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Old 04-07-2021, 11:53   #31
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Nuisance Calls

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Ah yes, the memories of many a frustrating hour for either Mick or myself trying to get your P.C. and internet back up and running.

Just try again, slowly then get back to me.
cant now i just deleted them lol im crap with technology going to clitheroe now to watch stanley
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Old 04-07-2021, 16:16   #32
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Nuisance Calls

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
cant now i just deleted them lol im crap with technology going to clitheroe now to watch stanley

It's good to know that in this tumultuous modern world some simple constants still remain!
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Old 15-07-2021, 04:36   #33
Senior Member

Re: Nuisance Calls

There have been numerous comments on this thread about scams and nuisance calls and we all like to think we are so smart that we will never be taken in by scammers, we give them short shrift, but can you really be sure. Two people I know very well, intelligent people, have just been scammed out of almost $9,000. A phone call was received from a man who said he was employed by their bank in the department which dealt with a very well-known and secure way of payment that a lot of people use every day. Of course he wasn’t!

I don’t know all the exact details except that he indicated there was a problem that he needed to fix for them – and at the present time I don’t think they can comprehend themselves what (and how this) has happened as they are still in shock, never thinking it could happen to them. Does this ring a bell? They say they did not give him their bank account details or card number, but scammers are very persuasive and, with only a little bit of knowledge about a person’s affairs to start with, by clever talking they are able to obtain enough information to get into bank accounts. How is it possible? Don’t ask me.

This particular case is now under investigation but not much hope is being held for any recovery of the money. I might add that the scammer also tried to get more out of the account two days later but of course this had been frozen and so he was not successful. It remains to be seen if the bank accepts any responsibility, i.e. why didn’t they query the (unusual) withdrawals – though the scammer took this out in three withdrawals rather than one lump sum. Doesn’t look promising up to now.

They know, as do we all, that hindsight is a wonderful way of knowing what they should have done (hang up – don’t give the scammer the time of day) but is very unhelpful and a waste of time, so let’s not go down that path. Don’t think that victim/s are always a bit dumb for being taken in as this is often not the case, and certainly not in this one.

I might add that this couple are very vulnerable at the present time as the man is having treatment for prostate lung cancer.
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Old 15-07-2021, 08:39   #34
God Member

Re: Nuisance Calls

if we do not know a number we do not answer the phone. funny how no one leaves a message even if that number goes again. seems once your money has gone then you can kiss it goodbye. the twice it happened to me they showed no interest at all and was waiting for em to start yawning. oh for the days of being paid in cash or queuing at the post office for your pension. ok you could get mugged but we now have invisible muggers to deal with. no wonder many want a cashless society to give em even more options to fleece us.
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Old 15-07-2021, 09:44   #35
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Re: Nuisance Calls

The cashless society has made rapid advances during the virus restrictions. I was suprised the other day when leaving the supermarket where a reputable national charity who was collecting in the doorway refused a cash contribution.
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Old 15-07-2021, 15:22   #36
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Nuisance Calls

we also do not answer if number is not familiar,yeh aint alone monkey hanger, also dont answer mobile very often cos it says where the number is from. so i just think who do i know from yon,if i dont sod em they usually ring back daily for a few days then give up ,
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Old 16-07-2021, 03:04   #37
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Re: Nuisance Calls

It is the sensible thing to take all necessary precautions of course, and it is good to know that you all do. That you ignore unknown numbers. The man I mentioned always has up to now. However, since he began his medical treatment he receives calls from numbers he is not familiar with, important calls that are related to his condition, visits to the hospital, etc., so all calls have to be answered at present. Yes, we all know his wife should have hung up (there’s that hindsight rearing its ugly head again) but at the present time they are not in a good place to be thinking straight.

So as much as we like to think ‘it will never happen to me as I am too smart to be taken in by scammers’, let me tell you that it can happen to anyone given the circumstances.

As well as scammers trying to get to you by phone, just remember these lowlifes have other methods of obtaining money illegally. We all use the ‘fantastic plastic’ these days but just how safe is your card and its details? How often do you use your card, how often do you give these details out when paying bills or making purchases either by phone or in person, how often do you hand over the card in good faith, to pay for a meal for instance? Why is it necessary for banks to have departments that deal with card fraud and such problems if your card is so safe?

Let’s face it, we might be smart regarding phone calls but just how smart are we really? We should not be complacent however clever we like to think we are.
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Old 16-07-2021, 07:19   #38
Beacon of light

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Re: Nuisance Calls

Originally Posted by dotti34 View Post
It is the sensible thing to take all necessary precautions of course, and it is good to know that you all do. That you ignore unknown numbers. The man I mentioned always has up to now. However, since he began his medical treatment he receives calls from numbers he is not familiar with, important calls that are related to his condition, visits to the hospital, etc., so all calls have to be answered at present. Yes, we all know his wife should have hung up (there’s that hindsight rearing its ugly head again) but at the present time they are not in a good place to be thinking straight.

So as much as we like to think ‘it will never happen to me as I am too smart to be taken in by scammers’, let me tell you that it can happen to anyone given the circumstances.

As well as scammers trying to get to you by phone, just remember these lowlifes have other methods of obtaining money illegally. We all use the ‘fantastic plastic’ these days but just how safe is your card and its details? How often do you use your card, how often do you give these details out when paying bills or making purchases either by phone or in person, how often do you hand over the card in good faith, to pay for a meal for instance? Why is it necessary for banks to have departments that deal with card fraud and such problems if your card is so safe?

