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Old 24-03-2012, 16:51   #1
Full Member

Not Happy - Plants Stolen

This morning I got up early as yesterday me and my mum had been to homebase and bought some new summer bedding plants for the garden.I started planting about half 6, id been planting them just outside the back gate, as id jetwashed the new flags i didnt want them to get dirty, anyway id left 3 packs of violas outside about 7:20 am after going in to make a brew i came back and they had gone i couldnt have been more than a few minutes.Anyway whoever you are i hope your happy, seems nothing is safe these days.My suspicion is its someone out walking there dog, I dont think it will be kids not at that time in the morning.
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Old 24-03-2012, 17:09   #2
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re: Not Happy - Plants Stolen

Sorry to hear that.

As you say, probably won't be kids.

I just can't imagine the mentality of some people.

What if you'd returned, just as they were walking away with them, what possible explanation could they have given?

Apparently garden theft is quite big business.

Poor Willow's green fingered thieves even came armed with spades, and dug up their ill-gotten gains.

I know people who've had their hanging baskets stolen, but luckily it's never happened to me.

Even in London, my window boxes, hanging baskets, and tubs were thankfully never touched.

Apparently a lot of it gets flogged off at car boot sales.

If I was you I'd get some nice little pots of Japanese knotweed cuttings planted up, and leave them out, at about the same time, and let them nick them.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 24-03-2012, 17:16   #3
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re: Not Happy - Plants Stolen

There are some barstewards about these days I hope the plants die on them serve um right the thieving gits
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Old 24-03-2012, 17:17   #4
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re: Not Happy - Plants Stolen

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
If I was you I'd get some nice little pots of Japanese knotweed cuttings planted up, and leave them out, at about the same time, and let them nick them.

G that is a brilliant idea!

Rob, that is a real bummer and I sympathise. Here in Morecambe I've had large heavy terracotta pots with shrubs in nicked from my front garden, must have needed a vehicle or at least a wheelbarrow to shift them, so not a spur of the moment thing

And please, no cracks about what do you expect if you choose to live in Morecambe!!
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Old 24-03-2012, 17:20   #5

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re: Not Happy - Plants Stolen

A year or so ago I was working outside on the car and walked into the garage to get something. When I came back a minute later there was a flat back Transit stopped in the road just in front of the car and its occupants were looking at my trolley jack sat on the foot path. A minute later and I am sure they would have had it away. It is an old and very heavy one. I had seen them driving around and was going to give them 4 brake discs and a suspension arm I had replaced to save me getting rid of them ( I know it makes the situation worse ), they went in the wheelie bin instead. Poor mr bin man having to wheel it that time
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Old 24-03-2012, 17:22   #6
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re: Not Happy - Plants Stolen

My best friend Charlotte had her hanging baskets stolen last year -lives on the outskirts of Belfast. She now has them chained and padlocked! I suppose they could unscrew the brackets if they were really keen to nick them again this year...
Shame about your violas - luckily they aren't too expensive.

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
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Old 24-03-2012, 17:23   #7

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re: Not Happy - Plants Stolen

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
If I was you I'd get some nice little pots of Japanese knotweed cuttings planted up, and leave them out, at about the same time, and let them nick them.

G you are such a bad boy

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
Japanese knotweed is listed on Schedule 9, Part II of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 making it an offence Under Section 14 (2) (a) of the Act to “plant or otherwise cause Japanese knotweed to grow in the wild”. Both the Police and local authorities have enforcement functions under the Act. Penalties for a Section 14 offence have been modified by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 for England and Wales. A magistrates‟ court can impose a maximum fine of £5000 or a maximum prison sentence of six months, or both. A Crown Court can impose an unlimited fine or a maximum prison sentence of two years, or both.
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Old 24-03-2012, 17:30   #8
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re: Not Happy - Plants Stolen

Not sure which is worse, having things nicked or having things dumped. WE live on a quiet private road and people are always dumping things here - TVs, fridges, lumps of concrete and full bin bags etc. The trouble is because it's a private road it doesn't count as fly tipping and the council won't come and remove it.
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Old 24-03-2012, 17:35   #9
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re: Not Happy - Plants Stolen

I know it just shocked me, it just never even crossed my mind that at that time with it being quiet that someone would do that and jaysay your right i hope they die on them.
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Old 24-03-2012, 17:40   #10
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re: Not Happy - Plants Stolen

Originally Posted by Rob249 View Post
This morning I got up early as yesterday me and my mum had been to homebase and bought some new summer bedding plants for the garden.I started planting about half 6, id been planting them just outside the back gate, as id jetwashed the new flags i didnt want them to get dirty, anyway id left 3 packs of violas outside about 7:20 am after going in to make a brew i came back and they had gone i couldnt have been more than a few minutes.Anyway whoever you are i hope your happy, seems nothing is safe these days.My suspicion is its someone out walking there dog, I dont think it will be kids not at that time in the morning.
Here we go again, the poor old dog walker getting the blame, why not milkman, paperboy,person passing by, vicar,neighbour. Its a shame that they were stolen, but how does a dog walker carry three packs of violas and be out of sight in a few minutes.
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Old 24-03-2012, 17:45   #11
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re: Not Happy - Plants Stolen

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
G you are such a bad boy
More like evil, when faced with people with sticky fingers.

When I was at college, everytime I'd been home for the weekend, I'd come back laden with food, including packs of cooked meats.

Each Monday morning I'd put the meat in the fridge, in the shared kitchen.

For months, I'd return in the evening, and my goodies would have gone.

Warning notes, left on the fridge, didn't make a jot of difference.

My Mum's home cooked meats kept disappearing.

Eventually they stopped.

Though only after I doctored the meats with...I'd better not say, and later left a note, telling the thief they'd better go and visit casualty, if they hadn't needed to already.

I really would get some Japanese knotweed cuttings planted up.

Nice little pots, in a tray, even with misleading labels in the pots.

What they think they've got for 'free', could cost them thousands, if they are that stupid, as well as being dishonest gits.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 24-03-2012, 17:47   #12
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re: Not Happy - Plants Stolen

It wont be a milkman as our house is halfway up the back alley and couldnt have seen and the same goes for postman, like i said my suspicion is its some walking there dog that has seen them as the backs back onto each other either way il not find out.I will just be more guarded next time.
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Old 24-03-2012, 19:40   #13
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re: Not Happy - Plants Stolen

All in all, it's a sorry state when you can't leave something out without it disappearing expensive or not. Suppose it's just a reflection on the erosion of morals & scruples in UK at the present time. How very disappointing.
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Old 24-03-2012, 21:04   #14
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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What has been happening on my street over the last couple of years, is that you get up in the morning and find someone has been busy during the night swopping all the hanging baskets around.
It must take a fair bit of effort by the culprit as to reach some of them he must need steps, fortunately though this 'wag' isn't actually stealing them, it doesn't take too long to swop them back.
I wonder what the fine is for illegal flower arranging.

However the first year I put them up I did have a few baskets stolen, fortunately, it hasn't happened since.
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Old 24-03-2012, 21:10   #15
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re: Not Happy - Plants Stolen

In Italy they say that " Chance makes man a thief" (l'ocassione fà l'uomo ladro)

Unfortunately it's part of human nature, for many, to make a quick profit when the chance arises - from nicking a few violas to more serious things. Often these same people are the ones who have "success" in life and drive around in Ferraris!

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
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