23-12-2004, 01:38
Always EVIL within us
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Re: Needless Cruelty
Foxes will never be eradicated, they are like pigeons, they adapt to whatever situation they are in whether it be the countryside or in the centre of a city like London.
They are clever and resourceful, 90% of the time, they escape the jaws of the hunting hounds.........but the remaining 10% die quickly and humanely and that 10% is enough to ensure that the fox population does not over-populate the country....
When this subject first came into the news several years ago, my first instinctive response was to agree with the banning of fox hunting, but when I analysed my reasons, I realised that I was biased against the rich snobs (mainly) that participated in the sport. I cannot afford the upkeep of a "hunter horse" and do not have the connections to become involved in any way. I wonder how many others that are "anti fox hunting" do so because the sport requires money to participate?
They are virmin and wreak havoc on small holders that keep chickens/rabbits or similar to suppliment their income, poison or shooting is inhumane but if they are fortunate enough to have a local hunt, they are assured that they will have "occasional" problems rather than "repetative" problems that may put them out of business.
Another thought to chew on:
This government are looking to relax the rabies laws (if they haven't already done so) but the disease is becoming endemic throughout Europe and heading north! Everybody knows that bats are carriers of rabies but they rarely actually bite humans.....but when they drop out of the sky dead through old age or disease, the most likely scavenger to find them are foxes!!!!
Those that are old enough can surely remember the "foot and mouth" disease that was rampant throughout the U.K. and pets were threatened with compulsary lethal injections in order to stop the threat of spreading the disease, The same situation will occur if rabies hit this country.
Hunting foxes will not eradicate the fox population but will at least keep the foxes at an acceptable level. When rabies finally arives in the U.K, (and it will) the culling of foxes humanely will help to control the spread of rabies.
For those that scorn my opinion, just go to your local G.P, and ask him for protection against rabies.........multible injections into the stomach, very painfull, .....just because you are against the most humane way of controlling the population of foxes!
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)