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Old 18-05-2011, 20:00   #31
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: New Blood test supposed to determine your lifespan

My husband was on statins for a number of years, he started having memory problems and also muscle pains in his arms and chest......I told him that this was due to him being on Simvastatin(the cheapest of the statins, and also the one that needs a bigger dose to be effective).......the muscle weakness is permanent, nothing can be done to reverse the effects.......the memory loss, that too, seems to be permanent

Our brains need cholesterol to function normally, our muscles too, and our liver makes what our individual body needs........the 'one size fits all' medicine is fatally flawed.

For myself, I would never take statins....that is my choice.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Accrington Web
Old 18-05-2011, 20:26   #32
Senior Member+

Re: New Blood test supposed to determine your lifespan

My wife and I were put on statins, even though our cholesterol levels were normal to low.After a few months she started to have pain in her right arm which built up over a period until she was in severe pain most of the time. Couldn't use her arm! Different doctors gave her different pills, sent her for physio- no relief.
For some reason I read up the Simvastatin leaflet-it mentions muscle pain among many other possible side effects! She went back to the doctors and asked about this-'Oh, yes, it could be that, stop taking them.' Within two days the pain was easing, after one week it had gone! It has never troubled her since.As MargaretR says, don't always leave it to the doctors, check it out yourself!
I stopped taking them as well.
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Old 19-05-2011, 09:07   #33
Resting in Peace
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Re: New Blood test supposed to determine your lifespan

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
My wife and I were put on statins, even though our cholesterol levels were normal to low.After a few months she started to have pain in her right arm which built up over a period until she was in severe pain most of the time. Couldn't use her arm! Different doctors gave her different pills, sent her for physio- no relief.
For some reason I read up the Simvastatin leaflet-it mentions muscle pain among many other possible side effects! She went back to the doctors and asked about this-'Oh, yes, it could be that, stop taking them.' Within two days the pain was easing, after one week it had gone! It has never troubled her since.As MargaretR says, don't always leave it to the doctors, check it out yourself!
I stopped taking them as well.
I think everybody should check out their own meds, I am probably on more prescribed drugs than most people, but I know exactly what there purpose is and any side effects that can occur, another thing I'm keen on is interaction with other drugs, When I take some anti bios I have to reduce the strength of a couple of other drugs because there strength is increased by interaction, but I honestly believe I wouldn't be here today without the medication I'm on, as I've said before complimentary medicines are fine, but I have yet to come across anything which works to subside a full blown asthma attack from the complementary range
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Old 19-05-2011, 09:24   #34
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Re: New Blood test supposed to determine your lifespan

An effect of statins which does not show in side effects, is depletion of your body's production of a vital substance - Co-enzyme Q10(Ubiquinol).
To learn what vital importance this substance performs -
Statins Inhibit Coenzyme Q10 Synthesis.
It naturally protects you against heart disease.

So the statins which supposedly protect you against heart disease can be increasing your risk of it

Last edited by MargaretR; 19-05-2011 at 09:27.
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