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Old 24-10-2008, 18:48   #1
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New President......the Winner Is...

Who do Accy Webbers think will win the forthcoming American presidential elections?Do you give a toss?Would an Obama victory be a breath of fresh air in world/American politics?I'd certainly prefer him to a coffin dodging ex POW. with a far right,gun loving mad mother ready to step in his shoes.Loves to pull the trigger...might love to push the button.(no innuendo intended
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Old 24-10-2008, 21:43   #2
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Re: New President......the Winner Is...

I think Obama will win, not that I give toss, although I probably should.
Semper in stercore versor, solum altitudo mutat
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Old 24-10-2008, 22:37   #3
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Re: New President......the Winner Is...

I think McCain may win. Having an American presidential social on 4th nov till 6am so I'll be there for the result whatever happens.
formerly cyfr
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Old 25-10-2008, 00:23   #4
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Re: New President......the Winner Is...

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
I think McCain may win. Having an American presidential social on 4th nov till 6am so I'll be there for the result whatever happens.
If the Republicans pull the same cheating stunt as in the last election then they will win. That's the only possible way. If Obama is not elected, I sincerely hope that the American public are not stupid enough to believe and accept the result. It will be an utter tragedy if John McCain is elected.
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Old 25-10-2008, 05:22   #5
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Re: New President......the Winner Is...

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
I think McCain may win. Having an American presidential social on 4th nov till 6am so I'll be there for the result whatever happens.
We're having a late night party too for the elections. Getting all the Labour Club together for the result. Should be brilliant Come on Obama!
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Old 25-10-2008, 06:19   #6
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Re: New President......the Winner Is...

Without being seen as non PC , can anyone tell me the name of just one Black person who has reached the Presidency/Prime Ministership of his/her country and made a success of it , I think sub-saharan Africa has about 30 or so countries and every one is a shambles and a killing field , Oh and lets not forget the country with the longest history of 'Black' independance, Haiti ......anyone want to go visit ? ....thought not . How about all the countries in the Carribean ? all havens for corruption and drug dealing .

Can anyone name one city in the US which is thriving thru having 'Black' leadership ?
Mayor Nagin and his city council made a really good job of leadership in New Orleans during Katrina , Marion Berry the Mayor of Washington DC is someone who I'm sure you would want your daughters to know , that is unless you have objections to drug use, firearms and under-age sex .

replies on a postcard .........
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Old 25-10-2008, 07:20   #7
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Re: New President......the Winner Is...

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Without being seen as non PC , can anyone tell me the name of just one Black person who has reached the Presidency/Prime Ministership of his/her country and made a success of it , I think sub-saharan Africa has about 30 or so countries and every one is a shambles and a killing field , Oh and lets not forget the country with the longest history of 'Black' independance, Haiti ......anyone want to go visit ? ....thought not . How about all the countries in the Carribean ? all havens for corruption and drug dealing .

Can anyone name one city in the US which is thriving thru having 'Black' leadership ?
Mayor Nagin and his city council made a really good job of leadership in New Orleans during Katrina , Marion Berry the Mayor of Washington DC is someone who I'm sure you would want your daughters to know , that is unless you have objections to drug use, firearms and under-age sex .

replies on a postcard .........
God help us if you think America is free of firearms, drug use and under age sex under Bush. Lots of leaders make mistakes and have bad beliefs, regardless of their colour. I think it would be quite naive to say that every black person in the world must be incapable of leadership.
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Old 25-10-2008, 09:01   #8
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Re: New President......the Winner Is...

To be quite honest I'll be happy when the all shooting match is over, have never been able to get my head around American politics, in fact it bores me to death, roll on November 6th, I know its on the 4th, but it will be wall to wall her all the next day
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Old 25-10-2008, 13:18   #9
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Re: New President......the Winner Is...

It's got ****** all to do with skin colour at this stage. Obama is the only person who can pull together a team of people to lead America properly. Obama has no interest in the tabloid politics that have come to surface with the Bush administrations and people recognise that clarity and honesty.
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Old 25-10-2008, 16:46   #10
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Re: New President......the Winner Is...

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
God help us if you think America is free of firearms, drug use and under age sex under Bush. Lots of leaders make mistakes and have bad beliefs, regardless of their colour. I think it would be quite naive to say that every black person in the world must be incapable of leadership.
I just wonder what colour the perpritaters of the vast majority of these crimes are.
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Old 25-10-2008, 16:54   #11
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Re: New President......the Winner Is...

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Without being seen as non PC , can anyone tell me the name of just one Black person who has reached the Presidency/Prime Ministership of his/her country and made a success of it , I think sub-saharan Africa has about 30 or so countries and every one is a shambles and a killing field , Oh and lets not forget the country with the longest history of 'Black' independance, Haiti ......anyone want to go visit ? ....thought not . How about all the countries in the Carribean ? all havens for corruption and drug dealing .

Can anyone name one city in the US which is thriving thru having 'Black' leadership ?
Mayor Nagin and his city council made a really good job of leadership in New Orleans during Katrina , Marion Berry the Mayor of Washington DC is someone who I'm sure you would want your daughters to know , that is unless you have objections to drug use, firearms and under-age sex .

replies on a postcard .........
Don't fret even if Obama does become president, and all the blacks in America start ranting on about the brothers rule etc, there are enough die hard rednecks over there, to see him go the same way as Kennedy.
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Old 25-10-2008, 23:04   #12
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Re: New President......the Winner Is...

What has colour got to do with anything =\
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Old 26-10-2008, 02:26   #13
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Re: New President......the Winner Is...

It's only people that haven't got a clue about the election over there yet want to stick their oar in that make the skin colour/assassins comments.
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Old 26-10-2008, 02:58   #14
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Re: New President......the Winner Is...

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
It's only people that haven't got a clue about the election over there yet want to stick their oar in that make the skin colour/assassins comments.
So I take it that you have a clue about what is wrong with the world.
Please enlighten us mere mortals because we can only draw on 60 yrs. experience.

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
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Old 26-10-2008, 03:03   #15
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Re: New President......the Winner Is...

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
I just wonder what colour the perpritaters of the vast majority of these crimes are.
Crimes are committed by every race of person as well. And I am aware of more crimes committed by white people than black people in America. Perhaps I am a little misled by the media but the only black person that comes to mind when I think of American crimes is the obvious... OJ.

Dare I point out that many American criminologists are quick on the mark to point out there are over 3 times the number of white American serial killers in comparison to black american figures?

All you need to do is google American crime figures and many websites point to the statistics.

Ed Gein, Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, Berkowitz, Albert Fish....

Oh yes, and let's not forget George W. Bush himself...

Ah I pushed it a little too far. Though then I get onto high school shootings and we have a field day; Asa Coon, Brenda Ann Spencer, Luke Woodham, Andrew Golden and Mitchell Johnson, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.... have I said enough yet?

Racist stereotypes exist and I might not be able to change every single persons mind on them, but let's not ignore how many brutal and socially destructive crimes are carried out by your white citizens.
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