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Old 30-07-2016, 21:33   #136
Always EVIL within us

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Re: New Bus Station

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Maybe we should pity the poor bus drivers?
They have to put up with the new station and no doubt, 8 hours of folk complaining about what has happened!
Are they being offered incentives to praise the latest horror put their way?
I doubt it, after all if I planned it and I'm getting enough to drive my car I don't need to use this obvious barnacle on the comfort zone of mankind.
Thank you Less, you are right, we get the brunt of peoples moans but I don't take it personally. As for incentives? Yes please, I recently had a rise to bring me up to the new legal minimum wage!!!

Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
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Old 30-07-2016, 21:48   #137
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Re: New Bus Station

A strange thing happened in the bus station last week, I was in the bus at the time so am unsure what exactly happened but - - -

An alarm went off (Fire?) and simultaneously the power was cut. (Was it the alarm that cut the power or the power cut that started the alarm?) This only lasted perhaps 30 seconds but my customers were unable to get into the bus station and more worryingly, customers that were waiting to get on the bus couldn't get through the doors to exit the building!! For a few moments there was panic on both sides of the closed doors. Is this a design fault do you reckon?

In a normal situation, the doors remain closed and locked until a bus pulls up. A gadget on the wall recognises that there is a big red lump in front of it and the doors then open & close for passengers. Woe betide any passenger that loiters outside (talking?) until I pull away, the doors close and will not re-open.
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
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Old 30-07-2016, 21:58   #138
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: New Bus Station

By the sound of it could they have spent a little of their budget on air conditioning? An essential extra in our climate and it will only work efficiently if you ensure all the doors and windows are permenently closed.
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Old 31-07-2016, 09:08   #139
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Re: New Bus Station

Called in the bus station on way home yesterday to check bus times to Burnley for a hospital appointment later this week, the nice man in the information office gave me a timetable - so far, so good - only when I got home did I see it was telling me to catch my bus at 9.30 from stand M on Infant Street?????
Obviously I know there's not even a bus stop there anymore but on googling the timetable not even the time is right on the printed version & if I'd taken it at face value would've missed the bus & probably my appointment
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Old 31-07-2016, 09:18   #140
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Re: New Bus Station

If you relied on what was put on the interent (in the way of bus timetables) you would still be waiting for a number 14 bus to get to Blackburn Hospital.....why oh Why don't they keep this stuff up to date?
It is because they (the bus comapanies) are not interested in providing a SERVICE to the travelling public. They are only in it for the money.
By the way this is no reflection on the drivers, many of whom are doing their level best...OK there are one or two miserable sods, but they still do a thankless job.
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Old 31-07-2016, 09:19   #141
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Re: New Bus Station

I used a bus to get home from Accrington bus station last year and nearly choked on fumes blowing in to the shelter from a little red bus.
When the driver let us on it was as bad with fumes blowing back into the bus and the door left open until we moved off. At least the new bus station won't have that problem.
I won't know until I use it which may be a long time yet.

As an ex holder of a transport managers CPC I know it's illegal to let a vehicle stand with the engine running for any length of time.
Gremlin R.T.
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Old 31-07-2016, 09:42   #142
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Re: New Bus Station

Very true Margaret, I'm just gonna get to the bus station very early to give me the best chance of getting there on time.
And at least I can get to Burnley General on public transport much easier than getting to Blackburn hospital - well, it looks that way on paper??
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Old 31-07-2016, 10:31   #143
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Re: New Bus Station

well good luck with that one and even better luck with finding your way about BGH. It is a nightmare unless you are going to the Womens centre...that is easy to find.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 02-08-2016, 17:13   #144
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Re: New Bus Station

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
If you relied on what was put on the internet (in the way of bus timetables) you would still be waiting for a number 14 bus to get to Blackburn Hospital.....why oh Why don't they keep this stuff up to date?
It is because they (the bus comapanies) are not interested in providing a SERVICE to the travelling public. They are only in it for the money.
Are you blaming ALL the bus companies Margaret? What company in the UK would operate long-term without making a profit and survive? Don't forget, all subsidies have now been removed curtesy of the government and LCC!
My routes are quite busy but the profit after operating costs per week are taken out wouldn't pay for a weeks beer money/dole payment for one family. It is that small! I run my routes on a Saturday and I am sure that the company actually makes a loss that day So much for mercenary companies!

As for the timetables, they are printed by LCC and each amendment is charged to the company involved - that includes changing the timetable from "Peel St" to "Accrington Bus Station"


An alarm went off (Fire?) and simultaneously the power was cut. (Was it the alarm that cut the power or the power cut that started the alarm?) This only lasted perhaps 30 seconds but my customers were unable to get into the bus station and more worryingly, customers that were waiting to get on the bus couldn't get through the doors to exit the building!! For a few moments there was panic on both sides of the closed doors. Is this a design fault do you reckon?

As I entered the toilets the other day, I noticed that the lights came on automatically but for a split second, it was pitch black. I shudder to think what would happen if there was a power cut while someone was in a cubicle especially IF the power cut was caused by the fire alarm, there does not seem to be any secondary emergency lighting system!

