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Old 22-02-2008, 22:26   #31
God Member
shillelagh's Avatar

Re: New Lady Mayoress

I know a few people who took on the role of mayor and mayoress and its a hard job no wonder she's giving up running the pub for a year.
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Accrington Web
Old 23-02-2008, 17:17   #32
God Member

Re: New Lady Mayoress

how is a mayor an asset to a town

sory i just dont see how ?
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Old 23-02-2008, 21:20   #33
God Member
shillelagh's Avatar

Re: New Lady Mayoress

The Office of Mayor was brought to this country by the Normans who also brought the Doomsday Book and the Feudal System.

The word "Mayor" is derived from the Latin "magnus" meaning great or powerful.

The first Mayoral town was Thetford in 1199.

The early Mayor was re-elected for several years and was the town's magistrate; he often had only the previous Mayor to assist him. His powers included the power to arrest those disturbing the peace, he presided over the civil and criminal courts and he had power to regulate the size of loaves of bread.

By 17th century additional powers followed such as Chairman of the Council, Chief Magistrate, Borough Coroner and keeper of the Borough jail.

By the 19th century it was suggested that the Mayor had three roles

Constitutional Monarch for the City
Speaker for the Council
Prime Minister
His term of office at this time was between 2-4 years and the Mayor would attend all Committees and as a result held the whole Council together to co-ordinate and integrate its activities.

I got the above from rossendale borough council - seems hyndburn doesnt have a bit that tells the history of the mayoralty. Anyway the mayor represents the council of hyndburn/rossendale/blackburn etc around the country not just in hyndburn/rossendale/blackburn etc. Also if a vote is tied in full council the mayor has the deciding vote.

The Mayor in Rossendale normally has at least 2 years of being a councillor to run - as they are normally deputy mayor first for a year and then mayor the following year. It also is supposed to be labour one year conservative the next (this will change liberal democrats have 2 new councillors) - in otherwords apolitical. Last year our Deputy Mayor was Peter Gill who died in September 3 months into being the deputy mayor, his wife (who is a councillor as well) took the deputy mayorship over and their daughters have took over the deputy mayoress role.

Hope this helps
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The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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