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30-01-2007, 13:19
Resident Waffler
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Re: Nasty And Anonymous
If someone finds another member boring why do they bother to read the posts? If something doesn't interest me, I don't read it.
I love a good discussion - sometimes my original viewpoint ends up changing because someone else puts forward some valid points. If someone says something which I completely and utterly disagree with then I would say so and on the odd (very odd in some cases! ) occasion I have deducted karma (like when someone was slagging off the Stag) but although I may say something negative about the post or comment I see no need to resort to personal insults about the individual poster which have no bearing on the subject.
Some people I may totally disagree with on one point and wholeheartedly agree with on another point. It doesn't make either of us freaks. It just means we are both human beings with different points of view.
30-01-2007, 13:24
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Re: Nasty And Anonymous
It's very easy to take things personally when people are actually just expressing a different point of view. Half the time they're not getting at you personally just saying what they think - everyone's entitled to an opinion.
I argue with a few people on here but frequently agree with the same people and if I don't have an opinion (Wynonie  ) I just don't say it!
I also know when I'm posting something that is potentially going to be controversial and I quite enjoy lighting the blue touch paper and retiring. I think you know, Jambutty, when you're posting a new thread that there's going to be a strong reaction for and against it, otherwise why post it in the first place? Admittedly sometimes I get a bit frustrated when I post something that I think is a positive and others disagree but hey, we can't all think the same can we?
PS - I rarely use karma, I keep forgetting about it, but I do enjoy getting the odd bit every now and then.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
Last edited by Gayle; 30-01-2007 at 13:26.
30-01-2007, 13:48
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Re: Nasty And Anonymous
As I have the most power on the forum, and it couldn't have been from anyone else,
So you pride yourself on having the most ‘POWER’ on the forum do you garinda? Megalomania seems to be an appropriate word here.
Did you try reading what I actually wrote garninda and not put your own spin on it?
I also resent your implication and if you had said it my face you would be flat on your back gasping for air by now with more than a bruised ego.
Unless your grasp of English is wanting, which in this case it seems to be, then that is not a threat but an indication of what would happen if the comments were made to my face.
Anyway, you've had a moan, and stamped your feet, but was it really necessary to start another thread getting all emotional about karma? There are already plenty of threads started by the karma cry babies.
Yes I have had a moan as I am entitled to and I don’t recall stamping my feet (it’s a bit difficult when sat down but I suppose that it could be done) but then the all seeing and all knowing garinda has spoken so it must be true – NOT!
I wasn’t aware that I should check with you before I started a thread. Sorry! I forgot! You have the POWER. And yes it was necessary to start an UNEMOTIONAL thread about Karma abuse to highlight the back door nastiness that goes on in this forum. If the need ever arises for me to do the same I will do so without consulting you.
Roy's answer to all this is that karma stay, as he enjoys the mischief it makes.
So you have become Roy’s spokesman too have you? Is there no end to your arrogant self importance? However if indeed Roy does enjoy the ‘mischief’ Karma comments make, then maybe it is time that he stepped down because his alleged enjoyment condones the abuse that happens.
If karma is offensive, you can report it, but this was more tongue in cheek, as I know you don't really live in an iron lung.
That is what insecure self opinionated people do. Insult someone or call them names then try to laugh it off by claiming that the comments were tongue in cheek or they didn’t mean it.
Anyway, have a nice day, and keep your chin up...
I always have a nice day and I don’t need you to wish it because you are more than likely to come back and say it was “tongue in cheek”. Which chin would you like me to keep up? I have two you know.
at least I didn't threaten to beat you up.
As if you could?
Sadly Ianto.W. some people do not know the meaning of the word discretion and use the Karma to get nasty knowing that they do not have to put a name to their nastiness.
garinda would not have put his hand up if I hadn’t brought the issue into the open and that makes him an out and out coward.
As you state Gayle, everyone is not only entitled to have their own opinion on an issue they are also entitled to voice that opinion controversial or otherwise. What they should not be subjected to are nasty and spiteful comments and being called derogatory names under a cloak of anonymity and not forgetting insinuating signatures.
If members were not able to award Karma points and make comments without putting their name to them this and other similar threads would not have been started.
30-01-2007, 13:54
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Re: Nasty And Anonymous
For someone who removes Karma from other people seems a bit hypocritical to start a thread about someone removing your Karma. 

30-01-2007, 13:56
Resident Waffler
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Re: Nasty And Anonymous
Originally Posted by jambutty
However if indeed Roy does enjoy the ‘mischief’ Karma comments make, then maybe it is time that he stepped down because his alleged enjoyment condones the abuse that happens.
Roy has said on more than one occasion that karma will not go because he enjoys the petty squabbles. As for the idea that he should 'step down' - he created and maintains AccyWeb. Without Roy there would be no AccyWeb. How could he 'step down'?
