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Old 02-04-2008, 22:31   #1
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Do we care if the man who destroyed Rhodesia survives?

Do we care for the millions of people who are starving because of this man are saved?

Do you support the efforts to dislodge him?

Would you care if this man burnt in hell?

83 is a ripe old age to be fat and well cared for when the average age of a male in Zimbabwe is 36 when he perishes.

I am not a practicing Christian but God help us if this man survives.

No food no water for the children...........I am stuck for words.
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Old 02-04-2008, 23:42   #2
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Re: Mugabi

Are you advocating his execution/assassination ?
Semper in stercore versor, solum altitudo mutat
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Old 02-04-2008, 23:44   #3
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Re: Mugabi

Not our problem , they (the Zimbabweans) have systematically destroyed one of the best places on earth . Same as has happened with 90% of every other 'free' African country , Kenya and South Africa are heading the same way .
One thing which no-one is mentioning is the new economic colonialisation of Africa going on by the Chinese , from taking over the mining industries in Zambia and Ziare , to supplying the Sudanese Govt. with arms to use in Darfur. China needs constant new sources of food for its ever increasing population and Africa with a declining population (thru disease and famine) seems to be ripe for the picking .
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Old 03-04-2008, 03:09   #4
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Re: Mugabi

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Not our problem , they (the Zimbabweans) have systematically destroyed one of the best places on earth . Same as has happened with 90% of every other 'free' African country , Kenya and South Africa are heading the same way .
One thing which no-one is mentioning is the new economic colonialisation of Africa going on by the Chinese , from taking over the mining industries in Zambia and Ziare , to supplying the Sudanese Govt. with arms to use in Darfur. China needs constant new sources of food for its ever increasing population and Africa with a declining population (thru disease and famine) seems to be ripe for the picking .
I don't think that you can say that it is not our problem. This is the legacy of colonialism ... and it is a similar kind of colonialism that America is pracitising in Iraq. You go in ... beat the crap out of them ... set up artificial structures ... and when they don't work, blame the victims. And are not the Americans systematically destroying one of the best places on Earth.? Their own country. And when we talk about selling arms, who sells more arms world wide than the Americans and the British?
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Old 03-04-2008, 11:00   #5
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Re: Mugabi

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy View Post
Are you advocating his execution/assassination ?

Nothing of the sort..........It's time for him to step down.
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Old 03-04-2008, 11:45   #6
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Re: Mugabi

Originally Posted by Royboy39 View Post
Nothing of the sort..........It's time for him to step down.
Mugabe let a potentially prosperous country go to ruin so have to agree, he has to go.
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Old 03-04-2008, 12:33   #7
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Re: Mugabi

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy View Post
Mugabe let a potentially prosperous country go to ruin so have to agree, he has to go.
Just a pity he wasn't sat on a great big oil field, Bush would have been in there years ago, thats the first Bush, not George W.

Last edited by jaysay; 03-04-2008 at 12:38. Reason: error
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Old 03-04-2008, 15:46   #8
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Re: Mugabi

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy View Post
Mugabe let a potentially prosperous country go to ruin so have to agree, he has to go.
If this were the benchmark, then there are probably others who should go .... I know that a little GW bashing is always fun; but consider what GW has done to the America he inherited from Bill Clinton (had trouble keeping it in his pants, but apart from that a good President). He has taken the US from prosperous and fairly popular to quickly going broke and despised everywhere. We all know that Mugabe is a practised vote rigger, but I seem to remember something similar, tho' not as blatant, in Florida a while back.
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Old 04-04-2008, 16:38   #9
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Re: Mugabi

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
If this were the benchmark, then there are probably others who should go .... I know that a little GW bashing is always fun; but consider what GW has done to the America he inherited from Bill Clinton (had trouble keeping it in his pants, but apart from that a good President). He has taken the US from prosperous and fairly popular to quickly going broke and despised everywhere. We all know that Mugabe is a practised vote rigger, but I seem to remember something similar, tho' not as blatant, in Florida a while back.
I see that you are still able to get your jollies from the above twaddle. Ah, how little you know. Bill Clinton was never as popular here as he was, (and still is, I guess), in Canada and Europe. The fact that he couldn't keep his pants zipped is a minor note compared to his actual record in office. Both he and Her Highness are a very corrupt pair. Bill got by on charm......something Hillary doesn't possess. The two of them are SHOCKED that a newbie like Obama has sidled out of left field and is slicing and dicing them quite handily. Doesn't he realize that it's HER turn in the WH?

If the U.S. is going broke it's because of all those Socialist programs that lefties like you love so much. They are not sustainable. Of course, the myrmidons don't believe that and will be voting en masse in the, "I Want My Mommy" election in November. By the way, there was no vote rigging in the 2000 Florida election......unless you count the Democrats who tried every trick in the book to disenfranchise our military personnel.

If Mugabe does leave, I'm sure he'll already have his Swiss bank accounts in order. By the way, I wouldn't be so quick to blame colonialism for Africa's messes. India doesn't seem to have shared the same fate.
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Old 04-04-2008, 16:46   #10
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Re: Mugabi

The US isn't going broke because of socialist programmes. It's going broke because the US spends huge amounts of money on pointless wars and occupations. It's going broke because the federal reserve is run by people who think you can create wealth by printing money. Instead it takes value from existing currency and ends up effecting the lower/middle classes while the upper class don't notice a thing.

Allowing government and private banks (federal reserve) to control the money supply can be a rather dangerous thing.
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Old 04-04-2008, 17:00   #11
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Re: Mugabi

Originally Posted by Cyfr View Post
The US isn't going broke because of socialist programmes. It's going broke because the US spends huge amounts of money on pointless wars and occupations. It's going broke because the federal reserve is run by people who think you can create wealth by printing money. Instead it takes value from existing currency and ends up effecting the lower/middle classes while the upper class don't notice a thing.

