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Old 30-06-2005, 21:52   #31

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Re: Ntl...

Originally Posted by chav1
a lot of adsl modems cant handle the 8mb connection
What actual connection rate are you getting mate?
What about downloads, what speed do you get please?
I ask because I am thinking of leaving Pipex after they suspended my account for 'illegal' activity the other week.
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Old 01-07-2005, 06:28   #32
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Re: Ntl...

Oh yes Neil? What sort of naughty things have you been up to this time?
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Old 01-07-2005, 06:52   #33
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Re: Ntl...

Originally Posted by Neil
What actual connection rate are you getting mate?
What about downloads, what speed do you get please?
I ask because I am thinking of leaving Pipex after they suspended my account for 'illegal' activity the other week.
890kbs download although i have had it a bit faster that seems to be the standard

Last edited by chav1; 01-07-2005 at 06:54.
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Old 01-07-2005, 07:38   #34

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Re: Ntl...

Originally Posted by entwisi
Oh yes Neil? What sort of naughty things have you been up to this time?
An agent working for one of the big film companied in the US informed them I had downloaded a movie on the 20th June ish. It was a load of b******s, the file they refered to is dated 2003. What happened was someone uploaded it from me on a p2p network. I asked Pipex what proof they had. It looks like they just take the word of the complainer without evidence. I had to remove the offending file from my computer and fax them stating I had so they would un-suspend my account.

So now I am being a good boy. I have even closed down my Direct Connect hub. The silly thing is my up and download levels have been about 20 gig a month or more for the last 3 years with the hub running and they never complained about that.
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Old 01-07-2005, 08:11   #35
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Re: Ntl...

when using p2p networks always use a program called peerguardian ( google it ) as it stops these companies from connecting to you

i dont use that crap myself but no matter what your reasons are or what excuses you use if you are using p2p then you are doing illigal activity lol

you may be able to kid the isp but you aint fooling me lol

you did however get lucky as quite a lot of people including children ( parents get the bill ) are recieving fines and going to court from been caught on programs like kazza , direct connect , torrents and other p2p networks

this may be of interest to you

filesharing may soon be dead

sorry to go aff topic but it has been ruled that people who make file sharing programs are legaly responsible for what their users do with the software

if that is the case should a gun company be responsible for what people do with guns and if i was ever stabbed with a stanley knife could i sue the comany who made the knife

Last edited by chav1; 01-07-2005 at 08:24.
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Old 01-07-2005, 08:59   #36
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Re: Ntl...

I also get around 890Kb/s max when downloading (however you won't get this on p2p networks as it depends how fast the other people can download... I use newsgroups, max speed downloads )
But it depends how far away from the exchange you live as to what speed you will get. I live across from the first park gates on lower manchester road... the exchange is next to where people catch buses to Huncoat in town.
By the way, make sure you write down all the details you will need *before* they disconnect you lol.. I forgot and had hell trying to get through to their customer support to find my username/pw (I eventualy phoned sales about 10times until somebody would help me as customer service is impossible to get through to)

I'm *told* newsgroups are anonymous, I use newservers it's something like £12 a month for unlimited downloads

edit: Yup.. good example chav, another one is video recorders, I think it was Sony who got took to court or whatever because people could record things they shouldnt. The court basicly said that Sony wernt liable for what the customers did with them... up until now that case has been refered to during p2p cases, not anymore I guess!

All in the land of the free

Last edited by andrewb; 01-07-2005 at 09:02.
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Old 01-07-2005, 17:10   #37

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Re: Ntl...

peerguardian did not help mate. My ISP sent me a copy of the letter they received. I checked the IP that took the file from me. It was a Swedish broadband IP. That means that a company was using a broadband connection to catch people out. This is a way around peerguardian type programs. You are not safe
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Old 01-07-2005, 17:27   #38
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Re: Ntl...

i am coz i dont use p2p lol
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Old 01-07-2005, 19:49   #39
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Re: Ntl...

Video recording is a funny subject. I mean they make video recorders so that you can record from the TV ......... legal or illegal? I've recorded many things from TV because I wasn't going to be here and didn't want to miss them. I have watched them later but then not erased the tape. I've watched them more than once. Is that illegal? I have even lent them to someone else (members of AccyWeb) who hadn't seen the program on TV. Is that legal?

I know what you're saying about peer to peer but if they are sharing something which isn't commercially available is that still illegal? I know the record companies' point of view relates to the loss of royalties when things are pirated and I do understand that point. I was talking to someone yesterday who has made a Michael Jackson tribute website and used some illustrations of the album covers when referring to those albums. Is that wrong from a copyright point of view? She didn't think so because the official MJ website has praised her effort.

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Old 02-07-2005, 07:09   #40

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Re: Ntl...

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
....if they are sharing something which isn't commercially available is that still illegal?
Yes, if it is copyrighted.

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
I was talking to someone yesterday who has made a Michael Jackson tribute website and used some illustrations of the album covers when referring to those albums. Is that wrong from a copyright point of view?
Yes, unless she has permission to use them.
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Old 02-07-2005, 08:29   #41
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Re: Ntl... only allow stuff which isn't commericaly available e.g Corrie..
are you sure its ilegal neil, and not a legal grey area?
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Old 02-07-2005, 08:32   #42

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Re: Ntl...

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Old 02-07-2005, 08:34   #43

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Re: Ntl...

uknova is just a torrent tracker anyway, so in theory they aren't actually doing anything illegal (as long as they don't use the servers for seeding).
However, sharing an episode of corrie is definately illegal as all tv shows are copyrighted.
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Old 02-07-2005, 10:41   #44
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Re: Ntl...

Ah I see. I guess the owners can just live with themselves knowing that nothings being shared that can be bought.

Tracker... well.. we all know other major trackers which have fallen at the knees of the MPAA and such (I assume theres one that deals in Uk television ) so even if they dont host the files they don't look safe
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Old 02-07-2005, 10:58   #45

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Re: Ntl...

uknova is definately not safe - they are hosted on a server in the same datacentre as accyweb and the TOS of that datacentre forbids the running of torrent trackers that help distribute copyrighted material. Obviously nobody has complained at all about uknova as it would be shut down within 24hours if they just contact the datacentre.
Although it isn't illegal it is becoming more and more difficult to find datacentres that allow trackers that track copyrighted material.
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