Well.. driving home from work at 4am this morning (Sunday).. just past Church traffic lights heading towards Oswaldtwistle Mills.. saw an old lady, walking stick.. the works.. walking near the railway station, in the rain. I drove past but couldnt help myself but to turn around and see if she was ok. 4am, little old lady, rain.. I had too.
So I pulled up beside her, wound down the window and asked if she was ok, to which she replied "not really no".. bless her. She was rather confused, lost etc. Didnt know where she was going, or where she had come from. Clinging onto her head scarf in the wind & rain I asked her if she'd like to sit in the car, to help get her home.
I was rather afraid on her behalf by this time, asking someone to come in my car.. someone being asked to get in my car? Ya kno.. Anyway she was more than happy to get in so I kindly got out and opened the door for her etc. After long conversation managed to get a street name out of her.. Walmsley Close in Church to be precise.
Didnt know where this was so thanks to Adams Taxi's for directing me over the telephone

So I and my friend drove her to Walmsley Close nearby.. then the hunt for the house began. I was half tempted at this point to take her to the police station, but she seemed so worried/lost at this point that I didnt want to cause more worry by driving her all the way to Accrington
We found the flat.. I didnt think it would be advisable for me to enter her home whilst she was in this vunerable state.. I know I trust myself.. but what would anyone else think had they found me? Anyway decided to ring the police at this point, so they could look after her.. the poor lady was getting ready to go back out of the house. So my friend made her a brew, whilst I waited outside for the police (for a cold ten minutes).. Meanwhile we managed to get hold of her grandson on the phone, as the number was on the wall.. he seemed quite worried to say the least. Kind of anger towards me & my friend.. but who can blame him.. we were in his grandmas flat. Anyway the police arrived, spoke to her grandson, thanked us, and we were on our way, leaving the old lady in the care of the police ..
Glad she got home safely anyway, who knows what could have happened.. maybe someone else might not have been so kind

What would anyone else have done? Did I do the right thing? Eee' well, all in a nights work
