats a bit much . Making my eyes water thinking about that
Proper subtle me! And to bring it back round to the topic in hand, it's no more than what the politicos are doing to the Country & it's people & to add insult to injury they're expecting us to pay for the Vaseline & bring our own sand! Barfturds!
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)

Last edited by DaveinGermany; 03-07-2013 at 17:19.
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Old 03-07-2013, 17:22   #107
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Re: MPs Pay Rise

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Agree with that
witha provision that they remain awake through teh proceedings.Some of them turn up just to have an afternoon nap

they have no shame either they know its telivised and they still nod off
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 03-07-2013, 17:59   #108
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Re: MPs Pay Rise

[QUOTE=Boeing Guy;1065216]Goodness me, I made a joke, maybe a bit crass but there you go.
The whole of society is filled with corruption from MP's to Entertainment Celebs, I don't have the answer, I don't think anyone on here has.
I would not be a MP, they are underpaid, but seeing Westminster is full of those who are playing the system for what they can get, remember the Expenses Scandal? the public are not going to be happy with any pay increase.
Maybe the problem is with the type of people who want to enter politics?[/QUOTE]

As Jimmy Saville would say "Ow's about this then"
As reported this week in the papers, Ian Livingston the outgoing head of BT is stepping down to become a Government Minister AND accepting a mega paycut to do so. Let's hope his flair and business savvy that made him such a success at BT and it's share price rubs off on the Trade and Industry Department.
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Old 03-07-2013, 18:04   #109
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Re: MPs Pay Rise

lets hope hes better than alan sugar was when he was asked to fix things lol

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All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 03-07-2013, 18:54   #110
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Re: MPs Pay Rise

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
lets hope hes better than alan sugar was when he was asked to fix things lol
I think Mr Livingston has a better grasp on what government service is about Mr a. Service is not about money or self publicity. I'd like to think Mr Livingston sees the challenge ahead as being more important.
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Old 03-07-2013, 21:07   #111
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Re: MPs Pay Rise

look i admit it iv been waiting a long time to use that video and i barely managed to crowbar it in..

but i did manage
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All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 04-07-2013, 00:33   #112
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Re: MPs Pay Rise

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
look i admit it iv been waiting a long time to use that video and i barely managed to crowbar it in..
but i did manage
How long have you been moonlighting as a BBC interviewer Mr a?

Bet HMRC doesn't know.
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Old 04-07-2013, 02:23   #113
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Re: MPs Pay Rise

I wouldn't advocate capitalism as the solution for anything. You only have to look at America to see it's neither fair or working. My previously posted link here U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time shows the whole system to be a ponzi scheme the question being "what next" to which there are no good answers. I wouldn't advocate a system where 1 in 5 people survive on food stamps as a suitable or enviable form of governance.

To the topic of this thread though was the issue that MPs are overpaid at 65k. They are not. There should be massive payrises and a working system of pay for performance. If you are in charge of roads then if potholes exceed 10% of roads you get sacked. I don't know what the metrics would be but they should be easy enough to define. If we had no potholes I'd have no problem with the minister for roads earning 200k. Similar could be applied to most government departments. The resulting infrastructure spend would be huge, the upside of which is a restarted economy based on manufacturing and not services. Youth unemployment being probably the biggest challenge of our time would be significantly reduced.

Here they get paid a lot but they are both impressive and accountable. The UK system by contrast of jobs for life, life peers and such is a joke, almost as bad as the north south divide. I think it's time parliament was moved to Manchester or Birmingham in order to fairly distribute the countries resources from the centre of the country.
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Old 04-07-2013, 04:46   #114
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Re: MPs Pay Rise

