Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
Would they be that cowardly? (Smiley for Cashy  )
It isn't cowardly, AccyWeb is an open forum, anyone in the world can look at what we say, they don't have to be a member.
What is cowardly is what happened a few years ago, members of the site calling the opposition to gain brownie points and get themselves elected.
They promised sweeping changes should they gain responsibility, what did we the members get?
We were told to shut up because we don't have the nouse to understand the political ins and outs of local or Parliamentary Government.
When folk proved they have the nouse by asking awkward and searching questions, those helped into power resorted to flannel then insults and then thought it easier to no longer openly come on site.
But, I bet ya they still look in (or have their minions look in to this site) because they want to see the what honest folk think of them before they have to make up their next lot of excuses for not being any better than their predecessors.