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Old 02-02-2006, 10:48   #1
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New smokers age limit.

With the news that the Government are to increase the legal cigarette purchasing age to 18 years,we can look forward to a near Utopian life style.
Little Britany,Chantelle and Kylie will abandon puffing the weed and forego the pleasures of the accompanying spittle flecked cough.They will end their chav lifestyle and be seen to be helping the frail and needy by hosting the Church jumble sale.
Young Clint,Pierce and Liam will abandon their ongoing projectile phlegm competions and help the Vicar decorate the Church Hall.Littering will be a thing of the past,the youngsters who once smoked will now have time to see and correct the error of their ways and conduct mass street cleaning operations.('No Sir,let me carry your Pizza carton to the bin'.)
The money saved by the National Health will be reinvested into the Governments' next mission.The banning of under age snogging.
All is now possible!
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Old 02-02-2006, 11:19   #2
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Re: New smokers age limit.

So all people 17 or under who smoke are the chav parents of 18 kids named after ex-mickey mouse club members?
Be careful who you're tarring with that brush pal.
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Old 02-02-2006, 11:21   #3
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Re: New smokers age limit.

Yup you summed it up nicely!
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Old 02-02-2006, 11:23   #4
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Re: New smokers age limit.

Why stop at 18? Lets make it 21. And while we're at it, lets stick the drinking age up to 21 - no, 25, just to be sure. That way we can keep the kids out of the pubs and we can all have a peaceful drink & conversation.
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Old 02-02-2006, 11:27   #5
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Re: New smokers age limit.

Let's face it; the age limits will never ever rise on alcohol or tobacco; the government would lose too much revenue in taxes.
The only way the age limits are going is down. But does it really matter? It ain't exactly hard to get served these days....

(getting served for fags at 13; beer in pubs at around 15/16)
It is sad that not enough obstacles are put in the way for underage people to buy alcohol/tobacco.
Not for me, like
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Old 02-02-2006, 12:17   #6
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Re: New smokers age limit.

Historically the only result of banning/restricting something is to make it more attractive(and expensive)I just can't see anyone being able to enforce this latest spin idea.
Though joking apart everyday I see youngsters smoking in ever increasing numbers.
I compare this to servicemen in WW2 who were given cigarettes as a cheap means of comfort.These young men and women then became the lung cancer victims of the 70's and 80's(my father amongst them).Though the tar and nicotine levels have changed the kids are without a doubt still endangering their future health and wellbeing,but they wouldn't listen to advice;I didn't when a youngster so why can I expect present day kids to behave differently.Incidently I have heared that Smoking Cessation classes are planned for early teens;a sign of the times?
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Old 02-02-2006, 14:00   #7
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Re: New smokers age limit.

Dosnt matter what limits the govenment sets its down to "where there is a will there is a way."

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Old 02-02-2006, 14:04   #8
Senior Member+

Re: New smokers age limit.

[quote=Lampman]Historically the only result of banning/restricting something is to make it more attractive(and expensive)I just can't see anyone being able to enforce this latest spin idea.[quote]

exactyl.....the more you restrict things the more they will do it...i say LOWER it that will stop em because then they wont see it as being rebellious because at the end of the day thats all it comes down to
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Old 02-02-2006, 14:48   #9
Senior Member+

Talking Re: New smokers age limit.

Originally Posted by shakermaker
Let's face it; the age limits will never ever rise on alcohol or tobacco; the government would lose too much revenue in taxes.
The only way the age limits are going is down. But does it really matter? It ain't exactly hard to get served these days....

(getting served for fags at 13; beer in pubs at around 15/16)
It is sad that not enough obstacles are put in the way for underage people to buy alcohol/tobacco.
Not for me, like
You must look pretty old for your age then coz im 28 and i still get asked for ID and last year i got asked for ID for ciggs!!!!! i get told i only look 17 maybe 18!!!
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Old 02-02-2006, 15:21   #10
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Re: New smokers age limit.

good for you a way!! lol.
yeah i must admit I look older than my age but I have never been asked for ID or anything anywhere, if you're bothered enough I have some pics in the gallery - I don't look that old!!
The bottom line is - to a shopkeeper - a sale is a sale; so it is rare for them to ask for ID for cigs/booze.
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Old 02-02-2006, 16:24   #11
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Re: New smokers age limit.

Originally Posted by shakermaker
good for you a way!! lol.
yeah i must admit I look older than my age but I have never been asked for ID or anything anywhere, if you're bothered enough I have some pics in the gallery - I don't look that old!!
The bottom line is - to a shopkeeper - a sale is a sale; so it is rare for them to ask for ID for cigs/booze.
Well if you ask me i dont think you look much older than you are, i certainly would not have sold you beer and ciggs at the age you got them!! you wouldnt have looked old enough i think you are bearly looking 18 now never mind then!!!

I dont know about accy but here in preston things are certainly getting clamped down on you have to be 18 for ciggs and 21 for booze to buy from a shop, if the shops dont take note of this they can get very heffty fines now so its now up to them if they want to take the risk of a few quid to a risk of a few grand? I know what i would be doing.
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Old 02-02-2006, 18:55   #12
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Unhappy Re: New smokers age limit.

I heard on the news today that some part of Scotland is considering banning people from lighting up whilst standing at a bus stop. Anyone caught doing so will be fined on the spot. I’m not sure whether it was £50 or £80.

So it’s OK for a bus to draw up, spew disgusting, filthy and deadly exhaust fumes into the faces of the waiting passengers and passers by but some unfortunate soul will get fined for lighting up. Words like asylum, running and lunatics come to mind.

I wonder if the general public realises that all these no smoking dictats are nothing more than (pardon the pun) a smoke screen to divert the public attention away from what this government is getting up to. An alternative to burying the bad news.

Remember the rule – divide and conquer. The government gets us all arguing amongst ourselves on issue that are not in the general scheme of things all that relevant whilst they quietly put in place new laws that ties us down just that bit more.
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Old 02-02-2006, 19:19   #13
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Re: New smokers age limit.

the legal age for smoking should be set at 70 , that way by the time you have smoked enough to develop cancer you will most likely of died from natural causes
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Old 02-02-2006, 19:55   #14

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Re: New smokers age limit.

Originally Posted by jambutty
So it’s OK for a bus to draw up, spew disgusting, filthy and deadly exhaust fumes into the faces of the waiting passengers and passers by but some unfortunate soul will get fined for lighting up.
Yes .
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Old 02-02-2006, 19:57   #15
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Re: New smokers age limit.

People should be forced to give up smoking when they reach one hundred.
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