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Old 28-10-2010, 19:01   #1
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Nightclubs should pay for Paramedics attending drunk

Nightclubs should be forced to fund own paramedics for drunks, says A&E doctors' chief | Mail Online

Some A & E doctors have said that nightclubs should fund their own Paramedics to tend to drunks, taking pressure of the NHS, is it a good idea or not
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Old 28-10-2010, 19:45   #2
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Re: Nightclubs should pay for Paramedics attending drunk

i say the breweries that sell any alchohol over 4% should they are a liability to society,or a levy tax of alchohol sold from supermarkets.
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Old 28-10-2010, 19:49   #3
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Re: Nightclubs should pay for Paramedics attending drunk

How about motor manufacturers paying for paramedics to attend car crashes?
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Old 28-10-2010, 19:50   #4
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Re: Nightclubs should pay for Paramedics attending drunk

Originally Posted by yerself View Post
How about motor manufacturers paying for paramedics to attend car crashes?
thats actually a good idea
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Old 28-10-2010, 20:07   #5
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Re: Nightclubs should pay for Paramedics attending drunk

Why stop there? How about sailors in sinking ships giving their credit card details before the lifeboat gets launched,the same for climbers lost in a blizzard.Who pays for the helicopter?Search and rescue teams have to rely on charity.Lets get rid of the NHS-after all if YOU're ill why should I pay for it?
If you're drunk and disorderly the fine should be big enough to cover the costs of the police and hospitals!
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Old 28-10-2010, 20:15   #6
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Nightclubs should pay for Paramedics attending drunk

Why should it be the Clubs/Pubs/Breweries, they're providing a service, it is those who are abusing that service through their own stupidity, irresponsibility & lack of self control that should foot any bills incurred. Added to that should they cause harm or hurt to an outside party due to their lack of restraint they should also be liable for that person(s) costs.

I must admit to mild surprise by your response C'mon, if these Breweries & Supermarket chains are expected to pay costs surely that will have a knock on effect to the humble worker ! I mean your Tory loving Capitalist Businessman will be taking hits to his Holiday petty cash by having to pay these fines so guess who gets turfed out to make up the shortfall, yes that's right, one of your poor union card carrying socialist brethren !

Might need a rethink on your opinion my friend.
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Old 28-10-2010, 20:19   #7
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Re: Nightclubs should pay for Paramedics attending drunk

people who need treatment because of their excessive drinking should foot the bill for their own actions and i dont see why a landlord should be resposible for how much people drink

its always someone elses fault these days.Just because a drink is buy one get one free it dosnt mean you have to drink both you can easily split the cost with a pal and have a bottle each.No one physicaly forces drinks down peoples necks
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Old 28-10-2010, 20:36   #8
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Re: Nightclubs should pay for Paramedics attending drunk

Perhaps they should also provide hookers and gigolos, for those who are unable to pull in the normal way, before the lights come on at the end.

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Old 28-10-2010, 20:41   #9
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Re: Nightclubs should pay for Paramedics attending drunk

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
people who need treatment because of their excessive drinking should foot the bill for their own actions and i dont see why a landlord should be resposible for how much people drink

its always someone elses fault these days.Just because a drink is buy one get one free it dosnt mean you have to drink both you can easily split the cost with a pal and have a bottle each.No one physicaly forces drinks down peoples necks
Correct, n some are just too dense to see this. is it any wonder worlds in a mess wi this mentality, no bloody wonder.
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Old 28-10-2010, 21:26   #10
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Re: Nightclubs should pay for Paramedics attending drunk

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Why should it be the Clubs/Pubs/Breweries, they're providing a service, it is those who are abusing that service through their own stupidity, irresponsibility & lack of self control that should foot any bills incurred. Added to that should they cause harm or hurt to an outside party due to their lack of restraint they should also be liable for that person(s) costs.

I must admit to mild surprise by your response C'mon, if these Breweries & Supermarket chains are expected to pay costs surely that will have a knock on effect to the humble worker ! I mean your Tory loving Capitalist Businessman will be taking hits to his Holiday petty cash by having to pay these fines so guess who gets turfed out to make up the shortfall, yes that's right, one of your poor union card carrying socialist brethren !

Might need a rethink on your opinion my friend.
na raise the price of alchohol or add vat on it, its too cheap supermarkets are making 100,s of millions profit and encouraging binge drinking in the house by selling cheap booze and since 60% of people in casualty is drink related
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Old 28-10-2010, 21:34   #11
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Re: Nightclubs should pay for Paramedics attending drunk

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
na raise the price of alchohol or add vat on it, its too cheap supermarkets are making 100,s of millions profit and encouraging binge drinking in the house by selling cheap booze and since 60% of people in casualty is drink related
Why make everyone pay, fer the actions of knobheads? lifes all about choices, if people cannot control alcohol intake, give us a good reason why they should not pay.
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Old 28-10-2010, 22:01   #12
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Re: Nightclubs should pay for Paramedics attending drunk

Originally Posted by yerself View Post
How about motor manufacturers paying for paramedics to attend car crashes?
That's not quite the same because the duration of time between buying a car and using it is much wider than in the case of alcohol. Perhaps if someone is obviously to blame for an accident then they should be made to pay something towards the cost of medical treatment.

With alcohol - the punter goes out to get hammered and act stupid - this is blatantly obvious in town centres across the land. Therefore if they are responsible for wasting Paramedics and Hospital time and Police time then either the pub or club providing the drink or they themselves should have to pay for it.
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Old 28-10-2010, 22:14   #13
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Re: Nightclubs should pay for Paramedics attending drunk

Why the pub or club should pay? some can have a skinfull, walk in a pub looking sober as a judge late on, go out after one or two more n behave like complete knobheads in the fresh air.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 29-10-2010, 04:19   #14
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Nightclubs should pay for Paramedics attending drunk

As has been noted, why should all be punished for the sake of the idiots ? People should be held responsible for their own actions & how can the Supermarkets be said to be encouraging the situation, they aren't making people buy Alcohol, again it comes down to the individual, they have a choice & it is their decision in the end how bad they get.

I'm sure you C'mon are a sensible drinker & enjoy a couple of social Beers with friends yes ? Where do you get your Beer/Spirits ? When was the last time you ended up in A&E through excess Alcohol ? I presume you haven't & why ? Because you made a conscious decision as to how far you'd go. So by your logic you'd happily pay extra to cover the Muppets who are a drain on the NHS ?

Somehow I think not !
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