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Old 21-09-2006, 08:04   #31
Resident Waffler

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Re: New Drivers.

It's like hill starts though isn't it? I mean how the heck can you do a proper hill start when you've learnt on flat land like the fens?

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Old 21-09-2006, 08:04   #32
Resident Waffler

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Re: New Drivers.

double post!

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Old 21-09-2006, 08:22   #33

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Re: New Drivers.

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
double post!
You broke AccyWeb again
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Old 21-09-2006, 09:20   #34
Resident Waffler

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Re: New Drivers.

It doesn't love me anymore !!

Last edited by WillowTheWhisp; 21-09-2006 at 16:50.
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Old 21-09-2006, 09:54   #35
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Re: New Drivers.

[quote=carrerahill]I think its a difficult one, the problem is you will get some new drivers who are genuinly good, and others who are just utter idiots. Its getting a balance between controlling the idiots while not completly ruining the driving experience for those who will take to the roads seriously.

well said,
when you pass your test you are still learning to drive,passing your test doesnt make you an expert driver,my friend lost her licence this year through her own fault(teaching someone how to drive when she has only just passed)well anyway she has to take a extended theory test and resit her driving test for 1 and half hours,when she gets her provisional licence in a year,but thats her own fault she just passed her test she was not allowed to learn someone else she was still learning herself
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Old 21-09-2006, 12:45   #36
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Re: New Drivers.

Originally Posted by carrerahill
I think its a difficult one, the problem is you will get some new drivers who are genuinly good, and others who are just utter idiots. Its getting a balance between controlling the idiots while not completly ruining the driving experience for those who will take to the roads seriously.

well said,
when you pass your test you are still learning to drive,passing your test doesnt make you an expert driver,my friend lost her licence this year through her own fault(teaching someone how to drive when she has only just passed)well anyway she has to take a extended theory test and resit her driving test for 1 and half hours,when she gets her provisional licence in a year,but thats her own fault she just passed her test she was not allowed to learn someone else she was still learning herself
That was just arrogance that got her in that mess.n All your life you are learning when driving and no one is the perfect driver.

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Old 21-09-2006, 12:57   #37
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Re: New Drivers.

Maybe the answer lays with better education about the consequences of road traffic accident. This may be seen as going a bit too far, but if it saves just one life it's got to be worth it.
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Old 21-09-2006, 16:00   #38
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Re: New Drivers.

Originally Posted by AccyJay
I think that motorway driving has got to be made part of the normal lessons & test. My sister has been driving for about 8 years now, but, she's still hopeless on the motorway. She tries to avoid them as much as possible. It might also educate people to stop them constantly driving in the middle lane, even though the inside lane is empty.

When I was learning to drive, I was taken on a superhighway (US equivalent of a motorway) quite early on. Frankly, I've always regarded these roads as some of easier and safer places to drive. Purpose-built and generally well-engineered for the traffic they carry. Also, for long stretches, about the only choice is what speed and which lane to occupy.

Always found in-city traffic and some overcrowded main arteries (equivalent of the UK "A" designated roads) to be far more difficult. Just a lot more complexity.

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Old 25-09-2006, 16:08   #39
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Re: New Drivers.

Maybe some more video's like this one are needed.


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Last edited by AccyJay; 25-09-2006 at 17:12.
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Old 25-09-2006, 20:04   #40
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Re: New Drivers.

Originally Posted by chav1
total bollox , how is a young lad who get of his arse after training to be a plumber or whatever supposed to get his tools around a 1000cc car
suzuki vans bedford midi all less than 1000cc and more than capable of holding a blow torch i think it is a good idea for new drivers to start small you cant pass your test and jump into an hgv or double decker bus so why should you be able to jump into a sports car?
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Old 25-09-2006, 20:55   #41
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Re: New Drivers.

I disagree with limiting young drivers to cars with smaller engine sizes....there aren't many young drivers out there with large powerful cars as they can't afford the insurance on them! Most young drivers inc 'boy/girl racers' are limited to 1.4 or smaller due to costs anyway. Those with large powerful cars tend to be the ones driving with no I found to my peril when I was hit by one!
As for the 6 points and retake your test I totally agree with that..I also believe everyone should have refresher training every 10/15 years regardless of age as the bad habits picked up in some people are dangerous and rules/regs change so much it's hard to keep up.
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Old 25-09-2006, 21:13   #42
Senior Member+

Re: New Drivers.

its not just the young uns in high powered cars that are too blame,

on many occasion over the last few weeks, sometimes every day, iv'e come accross "old people" in big chuff off range rovers, mercedes benz, bmw and such like doin 50 mph in the fast lane on a motorway.

now you tell me is that safe driving ???

in my opinion this is far more dangerous than driving too fast
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Old 25-09-2006, 21:41   #43
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Re: New Drivers.

Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER
its not just the young uns in high powered cars that are too blame,

on many occasion over the last few weeks, sometimes every day, iv'e come accross "old people" in big chuff off range rovers, mercedes benz, bmw and such like doin 50 mph in the fast lane on a motorway.

now you tell me is that safe driving ???

in my opinion this is far more dangerous than driving too fast

that makes me laugh your right they do,it also makes me laugh when you see pensioner buying a car thats high powered,why when they are only going to do 50mph on the motorway,they shouldnt waste there money,my grandad did and when it came for his mot,he was told to go up and down the motorway doing 70 because he had never gone fast enough for his cat/converter to work properly for it to pass the mot
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Old 25-09-2006, 21:46   #44
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Re: New Drivers.

Tell you what jacky, your car got a hammering in county Durham that day I came to yours...............

OMG that was funny!!!!! LOST?? NO not us
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 25-09-2006, 21:50   #45
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Re: New Drivers.

lol i cant find my way out of my front door,its clean now slinky,and ive found a quicker route only took me five attempts
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