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20-07-2011, 11:23
Re: News of the World Mobile Phone Hacking
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
I don't accept that James Murdoch was inarticulate. Certainly, the pair of them were well rehearsed and prepared. The broad question surrounding Murdoch Snr is to what extent is he really going ga-ga or is he doing an Ernie Saunders?
Anyway, I thought the other committee hearing was just as interesting. Did anyone notice that young blondie Tory MP? I thought she was quite a stunna but probably wasting her time in the house...she looked more like Page 3 material to me.
MP Louise Mensch is the one who upset Piers Morgan and is in the video I linked to a few posts up. I think she is great for upsetting him
I think Rupert Murdoch is about as gaga as you are T.
I recorded the whole lot but fell asleep watching Rebekah Brooks so will have to watch it later
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20-07-2011, 11:41
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Re: News of the World Mobile Phone Hacking
Although this is a thread wander, is no one concerned that this whole charade is just a distraction from far more significant worldwide events? The Greeks may be about to default, the Italians and Spanish might be dragged into it and the whole Eurozone might be about to explode, which would inevitably have some effects on us.
There's also the little matter of the world's largest economy days away from the possibility of defaulting. This time next week Murdoch and NI could be forgotten as we cope with the fallout from a worldwide economic meltdown. 
20-07-2011, 12:56
Beacon of light
Re: News of the World Mobile Phone Hacking
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Although this is a thread wander, is no one concerned that this whole charade is just a distraction from far more significant worldwide events? The Greeks may be about to default, the Italians and Spanish might be dragged into it and the whole Eurozone might be about to explode, which would inevitably have some effects on us.
There's also the little matter of the world's largest economy days away from the possibility of defaulting. This time next week Murdoch and NI could be forgotten as we cope with the fallout from a worldwide economic meltdown. 
In a word....Yes.
It puts me in mind of Nero....fiddling while Rome burned.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
20-07-2011, 13:13
Resting in Peace
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Re: News of the World Mobile Phone Hacking
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
In a word....Yes.
It puts me in mind of Nero....fiddling while Rome burned.
Only he didn't.   

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
20-07-2011, 13:33
Beacon of light
Re: News of the World Mobile Phone Hacking
Just a turn of phrase(not meant in any historical sense) used to cite inappropriate action/lack of action while something very serious is happening, and concentrating on something of lesser consequence.......literary licence, I think it is called.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
20-07-2011, 13:47
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Re: News of the World Mobile Phone Hacking
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
..literary licence, I think it is called.
I prefer the term 'diversionary propaganda'
20-07-2011, 13:56
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Re: News of the World Mobile Phone Hacking
Therefore could both Margarets please explain to us:
a) How the UK government can sort out the US budget impasse?
b) How the UK government can sort out the PIIGS economic crisis?
If, as they claim, the British body politic is engaged is silly diversionary matters like the hacking scandal, then it is implicit that they can deal with the gathering economic storm. So please - tell us - what can be done?
20-07-2011, 14:02
Beacon of light
Re: News of the World Mobile Phone Hacking
Margaret, do you mean the furore about the phone hacking, or my little aphorism?
I think the newspapers being full of this news is diversionary propaganda.
Yes, it is a scandal, but all the investigations in the world aren't going to get to the bottom of the muck pit....because too many PPPs are involved(police, press and politicians).
David Cameron is now saying that if Coulson can be proved to have known about the hacking, then he(David Cameron) will issue a profound apology.
What is the difference between an apology and a profound apology?
Neither of them changes anything one iota.
David Cameron employed Coulson because he knew all the tricks that the media get up to...and it should have been plain enough that if he knew about all these dirty tricks, then he had to have been involved in some of them. In itslef that should have set alarm bells ringing for DC...the fact that it didn't, proves his judgement to be critically flawed.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
20-07-2011, 14:08
Beacon of light
Re: News of the World Mobile Phone Hacking
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Therefore could both Margarets please explain to us:
a) How the UK government can sort out the US budget impasse?
b) How the UK government can sort out the PIIGS economic crisis?
If, as they claim, the British body politic is engaged is silly diversionary matters like the hacking scandal, then it is implicit that they can deal with the gathering economic storm. So please - tell us - what can be done?