Originally Posted by GEaston View Post
To the topic of this thread though was the issue that MPs are overpaid at 65k. They are not. There should be massive payrises and a working system of pay for performance. .
Roger that MrE
£65K to in most cases 2/3s of ones working life hundreds of miles from home. Weekends spent listening to constituents whose problems they expect you to solve. Dividing your time between electors, various local interests and last but no means least ones family. On top of which then pilloried for claiming expenses to which you are entitled to function properly. We get our MPs cheap.
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Old 04-07-2013, 06:29   #115
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Re: MPs Pay Rise

Originally Posted by DtheP47 View Post
Roger that MrE
£65K to in most cases 2/3s of ones working life hundreds of miles from home. Weekends spent listening to constituents whose problems they expect you to solve. Dividing your time between electors, various local interests and last but no means least ones family. On top of which then pilloried for claiming expenses to which you are entitled to function properly. We get our MPs cheap.
How about £12-15K to most cases...for helping people die with dignity, for helping people with dementia, learning difficulties, disabilities or simple old age. How about these people having no chance of a pay rise for the foreseeable future because these very MP's that you are advocating need paying more are squeezing the budgets of county councils whilst talking about 'real term' rises and 'no cuts to frontline services'.

Many MP's top up there earnings anyway, some by dodgy deals, some by teetering on the edge of legality, some by fiddling expenses, claiming for second homes using unpaid staff, claiming that they employ family etc..etc...etc...

Your post claims 'expenses to which they are entitled to function properly'...would that include duck hides, moat cleaning, high end wallpaper and antique furniture for offices etc..etc...

And what do they do for that money..

They vote according to party not according to public opinion
In opposition they vote against the ruling party regardless of whether or not the policy in question is a good idea just for the hell of it.
In power they ride roughshod over the very people who elected them by saying 'we know better than you, so suck it up.'

When they actually start behaving like people instead of animals in the house of commons, when they make actual improvements to things instead of blustering with twisted statistics and using words like 'real terms', when they stop the 'do as I say not as I do' mentality that pervades every single thought process of an MP...then maybe, just maybe I'd start thinking about financial remuneration.

Giving themselves a massive hike in pay whilst strangling everyone else to the point of needing foodbanks is a downright obscenity, regardless of the colour of the rosette you wear on election day.
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Old 04-07-2013, 06:51   #116

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Re: MPs Pay Rise

I agree with the shark, but could we make one minor adjustment.

Let's get rid of our current MP's and Lords. Maybe send to the Fletcher Memorial Home (Pink Floyd's solution)
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 04-07-2013, 07:57   #117
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Re: MPs Pay Rise

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post

Your post claims 'expenses to which they are entitled to function properly'...would that include duck hides, moat cleaning, high end wallpaper and antique furniture for offices etc..etc...

Giving themselves a massive hike in pay whilst strangling everyone else to the point of needing foodbanks is a downright obscenity, regardless of the colour of the rosette you wear on election day.
Fair and reasonable expenses shot dragging up duck islands and hand printed wallpaper. They are under increased scrutiny since the Telegraph exposed the scandal. You almost answered your own question.

They are not giving themselves massive's in front of a review board the amount has yet to be decided.
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Old 04-07-2013, 09:45   #118
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Re: MPs Pay Rise

Originally Posted by DtheP47 View Post

They are not giving themselves massive's in front of a review board the amount has yet to be decided.
Who are the members of the "Pay Review Board?"
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Old 04-07-2013, 09:48   #119
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Re: MPs Pay Rise

Why is it a cheap is what they did.
This expense scandal was FRAUD..plain and simple. And it was US they were stealing from...not many ended up in clink did they?
They call fraudulent benefit claimants, but what they were doing was exactly the same thing.

I have no faith in any of them, and am not surprised that the country is in a mess.
We are(as a nation) a rudderless ship, with politicians concentrating on issues which are of little consequence...except of course they are told by the EU puppetmasters to which they reply 'how high, and how long do you want us to stay up?'
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Old 04-07-2013, 10:01   #120
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Re: MPs Pay Rise

Since when has the truth been a cheap shot?
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