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30-11-2013, 05:58
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Re: New theory on the origins of man
Hmm! If it's true I'm just wondering who it was who showed them (the ape and the pig) 'how to'....
....and keep on enjoying your bacon butties, Margaret - I know I will!!!!
30-11-2013, 14:57
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Re: New theory on the origins of man
Originally Posted by DtheP47
I always hum the tune of "On Ilkley Moor baht'at" when I think about where I am going
As long as it's not them geese and peacocks at the bottom of Less's street, eh? 
Is there a secret competition going on, see how many threads we can mention geese and peacocks?
30-11-2013, 15:32
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Re: New theory on the origins of man
Originally Posted by dotti34
Hmm! If it's true I'm just wondering who it was who showed them (the ape and the pig) 'how to'....
Seems a bit far fetched to me, how could a pig get his leg oer an ape, might be a bit feasable tother way round, but its still stretches the imagination a bit, aren't pigs domesticated Boars, aren't Boars a bit aggresive, I think that mon is looking for notariety, just waffle that can't be proved one way or the other.
30-11-2013, 15:38
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Re: New theory on the origins of man
Originally Posted by accyman
oh how i hope this is proven to be true because of the halal issue alone lol
Why, are certain religions not allowed to eat apes?
30-11-2013, 16:56
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Re: New theory on the origins of man
Bonobos monkeys use sexual acts frequently and casually as a form of greeting to other group members of either sex.
Bonobo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We may well regard this practice as deviant, but bestiality occurs in our society and is not confined to men with sheep or horses.
I consider it quite probable that a female monkey used the genitalia of a wild boar for gratification.
Last edited by MargaretR; 30-11-2013 at 16:59.
30-11-2013, 17:25
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Re: New theory on the origins of man
Originally Posted by MargaretR
I consider it quite probable that a female monkey used the genitalia of a wild boar for gratification.
I hope she let him have them back afterwards!
Our DNA has a 50% match with a banana- the mind boggles!
30-11-2013, 17:42
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Re: New theory on the origins of man
Well that explains all the snorting,snotty pigs who are usually stood behind me at the Asda checkout coughing their germs in to the back of my neck.
30-11-2013, 22:56
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Re: New theory on the origins of man
Originally Posted by MargaretR
I consider it quite probable that a female monkey used the genitalia of a wild boar for gratification.
An interesting slant on the old standard of "Pulling a pig".
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
30-11-2013, 23:50
Senior Member
Re: New theory on the origins of man
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Bonobos monkeys use sexual acts frequently and casually as a form of greeting to other group members of either sex.
Bonobo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We may well regard this practice as deviant, but bestiality occurs in our society and is not confined to men with sheep or horses.
I consider it quite probable that a female monkey used the genitalia of a wild boar for gratification.
Sorry if I'm missing your point but can't seem to find anything stating that these particular monkeys have varied sexual encounters with anything other than their own species..they don't seem to exhibit any behaviours that you wouldn't see at an average alcohol fueled xmas office party
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
01-12-2013, 01:30
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Re: New theory on the origins of man
Originally Posted by Guinness
Sorry if I'm missing your point but can't seem to find anything stating that these particular monkeys have varied sexual encounters with anything other than their own species..they don't seem to exhibit any behaviours that you wouldn't see at an average alcohol fueled xmas office party
Ape groups have social outcasts and, having such a high sex drive, they are likely to be deviant.
14-12-2013, 13:21
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Re: New theory on the origins of man
If we have learned how to splice genes together and create life in a test tube! Then... Then just perhaps there is a race of Aliens who gentially engineered us from Monkies and Pigs! I think that is what Margaret is getting at? 
14-12-2013, 13:53
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Re: New theory on the origins of man
Originally Posted by kestrelx
perhaps there is a race of Aliens who gentially engineered us from Monkies and Pigs!
Anything's possible. Even you.
By the way, is 'gentially' a Freudian slip? I'm worried about you!
Should be a smilie there but I did it wrong again!
14-12-2013, 13:56
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Re: New theory on the origins of man
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
Anything's possible. Even you.
By the way, is 'gentially' a Freudian slip? I'm worried about you!
Should be a smilie there but I did it wrong again!
ha ha ha - no it's a plain old spelling mistake? Meant to be "genetically"
14-12-2013, 23:46
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Re: New theory on the origins of man
New theories of all stripes appear. What matters if these theories are to gain acceptance is whether or not they survive the processes of peer review - broadly, do others agree that theory is consistent with observation and other established principles? It's [TRANSGRESSION - abbreviation] too early to conclude that this theory is part of what is as true as humans can divine , though it's [TRANSGRESSION - abbreviation] too late to dampen the enthusiasm of the mockers. It's [TRANSGRESSION - abbreviation] always too late for that.
15-12-2013, 00:44
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Re: New theory on the origins of man
Graham, if you don't mind me saying so you seem to do an awful lot of transgressing - so I assume you are either very 'naughty' or you lead a most interesting life.....
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