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  • 3 Post By Guinness
  • 2 Post By DaveinGermany
  • 7 Post By Bob Dobson
  • 2 Post By skuta
  • 2 Post By DaveinGermany
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Old 15-09-2022, 23:45   #1
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Mr Plod

I'm seriously beginning to think that our police force needs a complete overhaul.

You get receive an incident number, likewise if someone nicks your car/motorbike or childs bicycle. No investigation, no visit, in the burglary cases if you're lucky they may ring you back to give you the contact details of a locksmith who will change/replace your locks.

But....If you have a heated argument online..they are more than willing to knock on your door on the pretext of hate speech..(the kinda thing we used to pass off as sticks and stones may break my bones etc..has suddenly become a crime worse than theft)

Walk down the road on your way to a football match chanting and singing..get kettled, pushed, jostled, treated like crap and even arrested...stick yourself to a road or a piece of art, push over a statue they ask you if you if you are comfortable and want a cup of tea. Try to deal with these lawbreakers yourself and you get arrested and fined.

They take the knee, dance with protesters, chase easy targets like motorists but ignore rule breaking cyclists, anti social behaviour and kids bombing up and down on stolen/illegal bikes..and finally..

Un-freaking-believable....hey Mr Plod...I've solved the crime for you and found the thief..mmmm ok go buy your stolen stuff back from the thief and I can close the case....Disgraceful!
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
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Old 16-09-2022, 08:37   #2
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Mr Plod

Agree it does need an overall.the response is virtually NON EXISTANT.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 16-09-2022, 17:12   #3
a multieloquent Mule

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Xeno Tactic Champion!
Re: Mr Plod

The plod have become protectors of the criminal, alphabetties & ne'er do wells over the last 20-15 years or so. It is an absolute disgrace to see what passes for a "Police farce" in UK nowadays. I believe a complete ripping down, out & all over is required & a more efficient, effective & viable force needs implementing, there are more than enough folk willing to see justice done & these people are the ones that need recruiting, a force of willing & able volunteers & not the tick box, equality & diversity inclusions to meet targets.

Also the civil serpents & senior ranks need to be hammered into a functioning & non wavering from the rules leadership, if they're not prepared to apply the law & rules as they are put down they need to hand in their badges, return the money they've been falsely paid & ship out sharpish.

As for the story from Al-Beeb, it sounds about right for Lancs Plod, useless, ineffective & far keener to take the easy targets such as motorists & those writing "Hurty words" online than actually getting off their fat arses & out on to the streets preventing & apprehending criminals & doing the job they're hansomely paid for.
Guinness and ray honda like this.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 18-09-2022, 21:36   #4
Full Member

Re: Mr Plod

A lot of what is said can be seen on many Youtube videos, how the plod are a bunch of aggressive overbearing thugs.

I have had to stop watching them as they tend to make me sooo angry.
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Old 19-09-2022, 08:17   #5
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Mr Plod

the police are knackered now they are instructed by woke IMBECILES and must do what they are told imho.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 20-09-2022, 08:07   #6
Senior Member+

Re: Mr Plod

I am possibly the nly retited bobby on here. It hurts sme to read thse postings, especialy as I agree with much of what has been posted. I read similar postngs on a retired bobbies' Facebok group.On there are many postings not criticising the bobbies but the influennce that politicians have on today's forces. When Sir Robert Peel mooted the idea of having professional police, he was criticised by otrher MPs, especially for stating that the
politicians shsould have no control over the force, and that the officers should show no alliance to politicians. The recent move to appoint Police Commissioners was a step in the wrong direction..
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Old 20-09-2022, 13:05   #7
Beacon of light

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Re: Mr Plod

Bob….nail, head…direct hit.
Well said!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 20-09-2022, 14:57   #8

Re: Mr Plod

Have you heard of the Political "Charity" called Common Purpose?
They are responsible for infiltrating & "disrupting" Agencies & Organizations to destroy traditions & training and inflict a Political indoctrination by Saul Alinsky. Read "Rules for Radicals". Worse than Marxism.

Police are now focused on petty non-crimes & made up nonsense. Their attitudes are arrogant, aggressively argumentative and extremely unhelpful. They consider themselves in a separate Social group. Remember when Police never recruited ex-servicemen? Wrong mindset & mentality i.e. dangerous. Now they do. Recruits must pass their arbitrary "diversity" requirements. They're all happy to dance in gay parades.

Notice how everything is worse? Health, Education & Religion etc Even our military is being weakened by de-skilling vital maintenance & repair personnel in the Navy, RAF and the rest.
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Old 20-09-2022, 16:04   #9
Senior Member

Re: Mr Plod

Originally Posted by skuta View Post
Have you heard of the Political "Charity" called Common Purpose?
They are responsible for infiltrating & "disrupting" Agencies & Organizations to destroy traditions & training and inflict a Political indoctrination by Saul Alinsky. Read "Rules for Radicals". Worse than Marxism.

Police are now focused on petty non-crimes & made up nonsense. Their attitudes are arrogant, aggressively argumentative and extremely unhelpful. They consider themselves in a separate Social group. Remember when Police never recruited ex-servicemen? Wrong mindset & mentality i.e. dangerous. Now they do. Recruits must pass their arbitrary "diversity" requirements. They're all happy to dance in gay parades.

Notice how everything is worse? Health, Education & Religion etc Even our military is being weakened by de-skilling vital maintenance & repair personnel in the Navy, RAF and the rest.
Am I right in thinking that there used to be a character called "Skuta" on the "MUPPET" show?
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Old 20-09-2022, 17:14   #10
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Mr Plod

Originally Posted by skuta View Post
Have you heard of the Political "Charity" called Common Purpose?
Not sure about a charity but the expression "Common purpose" & their antics are known to me. First heard about them a few years back, the information they put out about themselves is pretty vapid & obscure, but their workings & interference in many walks of life tend to put me on alert as they aren't exactly benign from what I can gather.
Margaret Pilkington and taddy like this.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)

Last edited by DaveinGermany; 20-09-2022 at 17:19.
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