30-01-2007, 14:14
white rabbits
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Re: Nasty And Anonymous
I will give good karma,,BUT NEVER ,NEVER NEVER will i give bad.....I think everyone has their own opinion of everything..
Not a full brick
30-01-2007, 14:20
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Re: Nasty And Anonymous
It’s not the negative Karma awards Bazf it’s the nasty, derogatory, anonymous comments that accompany some of them. I don’t care if my Karma is 10,000 or –50, they are, as far as I am concerned, totally irrelevant. I don’t need an ego trip.
Nastiness and name calling anonymously are not petty squabbles to some and they have no place on a family forum. However for someone to ‘enjoy’ these petty squabbles, just what does that say about them? Not a lot in my book.
30-01-2007, 14:44
Resident Waffler
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Re: Nasty And Anonymous
My apologies to Roy in case I have misquoted him, but at the end of the day this is his forum. He made it and he set the rules. He could just as easily close the whole thing down like he did with JamButtyForum. Some of the things we no longer have I would like back (such as the petz) but if Roy decides we aren't having them then it's up to him. I still miss my puddy tat. The ackers is another one. I liked having ackers and being able to award ackers rather than karma for quiz prizes etc - but we no longer have them. Karma awarding doesn't work because you can't give to the same person twice in close succession when they may win a couple of quizzes close together. We could do it with the ackers.
30-01-2007, 14:49
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Re: Nasty And Anonymous
Power, meaning reputation power, issomething I have no control over, so no I'm not a meglomaniac.
I get borderline abusive karma comments, they just make me laugh.
As I've said many times before, until you can spend karma/power in the shops it doesn't bother me either way.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
30-01-2007, 14:52
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Nasty And Anonymous
However if indeed Roy does enjoy the ‘mischief’ Karma comments make, then maybe it is time that he stepped down because his alleged enjoyment condones the abuse that happens.
Originally Posted by jambutty
However for someone to ‘enjoy’ these petty squabbles, just what does that say about them? Not a lot in my book.
If you don't condone the way the owner has his site set out, you have the perfect right to go post elsewhere, you do not have to put up with this shocking abuse, you have freedom of choice, use it.
Why not set up Darwenweb? I'm sure the other karma babes would join you and then you can all be friends together.
 (Remember this?) Well I really do mean the whole of this topic sucks which probably means you'll be back telling me off instead of doing your blood pressure a favour and just ignoring what can't harm you.
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30-01-2007, 14:58
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Re: Nasty And Anonymous
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
My apologies to Roy in case I have misquoted him, but at the end of the day this is his forum. He made it and he set the rules. He could just as easily close the whole thing down like he did with JamButtyForum...
And if jambutty's post #18 from this string is any indication of the sort of stuff that was on JamButtyForum, small wonder that Roy closed it down.
I don't give negative karma - never have and don't plan to start now, but jambutty's recent threats and more recent whining are sorely tempting me to change my position. He is entitled to his opinion, but his discussion skills leave a lot to be desired.
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30-01-2007, 15:00
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Re: Nasty And Anonymous
Originally Posted by Less
If you don't condone the way the owner has his site set out, you have the perfect right to go post elsewhere, you do not have to put up with this shocking abuse, you have freedom of choice, use it.
Why not set up Darwenweb? I'm sure the other karma babes would join you and then you can all be friends together.
 (Remember this?) Well I really do mean the whole of this topic sucks which probably means you'll be back telling me off instead of doing your blood pressure a favour and just ignoring what can't harm you.
Well said, Less! Don't know if I can give you karma, but I'm going to try.
When in darkness or in doubt, visit Oswaldtwistle!
30-01-2007, 15:04
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Nasty And Anonymous
Originally Posted by Billcat
And if jambutty's post #18 from this string is any indication of the sort of stuff that was on JamButtyForum, small wonder that Roy closed it down.
I don't give negative karma - never have and don't plan to start now, but jambutty's recent threats and more recent whining are sorely tempting me to change my position. He is entitled to his opinion, but his discussion skills leave a lot to be desired.
The Jambutty site had nothing to do with this person, it was set up by Roy a few years ago because some members of accyweb where obsessed with all things jam related, (buttys, biscuits, tarts, etc). So to stop them wandering and leaving a sticky trail all over accyweb he set that up so they could vent their passion for preserves. 
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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30-01-2007, 15:04
Resident Waffler
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Re: Nasty And Anonymous
Originally Posted by Billcat
And if jambutty's post #18 from this string is any indication of the sort of stuff that was on JamButtyForum, small wonder that Roy closed it down.
No it wasn't - As far as I know JamButty the forum had no connection to JamButty the AccyWebber. It was a forum for jam lovers but ope to many other topics. It wasn't very busy in the end though.
(edit) Aaargh! Less you beat me to it!
Where did he make threats? I missed that, or maybe misread it.
30-01-2007, 15:16
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Re: Nasty And Anonymous
i taxed my car today
although it took longer than expected it was quite fun ..
sory what were you guys twittering on about ? 
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