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Old 20-02-2007, 22:45   #16
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Re: New passport centres

Originally Posted by accymel View Post
Exactly my concern also, so is it the UK is following the American way?
Not that I am aware of, but when I last renewed my passport (in 1998), it was mostly a matter of getting an up-to-date picture, filling out a form, and sending it in along with my old passport and the correct payment.

Okay, I got curious and looked it up. Here is what is required for a first-time passport:

"New Application for a U.S. Passport
To obtain a passport for the first time, you need to go in person to one of over 8,000 passport acceptance facilities located throughout the United States with two photographs of yourself, proof of U.S. citizenship, and a valid form of photo identification such as a driver’s license.

Acceptance facilities include many Federal, state and probate courts, post offices, some public libraries and a number of county and municipal offices."

BTW, renewing a passport is much simpler!

I have to submit far more documentation to prove who I am just to renew my driver's license!

Looks like the UK is not following the USA in this instance!

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Old 20-02-2007, 22:47   #17
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Re: New passport centres

Blimey cheers Billcat, seems like our Gov is going to be over heavy handed but at the wrong people here
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Old 20-02-2007, 22:58   #18
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Re: New passport centres

Originally Posted by Billcat View Post
I've seen the government here misuse information, sometimes blatantly.
You seem quite good at it yourself matey!!!

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Old 20-02-2007, 23:00   #19
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Re: New passport centres

this country is getting really off kilter about security. a guilty conscience??? Greg, care to comment?

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Old 20-02-2007, 23:33   #20
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Re: New passport centres

How is it going to affect illegal immigration? Passports is about people getting out not about people getting in.

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Old 21-02-2007, 03:33   #21
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Re: New passport centres

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
It’s late in coming, but better late than never. If we have nothing to hide we need not worry about big brother scenarios. I only hope that when illegal immigrants and fraudsters are found their deported immediately with none of this human rights bollocks.
unfortunaty i see the c.s.a senario happening as i like to call it..

easier to monitor innocent folk than chase after criminals and illigals where as in teh c.s.a the govenment punished the good people and did absolutely sod all about teh ones who wont pay for their kids
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Old 21-02-2007, 09:27   #22
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Re: New passport centres

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
I feel that if you have nothing to hide then you shouldn't be afraid of these more stringent checks;if it means we actually know who is coming and going in and out of our country so much the better. Fingerprints would be better still. I have nothing to hide and would happily do that if it went some way to ensuring my families safety.
Well, i have nothing to hide, but i feel this government wants to interfere in every aspect of our lives....and not for our benefit either.
They already know where i am.....they never seem to have difficulty finding me to pay taxes. And these means will not make us any safer....there will still be the criminal/terrorist element who will be able to get passports for whatever end they choose. It will always be Joe Public who are know, those law abiding folks who do it the right way....and the treasury coffers will groan with the money they extract from us.
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Old 21-02-2007, 10:55   #23
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Re: New passport centres

I dont have a problem with it, if it stops the people who have several names from obtaining multiple passports then I dont think its a bad thing.
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Old 21-02-2007, 11:18   #24
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Re: New passport centres

I don't have a problem with it.

If it stops even some of the current abuse I'll be happy.
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Old 21-02-2007, 18:49   #25
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Re: New passport centres

I really don't see the problem;fake passports are obviously easy to come by ;that's why we need tougher criteria to get one.Surely it's worth the extra hassle and info if it stops even 1 idiot detonating himself on a crowded tube train? These measures are obviously to combat both illegal immigrants and would be terrorists,both of which we could well do without. The education record/religion questions may look like an invasion of privacy but let's be honest here,why do you think they are asking for them? It's not to check your GCSE results is it???
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Old 21-02-2007, 18:53   #26
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Re: New passport centres

Blackburn has been chosen as it was judged to be a convenient base for people from across East Lancashire.
Or perhaps the structure for nipping round to somebody's house to print copies is already in place
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Old 21-02-2007, 21:43   #27
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Re: New passport centres

Dunno how well they will work. As long as its better than the current passport office. I have 2 passports exactly the same!! I went and picked one up and the other was sent through the post. Wonder how much I could get for one of them????

Only kidding i'd never do that, but it does go to show that there are mistakes made. So how safe is out personal information going to be??
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Old 21-02-2007, 21:58   #28
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Re: New passport centres

Lindsay, what I was getting at was the fake passports will still be available to the criminal/terrorist fraternity...and they don't get them from the passport how will it stop the crims and the terrorists? We sit back and watch while this government takes over and meddles in aspects of our lives that can be turned against us. And the government is more than happy to make us pay our hard earned cash to be conned......thinking that they are combatting terrorism. Well I, for one do not trust them as far as i could blow them.
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Old 21-02-2007, 22:34   #29
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Re: New passport centres

There used to be a "scam" that the Irish kids used to use when they got picked up for overstaying their visitors visas to the US and Australia , evidently Irish nationals are entitled to a British passport as well as an Irish passport (something to do with 1926 and the creation of the Irish Free State ) , so first time they got chucked out on either the Brit or Irish passport they would come back on the other one ....... not the end of the scam though ......they would then get passports issued in the Gaelic versions of their name , and it was all completly legal .
I suppose the events of Sept 11 put a damper on this rouse in the U S but wouldn't be surprised if its still going on in other places .

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