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11-12-2007, 16:22
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Re: Nothing worse than losing a pet (Topic Spin-off)
Originally Posted by shakermaker
This is bloody hilarious.
Yeah, it is; this is one of the things I really like about AccyWeb...when a huge debate breaks out over something and nothing. The only poignant part for me is that Ian's not around to participate, as I'm sure he'd be weighing in with a few pithy comments!
11-12-2007, 16:40
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Re: Nothing worse than losing a pet (Topic Spin-off)
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Yeah, it is; this is one of the things I really like about AccyWeb...when a huge debate breaks out over something and nothing. The only poignant part for me is that Ian's not around to participate, as I'm sure he'd be weighing in with a few pithy comments!
You can be certain he would be involved 
11-12-2007, 16:49
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Re: Nothing worse than losing a pet (Topic Spin-off)
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
The only poignant part for me is that Ian's not around to participate, as I'm sure he'd be weighing in with a few pithy comments!
I can imagine.
11-12-2007, 23:52
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Re: Nothing worse than losing a pet (Topic Spin-off)
Originally Posted by Less
What an isolated life you must have led! There are plenty of things worse than losing a pet, admitted that Cat of mine, I would be sad if she disappeared but come on,,,,,,,
Death of a child
Death of a partner
Losing Your home
Cancer in a loved one, (or even just someone you hear about), but loss of a pet?
There should be far more worthy losses that make you sad, after all we take on a pet knowing it's life span is going to be less than our's, however we always hope our children will out last us, when they don't, we have, great and remorseful recriminations, but a missing pet???? I hope she finds it, but there
Are, Far worse thing's than that!!!!
Less won’t thank me for this but I agree with him totally.
It’s a matter of perspective.
Shed a tear over a lost pet by all means but don’t turn it into a drama. Or is it a case of touting for sympathy from others? Look how much I am grieving! Comfort me!
Dons steel helmet and flack jacket and climbs into Centurion Tank.
12-12-2007, 01:30
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Re: Nothing worse than losing a pet (Topic Spin-off)
There again, I have known a few people who have had no one to care for or to care for them and have lavished all their lonely love on a dog or a cat. I don't see anything wrong with this. And when the pet goes, there is "nothing worse than losing a pet." The province of Ontario offers free grief counselling to all residents of Ontario; and they offer it to those who have lost loved pets as well as friends and (human) family members.
12-12-2007, 01:36
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Re: Nothing worse than losing a pet (Topic Spin-off)
And I think it is wrong to establish some arbitrary hierarchy of loss ... to place a value of, say, 10 to the loss of a child and three to a favorite aunt with the budgie coming in at -5. We are not all the same; if you make all the holes round, the square pegs among us are never going to fit in. And we really don't give a damn whether we do or not.
12-12-2007, 01:46
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Re: Nothing worse than losing a pet (Topic Spin-off)
Here in the San Francisco /Bay Area there is no longer such a thing as a pet owner , now any person who has control of an animal is now designated as a "pet guardian" the loonie left who control local politics have decided in their wisdom that since animals are living things its wrong to claim ownership ( bit like owning slaves , which is also frowned upon)
Pet owners in San Francisco become 'pet guardians' - March 1, 2003
comments welcome 
12-12-2007, 01:49
Re: lost chocolate poodle
Originally Posted by yvonne.e
........worst things less,yes like meeting you,off springs to mind.
There is no need getting ratty with us just because you neglected to look after your dog properly and let it run away.
It is people like you who by your poor dog ownership are covering the streets and parks of Hyndburn with dog mess.
I hope you do find your dog as I would hate to see any animal come to harm. I also hope it is the dog warden that returns in along with a fine for the mess caused by it.
Don't bother abusing me and saying I am nasty or whatever because I don't care. Why should our streets and parks, where our children play, be covered in dog dirt because of negligent dog owners?
Thank goodness is was only a poodle and not something bigger that could be mauling children as well as sending them blind due to toxicara.
Parasite toxicara
As well as being unpleasant and unsightly, the main purpose of the law requiring people to pick up dog's mess is to control the public health risk posed by the parasite toxicara which can cause blindness if swallowed. Although the parasite can be found in cats, its main host is the dog, and its eggs, which can remain viable for up to 2 years are found in dog's faeces.
If the faeces are left in parks, paths, verges, sandpits or play areas, they can be picked up on shoes, children's hands, the wheels of pushchairs, wheelchairs etc. It may take weeks or months after swallowing these eggs for symptoms to develop which can last for a year or more and include one or more of the following: headache, fever, sore throat, aching limbs, abdominal pain, sleep disturbance, listlessness, pneumonia, asthma.
Eye symptons are not always present although blindness resulting from toxocariasis affects around 100 people a year and may develop 4-10 years after the initial infection. The main group of people at risk are children who play where irresponsible dog owners have allowed their dogs to foul without clearing it up afterwards.
Fortunately the disease can be controlled if the faeces are disposed of immediately in a responsible manner. Note; Being unaware of the defecation (whether by reason of not being in the vicinity or otherwise), or not having a device for or other suitable means of removing the mess is no defence. If it's YOUR dog then it’s YOUR responsibility to clean it up.
As other animals are not a host for toxicara and are also as likely to be fouling areas where the public walk or play, the legislation does not extend to clearing up after other animals. You cannot catch toxocariasis from an infected human being, only from the faeces of an infected animal - usually a dog. Remember; Always wash your hands after handling animals or soil and before touching food.
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