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Old 04-04-2008, 21:10   #31
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Re: Mugabi

Rhodesia as was under Smith was a violently racist country. Under Mugabe it began to show some flower of democracy then power corrupted him and we have the evil b*st*rd we see now. If Nkomo had taken over things might have been different.

Nkomo was no different than Mugabe, just another tribal thug, Mugabi belonging to the Shona tribe and Nkomo being Matabele , and the two opposition parties ZANU and ZAPU were similarly tribal

The majority of the populace under Smith were disenfranchised and fought for freedom. Yes they made the wrong choice with Mugabe but hindsight is 100% perfect.

It was Smiths policy to give the vote to educated Rhodesians , those educated enough to see further than what they were told by their tribal chiefs

But reading the post above post I assume steeljack would rather Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) and South Africa retained their Apartheid regimes.

No, I'm not saying that , what I am saying is cannot go from a stone-age tribal society overnight, it takes time to build an infrastructure, when Zambia got Independance in 64 , thousands of people went to the railway station to await the arrival of the train from South Africa ...the thinking being that "independance" was a physical tangible thing and it would arrive like all other imports in a wooden crate.

Mugabe has to go, he makes Amin look like a benevolent uncle, and the MDC under Tzangari has to win for the future of the country, it will take an immense amount of strictly controlled funding to get the country back to any semblance of it's history as the "Bread basket of Africa" but it has to happen or there will be a disaster on the scale of Biafra

Strictly controlled funding by who , by the donors ? is that not the same as fiscal colonialism , saying to the Zimbabweans that they haven't got the skills to look after their own affairs
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Old 04-04-2008, 21:15   #32
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Re: Mugabi

Originally Posted by onlyme View Post
If the audience can not read the argument, there is no swaying.

However, you may indeed take the final word, as this little tete a tete is wandering from the thread.
How right you are, look at the previous paragraph (I think it should read "If the audience cannot or can't") Be very sure of your convictions and hand slapping tactics.
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Old 04-04-2008, 21:19   #33
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Re: Mugabi

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Saying to the Zimbabweans that they haven't got the skills to look after their own affairs
Have they????
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Old 05-04-2008, 12:06   #34
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Re: Mugabi

Rhodesia as was under Smith was a violently racist country. Under Mugabe it began to show some flower of democracy then power corrupted him and we have the evil b*st*rd we see now. If Nkomo had taken over things might have been different.

Nkomo was no different than Mugabe, just another tribal thug, Mugabi belonging to the Shona tribe and Nkomo being Matabele , and the two opposition parties ZANU and ZAPU were similarly tribal

How do we know? I said might have been different. Under a different leader with different rules things may have been better.

Mugabe has to go, he makes Amin look like a benevolent uncle, and the MDC under Tzangari has to win for the future of the country, it will take an immense amount of strictly controlled funding to get the country back to any semblance of it's history as the "Bread basket of Africa" but it has to happen or there will be a disaster on the scale of Biafra

Strictly controlled funding by who , by the donors ? is that not the same as fiscal colonialism , saying to the Zimbabweans that they haven't got the skills to look after their own affairs.

Strictly controlled to prevent corruption, an awful lot of rebuilding finance has ended up funding certain leaders back pockets, with the general populace suffering again.

As an addition it's good to see Mugabe has reverted to type to prevent the MDC forcing the election results being issued.
BBC NEWS | World | Africa | Zimbabwe's MDC court bid blocked
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Old 19-04-2008, 05:08   #35
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Re: Mugabi

interesting article in todays New York Times , Mugabe shipping in a freighter load of arms from China with the connivence of the South African Govt.
who is he going to use them against ? How is he planning on paying for them ?
All those who weep crocodile tears about how bad British/European colonialization was in Africa are in for a rude awakening when they realize what the Chinese are doing in Africa
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Old 19-04-2008, 12:24   #36
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Re: Mugabi

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
interesting article in todays New York Times , Mugabe shipping in a freighter load of arms from China with the connivence of the South African Govt.
who is he going to use them against ? How is he planning on paying for them ?
All those who weep crocodile tears about how bad British/European colonialization was in Africa are in for a rude awakening when they realize what the Chinese are doing in Africa
Looks like South Africa are standing back from this. A high court decided that the cargo could not be moved. The ship has left Durban and apparently it’s now heading for Mozambique - BBC
Semper in stercore versor, solum altitudo mutat
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