As for companies NOT providing a service to customers, Pilkies today have refused to go into the new bus station with their LOCAL buses and are terminating in town. I have my theories as to the particular reason for this which may or may not have to do with customer service - but M&M may follow suit. It's a shame that Pilkies could not have given their passengers more warning as many were waiting (not so) patiently in the bus station for a non-existent bus
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
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Old 02-08-2016, 17:44   #145
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Re: New Bus Station

I guess I must be. i have travelled all over the country and indeed all over the seems that some countires can run a public service which reflects the needs of the public(I cannot tell you if any of these were subsidised as I didn't feel the need to ask).

I know that bus comapnies run to make a profit....and I do not begrudge them that, but they should also be offering some kind of service too. People WILL pay to get the service they need to get about.

Many years ago(back in the early seventies) the bus services were undoubtedly better, but still there were deficiencies. If I was on an early shift on a Sunday morning I walked from Clayton le moor to Blythes chemical works at Church to get a bus that would take me into was a bus the the chemical company paid for, but they let nurses travel into Blackburn on it as a courtesy.
Many other times I had to beg a lift or opt for a late shift.

More people now work those unsocial hours, but the bus services do not really reflect this.
So what do these people do...they must get taxis, for that is the only way to get about if you do not drive or if you cannot afford your own transport.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 02-08-2016, 19:42   #146
Always EVIL within us

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Re: New Bus Station

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I guess I must be. i have travelled all over the country and indeed all over the seems that some countires can run a public service which reflects the needs of the public(I cannot tell you if any of these were subsidised as I didn't feel the need to ask).

I know that bus comapnies run to make a profit....and I do not begrudge them that, but they should also be offering some kind of service too. People WILL pay to get the service they need to get about.

Many years ago(back in the early seventies) the bus services were undoubtedly better, but still there were deficiencies. If I was on an early shift on a Sunday morning I walked from Clayton le moor to Blythes chemical works at Church to get a bus that would take me into was a bus the the chemical company paid for, but they let nurses travel into Blackburn on it as a courtesy.
Many other times I had to beg a lift or opt for a late shift.

More people now work those unsocial hours, but the bus services do not really reflect this.
So what do these people do...they must get taxis, for that is the only way to get about if you do not drive or if you cannot afford your own transport.
My first run is at 7:50 going around Barnfield and Laneside. If any elderly customer has an important doctors appointment, this bus is a godsend. I average ONE passenger per day on this particular run, sometimes none at all. rarely, I may have two. I am being paid for this, diesel is used, the mechanical back up is available, wear and tear on the vehicle etc etc. There is NO PROFIT in this but management continue to run it.

As for your comment that people will pay for the service, the answer is NO!!
9 years ago (imagine the cost of fuel in 2007) the cost of a ticket was £1-25 and due to the removal of subsidies, last year (after a couple of increases in the intervening years) the price of a ticket into town was put up to £1-90. You have no idea of the complaints that I received because of this ------ Outrageous, Criminal, It's cheaper by taxi and I'm not going to use your bus ever again!!!

People want the service but are not willing to pay for it.

Like you, I too can remember the 70's, I lived in a village in Bedfordshire and we were served by a bus that went through the village twice an hour. By 1990, we had three buses per day to and from town and the last one was around 7pm.

I understand that you expect a service Margaret but service comes at a price that you would not be willing to pay. I sympathise with your sentiments but practicality transcends.
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
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Old 02-08-2016, 20:24   #147
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Re: New Bus Station

I WOULD be willing to pay for a service.( even though I have a bus pass I frequently pay my fare....If I want to go out early then I do......and pay my fare)
I want to pay my way.
I would prefer to pay a bus fare than pay for a taxi.
I prefer to travel with others, than travel in a taxi with a driver I do not know.
I feel safer on a bus....But what choice do you have when there are not buses at certain times?
I appreciate what you say about the lack of passengers.....and yes there are practicalities.
Passengers cannot use a service that doesn't exist.
I have to say that since the new bus station opened I have not used the buses at all...When previously I would have used the buses three or four times per week.....sometimes more depending on my Mum's needs.
I know that my not using the buses is counter productive to having good bus services.
The lack of subsidies has been a killer for many services....And these services are what prevent many of the elderly from becoming isolated.
Isolation is an enemy to the elderly and the lonely, but then you will already know that as you have a good rapport with your elderly passengers
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 02-08-2016 at 20:27.
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Old 04-08-2016, 07:18   #148
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Re: New Bus Station

Angry Market Hall traders petition for bus stop after ?loss of trade? - Accrington Observer
Well, now...Isn't that a surprise?
What do our town planners have for brains? Rocks?

How many of us poor uneducated idiot(that is what they think we are) saw this coming?
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 04-08-2016, 08:15   #149
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Re: New Bus Station

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Angry Market Hall traders petition for bus stop after ?loss of trade? - Accrington Observer
Well, now...Isn't that a surprise?
What do our town planners have for brains? Rocks?

How many of us poor uneducated idiot(that is what they think we are) saw this coming?
Only 95% of us are deemed to be idiots and don't know "The Meaning of Life" - it certainly seems that we live in a pythonesque borough.
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Old 04-08-2016, 08:32   #150
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Re: New Bus Station

I hope the petition is successful, from a personal point of view the re-siting of the bus station has had a big impact on some members of my family, but somehow I'm not too hopeful that anyone will listen - hope I'm wrong
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