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Old 28-06-2009, 08:30   #1
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Never go on holiday with kids

Funny, light hearted article in yesterday's Guardian about taking kids on holiday - especially young toddlers. All the stories hit home - rubbing sun tan lotion on sand covered kids, unable to get them to settle in strange beds, stuck in traffic jams with kids who need the toilet etc.

So I thought I'd share my worst holiday ever.

Maddie was seven months old and we decided to go on holiday with two other couples, one couple had five year old twins so it was a family orientated holiday. We went to a Greek island. Maddie refused to eat or sleep for two weeks - it was hot and uncomfortable even though it was only May. Chris lost weight because he walked about six miles every night pushing her around the island.

Bizarrely we booked to do the same thing the following year!

So, I agree with the article - stay at home with kids.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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