Allowing government and private banks (federal reserve) to control the money supply can be a rather dangerous thing.
I think the kind of socialist programs Barb is talking about are the ones where the govt. bails out the banks who lost big with the ninja loans, while the ordinary citizen loses his home. Socialism American style.
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Old 04-04-2008, 17:07   #12
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Re: Mugabi

Originally Posted by Cyfr View Post
The US isn't going broke because of socialist programmes. It's going broke because the US spends huge amounts of money on pointless wars and occupations. It's going broke because the federal reserve is run by people who think you can create wealth by printing money. Instead it takes value from existing currency and ends up effecting the lower/middle classes while the upper class don't notice a thing.

Allowing government and private banks (federal reserve) to control the money supply can be a rather dangerous thing.

Sorry, but you'd be wrong on the first count. We are now spending a larger share of GNP on "entitlement" programs than we do on the military, (including the current war.)

However, you are correct on the second point. Both Democrats and Republicans in Congress are addicted to spending. And three quarters of the money spent goes to things which are entirely unconstitutional. No matter how much revenue gushes into the Treasury, it is never enough to satisfy them and they are constantly borrowing more. A day of reckoning will come.....and the sooner the better as far as I am concerned.
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Old 04-04-2008, 17:43   #13
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Re: Mugabi

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
Sorry, but you'd be wrong on the first count. We are now spending a larger share of GNP on "entitlement" programs than we do on the military, (including the current war.)

However, you are correct on the second point. Both Democrats and Republicans in Congress are addicted to spending. And three quarters of the money spent goes to things which are entirely unconstitutional. No matter how much revenue gushes into the Treasury, it is never enough to satisfy them and they are constantly borrowing more. A day of reckoning will come.....and the sooner the better as far as I am concerned.
Ok, so we take out the Republicans and the Democrats ... who is there left to vote for Maybe Ralph Nader if he is running again You are coming pretty close to anarchy here ... and straying a long way from Mugabe ... but I can't see anything wrong with spending the bulk of the national wealth on entitlement programs rather than another Nimitz class carrier .... soon they will have run out of Presidents to name them after ... I can just see it; we well soon have the USS Spiro Agnew
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Old 04-04-2008, 17:47   #14
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Re: Mugabi

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
I think the kind of socialist programs Barb is talking about are the ones where the govt. bails out the banks who lost big with the ninja loans, while the ordinary citizen loses his home. Socialism American style.
The government backed the sale of Bear Stearns to JP Morgan Chase. The shareholders of Bear Stearns lost their shirts......just as they should have under the circumstances. For those who were not shareholders but did have investment accounts being managed by Bear Stearns will have their portfolios transferred to other institutions and will not be affected.

Many years ago when I bought my first home, my banker told me, (with an attempt at humor), "No pay, no stay." Something I understood full well when I signed the paperwork. This is how the free market works, my friend. What you had during the real estate boom was our wonderful government pressuring banks to ease the normal vetting process so that more people could own their own home. So many of the old tried and tested rules went out the window. You had a lot of people who bought houses they could not afford. They got adjustable rate mortgages and then found themselves unable to pay when the rate went up. There was a very unnatural housing bubble in which in some areas of the country the price of homes was going up each year at a ridiculous and unsustainable rate. A lot of people apparently thought that the gravy train was going to last forever and began taking out large equity loans on their property. Throw into the mix a few unethical lenders and it was a recipe for disaster. The market is now correcting itself. Housing prices are falling to more normal rates and homebuyers are getting some great deals out there. Now the banks and mortgage companies will get back to doing things the old fashioned way and, hopefully, homeowners and future buyers will have learned a lesson or two. See, there is always a silver lining to every situation. Yes, it's sad to see the nightly news parade of people having to move out of their houses and back into apartments. But in some cases, it's rather hard to have a lot of sympathy. The fact is that most Americans do pay their mortgage on time and I see no reason why their taxes should be taken to bail out people who were not as careful in their planning.
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Old 04-04-2008, 17:51   #15
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Re: Mugabi

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
The government backed the sale of Bear Stearns to JP Morgan Chase. The shareholders of Bear Stearns lost their shirts......just as they should have under the circumstances. For those who were not shareholders but did have investment accounts being managed by Bear Stearns will have their portfolios transferred to other institutions and will not be affected.

Many years ago when I bought my first home, my banker told me, (with an attempt at humor), "No pay, no stay." Something I understood full well when I signed the paperwork. This is how the free market works, my friend. What you had during the real estate boom was our wonderful government pressuring banks to ease the normal vetting process so that more people could own their own home. So many of the old tried and tested rules went out the window. You had a lot of people who bought houses they could not afford. They got adjustable rate mortgages and then found themselves unable to pay when the rate went up. There was a very unnatural housing bubble in which in some areas of the country the price of homes was going up each year at a ridiculous and unsustainable rate. A lot of people apparently thought that the gravy train was going to last forever and began taking out large equity loans on their property. Throw into the mix a few unethical lenders and it was a recipe for disaster. The market is now correcting itself. Housing prices are falling to more normal rates and homebuyers are getting some great deals out there. Now the banks and mortgage companies will get back to doing things the old fashioned way and, hopefully, homeowners and future buyers will have learned a lesson or two. See, there is always a silver lining to every situation. Yes, it's sad to see the nightly news parade of people having to move out of their houses and back into apartments. But in some cases, it's rather hard to have a lot of sympathy. The fact is that most Americans do pay their mortgage on time and I see no reason why their taxes should be taken to bail out people who were not as careful in their planning.
What's all this to do with Magabi?
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