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Old 05-08-2016, 11:55   #166

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Re: New Bus Station

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I suppose we should say 'define recent'.
pretty soon our market is going to be like the one at Haslingden....two stalls and only open on a Friday.....then they will have to change all those planters to say 'floral village'.
What planters? How many have you seen this year compared to last? They were part of budget cuts as were flower beds in parks
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Old 05-08-2016, 12:57   #167
Beacon of light

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Re: New Bus Station

To be honest Neil...i haven't looked for them...I thought they were naff anyway(it doesn't matter how many flowers you use to decorate a dung is still a pile of you know what, or as my Ma is poor soil that need a lot of top dressing...all fur coat and no knickers)and frequently the yobs used the plants as missiles.
So if they are gone...good shuttance.
I am fed up with these tiny titivations that do nothing positive for the town.
The town needs a radical overhaul. It needs someone with something other than spit for brains to get it off the floor. Someone with a vision and dynamism.

Can you see anyone with the skills and the enthusiasm to do this?

I know it may sound like moaning and negativity, but give me something to rejoice about, to be positive about and I will shout it from the tower of St James's church.

The bus station cost something in the region of 4.6million quid. I do not see that as being good value for money.
People will not come to look at the shiny new bus station while the market and the market hall is left to die and fester...however(far more worrying) the bus station will take Hyndburn residents out of the town to somewhwere that is better marketed, gives them a good experience and is pleasant to visit.
Thus taking their cash out of our local economy.

It could all have been so different.
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 05-08-2016 at 13:00.
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Old 05-08-2016, 13:40   #168
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Re: New Bus Station

Originally Posted by accyman View Post

all it took for the labour lot that posted regularly to run away and hide was to ask them a few questions about removal of benches from town center and why we were denied a referendum
We must be fair on this point - Bernard Dawson comes on here just about every day - doesn't comment on anything (wonder if he comments at LCC/HBC meetings?), but he does come on here. Probably just to report to the others who daren't come on.
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Old 05-08-2016, 14:01   #169
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Re: New Bus Station

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
We must be fair on this point - Bernard Dawson comes on here just about every day - doesn't comment on anything (wonder if he comments at LCC/HBC meetings?), but he does come on here. Probably just to report to the others who daren't come on.
They might all look at the site on a regular basis for all we know, if you view the site as a guest no-one knows who you are.
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Old 05-08-2016, 17:42   #170
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Re: New Bus Station

Originally Posted by Less View Post
They might all look at the site on a regular basis for all we know, if you view the site as a guest no-one knows who you are.
Would they be that cowardly? (Smiley for Cashy )
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Old 05-08-2016, 18:05   #171
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: New Bus Station

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
Would they be that cowardly? (Smiley for Cashy )
It isn't cowardly, AccyWeb is an open forum, anyone in the world can look at what we say, they don't have to be a member.
What is cowardly is what happened a few years ago, members of the site calling the opposition to gain brownie points and get themselves elected.
They promised sweeping changes should they gain responsibility, what did we the members get?
We were told to shut up because we don't have the nouse to understand the political ins and outs of local or Parliamentary Government.
When folk proved they have the nouse by asking awkward and searching questions, those helped into power resorted to flannel then insults and then thought it easier to no longer openly come on site.

But, I bet ya they still look in (or have their minions look in to this site) because they want to see the what honest folk think of them before they have to make up their next lot of excuses for not being any better than their predecessors.
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Old 05-08-2016, 18:13   #172
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: New Bus Station

A quick addendum to the above,
Instead of not being any better than their predecessors, in some ways they are worse. They offered a change an improvement instead we have slaves to labour policy not free thinking individuals.
They would prefer us to be the same.
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Old 05-08-2016, 20:37   #173
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Re: New Bus Station

If I had a magic wand...I would
1) take us back to the time before the bus station was even thought of.
2) I would knock down the Peel Street side of the market..including the very smelly fish stall( there is only one now)
3) the stalls that had been accommodated on the Peel St side of the market would be located inside the market hall.
4) the Bus station would be built on the land that used to have the Peel St bit of market on it.
5) Broadway would still be free for the occasional continental markets.
6) the front of the market hall would be a town sqaure that all the powers that be seem to think this town needs(more than it needs viable businesses and traders).

I would have markets every day if the stalls could be filled(it seems that the flea markets are better attended and there are more stalls than on regular market days) after all stalls that are tenanted are bringing in revenue for the council and bringing trade which benefits the local economy.
Those folk coming to the flea markets may buy a coffee and a sandwich or they may buy nothing at all, but if they see a market that has lots of people looking at the stalls it would do much to banish the tumbleweed feel of the town.
I am sure that many of these things are not just down to money, because if they could spend 4.6million quid on something that no-one wanted, wasn't needed and is in the wrong place(just my opinion you understand) then there surely would have been money to do these lesser tweaks.....which would have been more sensible and would have actually benefitted the town. But it seems we have a planners who couldn't give a flying fig about what happens to the place as long as there are spaces for folk to park their cars on Peel St...though once they are here in their cars, there will be nothing worthwhile for them to buy or see.

Alas, I have no magic wand, I have no influence over the way the town is being ground underfoot(despite using my vote).
I only have the vision of how it might have been.
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Old 05-08-2016, 21:07   #174
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Re: New Bus Station

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
We must be fair on this point - Bernard Dawson comes on here just about every day - doesn't comment on anything (wonder if he comments at LCC/HBC meetings?), but he does come on here. Probably just to report to the others who daren't come on.
Seen a couple of LCC meetings..he's monosyllabic (aye or nay) in line with the party..voted to close the libraries and cut the bus services like the other labour members of LCC...Pritchard, Parkinson etc..etc..etc..(on a good screw from the public purse, keep your head down, keep schtum and blame the tories)
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