Do you mean to tell me you don't know Tealeaf?
Well, there, you do surprise me.
And why is it implicit that they can deal with the gathering economic storm?
It could just be that they are playing for time....and diverting attention away from something which is far more serious than the current situation.
And just to put the record straight, initially I didn't say it was a diversionary tactic........I asked MargaretR if she meant my little quote about Nero fiddling while Rome burned,(though I know he didn't) was what she was referring to.....but after thinking about it, I decided it could be.....I would put nothing past these corrupt people who are supposed to be leading us.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 20-07-2011 at 14:10.
Reason: MYOB
20-07-2011, 14:10
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Re: News of the World Mobile Phone Hacking
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Therefore could both Margarets please explain to us:
a) How the UK government can sort out the US budget impasse?
b) How the UK government can sort out the PIIGS economic crisis?
If, as they claim, the British body politic is engaged is silly diversionary matters like the hacking scandal, then it is implicit that they can deal with the gathering economic storm. So please - tell us - what can be done?
I am not suggesting solutions, and I doubt whether the government could offer any either.
That does not preclude the public from being advised of the likely outcome of the crash of the dollar and/or the euro.
Individuals with investments in either currency would be glad of any such advice.
20-07-2011, 14:17
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Re: News of the World Mobile Phone Hacking
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Do you mean to tell me you don't know Tealeaf?
Well, there, you do surprise me.
And why is it implicit that they can deal with the gathering economic storm?
It could just be that they are playing for time....and diverting attention away from something which is far more serious than the current situation.
And just to put the record straight, initially I didn't say it was a diversionary tactic........I asked MargaretR if she meant my little quote about Nero fiddling while Rome burned,(though I know he didn't) was what she was referring to.....but after thinking about it, I decided it could be.....I would put nothing past these corrupt people who are supposed to be leading us.
I do know - but I'm asking you. You are the ones you have raised this matter, not me. So - come on - stop wasting time - give us your answers, now.
20-07-2011, 14:28
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Re: News of the World Mobile Phone Hacking
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
I do know - but I'm asking you. You are the ones you have raised this matter, not me. So - come on - stop wasting time - give us your answers, now.
I am not an economist. If I had answers I wouldn't be surviving on a pension and living in a 'council cave'.
I do watch the economic predictions of Gerald Celente who forecasts 'The Greatest Depression due 2011'.
So for the layman, advice is on the lines of -
...if you have money to invest buy gold and silver
...have a stockpile of non perishable food.
20-07-2011, 14:43
Coffin Dodger.
Re: News of the World Mobile Phone Hacking
To be perfectly honest i reckon most people are aware the Euro/Euro Zone is on the verge of disaster, unless people are blind/dumb/or dont wish to know? also if it does theres sod all we can do about it,fact! so yeh can call this diversionary, which it may be, but i prefer watching these gits squirming.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
20-07-2011, 14:49
Beacon of light
Re: News of the World Mobile Phone Hacking
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
I do know - but I'm asking you. You are the ones you have raised this matter, not me. So - come on - stop wasting time - give us your answers, now.
I am not wasting time....you choose to come on here. If you feel it is a waste of time, then you have a choice.
As for you knowing the solution......if that is true(which I doubt most sincerely) then you won't need me to tell you.
Another thing, if you do know the solution to the major debt crisis...why aren't you working for a financial institution like the IMF.
It is obvious your talents are wasted on here.
The current financial crisis is puzzling far greater brains than mine(or I suspect) yours.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
20-07-2011, 16:00
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Re: News of the World Mobile Phone Hacking
There is much more to this whole deal than phone hacking and insincere apologies. We are talking about the possible bribing of politicians .... I suppose you call it campaign contributions like we do  .... in order to influence policy. And, of course, bribing law enforcement officers. No doubt, Murdoch and his crew would love to see this whole deal drift away as the tide of public opinion ebbs into apathy. If he can keep it up until the football season starts, he is home free   In the US, Murdoch has influenced (paid  ) politicians to pass legislation which would favor the extension of his influence over the media. Fortunately ... and sometimes you have to admire the American legal system ... Federal courts have overturned the deals. I wouldn't worry about the PIGS; the krauts can bail everyone out ... that would constitute a partial payment for the mess the sonsabitches caused last century.
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