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Old 11-03-2009, 15:31   #1
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Thumbs up Multiculteral Britain - A No,No?

In the light of recent events where a fanatical bunch of no-marks have barracked our troops during a welcome home parade at Luton, is it not time that we re-evaluated our supposedly tolerant approach to the policies of multicultereralism that recent governments have hammered us with.
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Old 11-03-2009, 18:33   #2
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Re: Multiculteral Britain - A No,No?

oooh toughy. Its that line between freedom of expression social unrest.

I guess it depends a lot on the individual. I believe there are a small group of "pc" people who try to paint everything with a broad brush, and try to make every situation fit within it and then enforce this on everyone else. I dont think this is possible.

For example were the IRA freedom fighters or terrorists ? If they were terrorists then werent the French resistance in 1940s ?

What if the Nazis held a rally ? Should they be allowed to ? What about the BNP. If the BNP cant then why should any other political party ?

I generally have a rule of thumb which says believe in what you want to believe in as long as it doesnt affect me or you try to force it on me. Have respect for me and my opinions and I`ll respect yours. What I think is missing from certain people in this country is that respect for others, and at that point (if it was me) I`d politely kick them out of the country regardless of origin. Well not politely then, but they`d still be out.
If you can keep your head and remain calm, whilst around you everyone is losing theirs, its likely you dont understand what just went wrong
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Old 11-03-2009, 18:53   #3
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Re: Multiculteral Britain - A No,No?

Originally Posted by Stumped View Post
In the light of recent events where a fanatical bunch of no-marks have barracked our troops during a welcome home parade at Luton, is it not time that we re-evaluated our supposedly tolerant approach to the policies of multicultereralism that recent governments have hammered us with.
I gave this some thought when reading the thread about the protesters in Luton ... without going into too much detail, I don't think that multi-culturalism will work all that well in England ... (this is an outsider's point of view, I might add) ... it works in Canada, because all of us here, apart from the First Nations are from somewhere else; and it works in the US for the same reasons ... President Obama, QED. But in England, about 90% or so of the population are English, and have been for centuries ... In a sense, they are First Nations; and I think that for many, immigrants will always be seen as intruders ... unless, of course, they come to England to be English. In another thread, Cashman mentioned that you don't go to another country, Canada for example, in order to remain English. If you go to a country that is willing to adopt you, then, it only makes sense that you adopt that country as your own, warts and all.
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Old 11-03-2009, 19:57   #4
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Re: Multiculteral Britain - A No,No?

I agree eric, and thank you for saving me all that typing!
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 11-03-2009, 20:26   #5
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Re: Multiculteral Britain - A No,No?

I have never agreed with multiculturalism as a "policy". In most Societies those from different cultures have been accepted on condition that they assimilated, primarily, into the culture that prevailed and worked for its good while adding to it the best from their own backgrounds.

This even worked in Great Britain up to the middle of the 20th century. For several centuries we had immigrants - French, Irish, Jewish, Chinese and, after WW2, some Poles and a little later Hungarians. Those people integrated with the natives, learned the language, fitted in but enriched the native culture with some aspects of their own. Most importantly they wanted to be loyal to Britain and all it stood for.

The multiculturalism that is so often advocated now is very, very wrong. Different ethnics are positively encouraged to follow their own paths, just as if they were in their land of origin, living and acting seperately from the rest, and that is, for want of a better word, apartheid. It is building great resentment on all sides and it will lead to much worse than the appalling demonstrations we've seen in the last few days. We should be saying, "One Nation, one culture."
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 12-03-2009, 10:10   #6
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Re: Multicultural Britain - A No,No?

Originally Posted by Stumped View Post
In the light of recent events where a fanatical bunch of no-marks have barracked our troops during a welcome home parade at Luton, is it not time that we re-evaluated our supposedly tolerant approach to the policies of multiculteralism that recent governments have hammered us with.
The only problem with this multiculteralism is that its all one way, we have to fall in line with every body else's cultures at the cost to our own. It used to be a well used phrase "A Englishman's Home is his Castle" but not anymore. Now we have to kowtow to every Tom, Dick and Ahmed that come to our shores and if there's anything left we are told to kiss the back side of our unelected European Masters. I find myself watching the news every day and making a perfect impression of Winston Churchill, who incidentally may well be spinning in is grave at what has become today's Britain
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Old 12-03-2009, 12:58   #7
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Re: Multiculteral Britain - A No,No?

To the 4 people in this thread (so far)

How has multiculteralism adversly effected you personally?
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Old 12-03-2009, 13:05   #8
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Re: Multiculteral Britain - A No,No?

When in Rome .....
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Old 12-03-2009, 13:29   #9
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Re: Multiculteral Britain - A No,No?

Originally Posted by Stumped View Post
In the light of recent events where a fanatical bunch of no-marks have barracked our troops during a welcome home parade at Luton, is it not time that we re-evaluated our supposedly tolerant approach to the policies of multicultereralism that recent governments have hammered us with.
i agree it does need re-evaluing. nowt against anyone who comes here n adapts to british laws/customs etc, but that scum at luton certainly do not.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 12-03-2009, 13:32   #10
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Re: Multiculteral Britain - A No,No?

Originally Posted by K-P View Post
To the 4 people in this thread (so far)

How has multiculteralism adversly effected you personally?
well its obvious to anyone, if people be-having like those scum at Luton, don't "Personally" make yer blood boil, perhaps you should join em?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 12-03-2009, 14:25   #11
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Re: Multiculteral Britain - A No,No?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
well its obvious to anyone, if people be-having like those scum at Luton, don't "Personally" make yer blood boil, perhaps you should join em?
Me? hey I only asked how multiculteralism adversly effected you personally.. It was just a question.. It wasnt even about luton or anything... Sorry it upset you so
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Old 12-03-2009, 14:27   #12
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Re: Multiculteral Britain - A No,No?

Originally Posted by K-P View Post
Me? hey I only asked how it had effected you personally.. It was just a question.. Sorry it upset you so
aint upset me K-P, just asking a question like you.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 12-03-2009, 14:31   #13
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Re: Multiculteral Britain - A No,No?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
aint upset me K-P, just asking a question like you.

Backpeddling again cashy?
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Old 12-03-2009, 14:44   #14
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Re: Multiculteral Britain - A No,No?

Originally Posted by K-P View Post
To the 4 people in this thread (so far)

How has multiculteralism adversly effected you personally?
Hasn't affected me negatively at all ... but the question seems to be, "is multi-culturalism right for England"?
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Old 12-03-2009, 14:48   #15
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Re: Multiculteral Britain - A No,No?

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Hasn't affected me negatively at all ... but the question seems to be, "is multi-culturalism right for England"?
I was wondering why poeple are getting upset at the thought when it doesnt even effect them..

Personally I am 100% for multi-culturalism in any country. I don't believe any human being should be restricted based on skin colour or birth place.

I was told many years ago that if this country threw out all the none english and the rest of the world sent back the english.. we wouldnt be able to cope. we wouldn't have enough room.
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when in rome!

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