Originally Posted by JCB
I refer you to Graham's quote ( number 29 ) on this thread , particularly to his first and next to the last sentences .
As I read these sentences I get the impression that he is saying that those responsible for the Telegraph article were out to discredit him by using the expenses issue . I may be misinterpreting his words , because that is how I understood the article when I first read it . It is an attempt to cast him in a bad light . That is a personal matter , and is aimed at Graham's personal integrity rather than his actions which are perfectly legitimate and above board .
What criticism I have is for those who are behind the article , and are using it in a petty way for party political gain .
Those with better knowledge than me of the history of Hyndburn politics will say that it is the sort of thing all parties get up to .
The article picked up on a few misleading statistics and weaved a negative story around them. All the genuine stuff was left out. It's inclusion would have destroyed the credibility of the story.
It wasn't personal. Newspapers get a good hook out of telling people expenses stories because there have been huge scandals.
Eg Andrew Stephenson is a young single man who slept on his mates sofa. I have a young family and know no-one in London so claimed the rent allowance. Standing MPs are still on the old cheaper mortgage system and don't claim (expensive) rent.
London MPs and MPs in the South East can't claim rent allowances.
Some MPs have either been slow or inefficient in claims or don't bother providing constituency staff or a constituency office. Hyndburn's office by all accounts is one of the best in the country. My first quarter submissions for such were always going to be up to date and ahead of others.
Pensioner MPs getting rail discounts and travelling first class yet having lower expense claims because of their age.
Rather than it be the positive it is. Efficient and comprehensive with no one 'on the take', it was portrayed as a fiddling story based on the headline totals being put in a league table of shame.
Left out of the story was;
All food paid for by myself
All travel around East Lancashire paid for by myself
Most train travel second class off peak.
Volunteering by people in the constituency office
Efficient first quarter claims
Northern MPs facing extra costs
New MPs facing significantly higher costs.
Working age MPs facing higher charges
MPs with young families facing greater burdens
I expect criticism and i have always done what I believe is right and in the public interest and I am proud that we have more than played by tight new rules. We have made every effort to bare the cost and treat every penny with respect at the same time as upping the service to the public here.
I accept the media have a job to do and that some people conveniently shoot from the hip. I accept all of that and it comes with the job. All I can do is point out the facts.