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Old 03-02-2009, 18:38   #16
Senior Member+
Lolly's Avatar

Re: Non Alcoholic pub in Ossy

If this gets the go ahead, it won't just be the kids that are kicking off!!
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Accrington Web
Old 05-02-2009, 15:00   #17

Re: Non Alcoholic pub in Ossy

[quote=accyman;675465]the govenment moans about kids getting obese then some idiot decides inviting kids to sit on tehir arses in a pub drinking pop and eating crisps is the way to deal with the problem]

Cause they're getting loads of exercise behind the off-licence necking blue WKD aren't they?

I dont see why teenagers are always being shepherded into doing exercise - you cant socialise on a sports pitch. I'm not knocking youth centre's and sports clubs, but the kids need somewhere fun to go to after the game/sensible organised activity and if we dont provide it, they'll knock around on the streets.

I doubt most kids would be very interested in sitting around stuffing crisps in their face anyway. There would obviously need to be pool games and darts and if it's done really well they'll have the sort of interactive games and dance-machines they have in bowling alleys, but subsidised so kids could afford them more easily.
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Old 06-02-2009, 14:55   #18
Resting in Peace
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Re: Non Alcoholic pub in Ossy

drove past the youth club on Harvey street the other night... a group of teens outside the door smoking.... ( they will need a smoking shelter with heat at this pub ) if it gets the go ahead:
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Old 07-02-2009, 03:18   #19
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blazey's Avatar

Re: Non Alcoholic pub in Ossy

I personally think this is an excellent idea. I spent most of my youth messing around in the local fields and streams. Broke my leg once doing so.

I was old enough to go into pubs in blackburn without being asked for ID at 14 though and never hit any trouble, but then my friends were all 16/17 and we were responsible. I suppose you just have to educate kids in these things because they're going to do them anyway on the most part because there are so many bad influences in this area.

In fact the only people I know who didn't get drunk and stuff are the girls whose parents never let them out to socialise, and in my view they still struggle to socialise properly and two of the girls I know in particular who came from these sorts of families now never separate, go to college together, both decided NOT to go to uni, both decided to try get jobs in the same places etc etc. And they're still wrapped in cotton wool. If that is a good upbringing then I'd rather be counted out of it.

I'd have loved to have gone to a non-alcoholic club when I was younger. I have to say though, my one problem with this is that drugs are easier to sneak in than alcohol so that might be the better resort... so I guess it'd need strict security on the door, stricter than a normal club...

You need to stop underage sex (this in particular is awkward if 16/17yr olds are using the place!), drugs, alcohol, over 18s, weapons etc...

Sounds like nothing but hassle, but the basic idea is an excellent one and it is nice to know people care about where kids go these days because it certainly isn't like when I was younger any more and it was bad enough then!
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