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Old 29-11-2010, 15:35   #46
Senior Member+
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Re: Notorious Crimes in the Accrington Hynburn Area.

There's a small display stand in the Market Hall today about Crimes of Lancashire....may be a touch of irony there!!

Best Regards - Taggy
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Accrington Web
Old 29-11-2010, 16:01   #47
Full Member

Re: Notorious Crimes in the Accrington Hynburn Area.

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
your mums mum or your dads mum phil?
my dads mum
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Old 29-11-2010, 18:52   #48
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Re: Notorious Crimes in the Accrington Hynburn Area.

Originally Posted by Taggy View Post
There's a small display stand in the Market Hall today about Crimes of Lancashire....may be a touch of irony there!!

Best Regards - Taggy
Or somebodies been reading Accy Web
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Old 29-11-2010, 19:38   #49
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Re: Notorious Crimes in the Accrington Hynburn Area.

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Or somebodies been reading Accy Web
Well its certainly more informative than the Observer these days Jaysay!

Best Regards - Taggy
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Old 29-11-2010, 19:49   #50
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Re: Notorious Crimes in the Accrington Hynburn Area.

Originally Posted by Taggy View Post
Well its certainly more informative than the Observer these days Jaysay!

Best Regards - Taggy
Amen to that, its up-to-date not three weeks behind
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Old 15-05-2011, 23:34   #51
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Re: Notorious Crimes in the Accrington Hynburn Area.

Originally Posted by Retlaw View Post
William Hodson
Private 69284 Cavalry Regiment.
Hodson was nicknamed Bronco when he returned to Accrington in the late 1920's, he had emigrated after WW1, when he reurned he was wearing a stetson, plus the fact he had served in a cavalry unit, hence the nickname Bronco.

Joseph Hurley
Sergent 240065 1/5st East Lancs
Fought at Gallipoli and in France where he was awarded the Military Medal for bravery in the field.

Bronco & Joe had a long standing feud, people as they usually do, were always hinting that little Joe was the father of Bronco's children, this came to a head in 1935 when they and others had drawn their wages and were in Pleck Back. Bronco knocked little Joe down and then stamped of his head.

They were both employees of the firm that were erecting the electric pylons that pass over the Coppice.
attached is a picture of Sgt J. Hurley.
I got told that the Joe was acting father to Broncos kids or somthing like that . He was alway gauding Bronco that he was looking after his kids. Bronco lost it one day beat him up then stuck him on spiked railings. Joe took a while to die ... Joe nearly lasted a year and Bronco nearly got away with murder and would have done had Joe lated a little longer. From what I remember being told Bronco was in the black shirts and was a bit of a handful. He was released from prison after saving the life of a prison office once release he emigrated.
I might have mixed things up a little , I was told this by my grandad a while back ....he died in 1985, and I have a memory of a gold fish.
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Old 16-05-2011, 11:40   #52
I am Banned

Re: Notorious Crimes in the Accrington Hynburn Area.

Originally Posted by accypete View Post
I got told that the Joe was acting father to Broncos kids or somthing like that . He was alway gauding Bronco that he was looking after his kids. Bronco lost it one day beat him up then stuck him on spiked railings. Joe took a while to die ... Joe nearly lasted a year and Bronco nearly got away with murder and would have done had Joe lated a little longer. From what I remember being told Bronco was in the black shirts and was a bit of a handful. He was released from prison after saving the life of a prison office once release he emigrated.
I might have mixed things up a little , I was told this by my grandad a while back ....he died in 1985, and I have a memory of a gold fish.
Sorry Joe was already dead when the police arrived.
Bronco had emigrated just after the war, but came back, he always wore a stetson, thats why they nicknamed him Bronco Bill. A full account can be found in the local papers in 1935.
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Old 16-05-2011, 12:21   #53
I am Banned

Re: Notorious Crimes in the Accrington Hynburn Area.

the arson cafe fire was in 1987 and it was across from the esso garage down a small flight of steps on Abbey street, the man killed was called tony savoini who was asked by his brothers mark and vernon(used to be a doorman at funnies)to torch it,Unfortuanatly he stood in the doorway as he lit the match and suffered 90% burns,I know all this as i married his widow Heather and became stepdad to his 2 kids Tony & Joanne,infact the day after the fire on saturday afternoon Mark played football with me at townleypark,not a care in the world,They were both jailed for the offence of insurance fraud.
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Old 20-05-2011, 21:06   #54
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Re: Notorious Crimes in the Accrington Hyndburn Area.

Our evil husbands - Manchester Evening News

the police said that despite the victims blood been found in the kitchen there was no evidence of the body parts been served up as food.

yep because it had probably been served up as chicken in a kebab or somat and the evidence eaten

i think it was the takeaway accross the road from the newsagents

it put me off kebabs.... when sober ....

Last edited by magpie; 20-05-2011 at 21:10. Reason: missed the quote out
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