Let’s face it, we might be smart regarding phone calls but just how smart are we really? We should not be complacent however clever we like to think we are.
I endorse everything you have said.
Life sometimes throws us a curve ball....when cancer strikes your family your priorities change because all of your life is turned upside down....
Yes, you do get phone calls from numbers you do not recognise and you have to pick up because it might be the result of your latest blood tests mean your treatment is suspended....or that your consultant wants to see you....any number of things.
And when you are dealing with the ill health of a family member, you are distracted and you might just not stick to your normal rules...because life is far from normal.

There was a case in the newspaper recently where an Elderly retired surgeon had been scammed out of all of his money.
He felt very silly at having been conned, but he was a victim....yet he felt like it was his fault.
The scammers are clever....they get away with it because over a short space of time technology and the fast pace of change has left a lot of elderly people behind.
Financial organisations have encouraged the use of the internet and technology to the detriment of a proportion of the population.
Those who neither know, or have access to technology.

I hope this couple getntheir money returned Dorothy....the bank owes them a duty of care.....and seeing substantial transactions going from an account that doesn't make transactions on that scale should raise alarms....that it didn’t or that they were not acted upon is a cause for concern.

As to cards....I rarely use mine in the shops....I use it for transactions at the bank....but for little else.
I remain reluctant to give my details to anyone....that doesn’t mean I am safe, because just carrying your card in your purse it could have the details skimmed off it.
I just hope that if that happened then my bank would realise it isn’t me spending on my card....and alert me and put a block on it.
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Old 16-07-2021, 09:32   #39
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Re: Nuisance Calls

Originally Posted by Hill Walker View Post
The cashless society has made rapid advances during the virus restrictions. I was suprised the other day when leaving the supermarket where a reputable national charity who was collecting in the doorway refused a cash contribution.
well that shows how much they need the money. if you give to charity then there will be others that need it who,ll be glad of your dirty infected small change you have to offer. possibly the ones who are not paying large wages for there many staff who organise things like comic relief.
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Old 16-07-2021, 11:02   #40
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Re: Nuisance Calls

It has been proved that using cash to pay for items does not increase the risk of transmitting the virus....and come on.....we can’t pay with cash, but thousands can go to watch football, tennis.....and the elite of football organisations can come to the country and not have to quarantine.
I would love to know which charity it was....and whether it was an edict from them or whether the collector had just decided that coins were not acceptable.
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Old 16-07-2021, 11:04   #41
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Re: Nuisance Calls

I have, so far, not had my cash refused anywhere.
If I shopped in a supermarket, got to the till and they would not accept the legal tender of this country...I would park my shopping and take my custom elsewhere.
Hopefully where I would be a ‘valued’ customer.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 16-07-2021, 12:24   #42
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Re: Nuisance Calls

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1255252]I have, so far, not had my cash refused anywhere.
If I shopped in a supermarket, got to the till and they would not accept the legal tender of this country...I would park my shopping and take my custom elsewhere.
Hopefully where I would be a ‘valued’ customer.

Hazel called into Ossy Mills a while ago, put certain items into her basket or whatever and then called at the checkout and offered the payment in cash; "Oh I am sorry said the cashier but we only take cards", "in that case I will leave you to put the items back on the shelves" she said; before putting the basket down and leaving but she did feel a little sorry for the lass because as she said to her its not your fault love, blame the bosses.
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Old 16-07-2021, 12:52   #43
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Nuisance Calls

Just passed a nail salon in town (yes some shops are still trading hereabouts) big sign in the window, CASH ONLY.
So maybe to find the rip off merchants you only have to look at their hands, well manicured=will take the pennies off a dead man's eyes!
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Old 17-07-2021, 08:40   #44
God Member

Re: Nuisance Calls

the little cafe hear me is like that. run by an old guy of the old skool. a cup of tea is only 70p and he cannot be bothered by cards. he only makes exceptions for the odd factory orders that amount to 20 off items of food plus drinks being taken away. its horses for courses really. i would not expect someone paying for a 2,000 pound second hand car in cash, neither is a 70p card transaction expected either.
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Old 12-08-2021, 23:29   #45

Re: Nuisance Calls

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
got to revive this thread. its not nuisance phone calls thats bothering me its all the nuisance emails i have had to delete every single day without opening them. is there an easy way to stop these. anything too techy will be beyond me so i,ll have to live with another daily task.
A simple, no-expense method (I've used), is to setup another new, clean paid-for or free email account & just abandon the old, cluttered account. Never login again, simply walk away.


email (using Mail-Merge), all your contacts you want to stay in touch with, your new email address. Do this once, and you're done. No more effort. No expense, Problem? Gone.

Don't forget, avoid sites that offer "Free" stuff, Games, MP3's etc. Basically, any site with loads of Banners & Popups. They're often all about the Marketing Dollar & will sell or rent your email. I've found that sites claiming not to sell your details, do. It's called "Lying". This change of behaviour in not visiting "dodgy" sites & not giving your email address to everybody is called "Habitual Hygiene". You'll quickly re-adjust your Habits.

Presently I have 6 email addresses for different purposes. 2 are Spam accounts, 2 Sacred, Main accounts given ONLY to VERY few trusted, known acquaintances or friends & family members, and the others for other things.

This is how I KNOW, not guessed, sites that I've used Spam addresses on have lied. Why else will an unknown address receive Spam from a suspected bunch of Liars?

Maybe you will setup a similar multi-account arrangement for your own requirements?

I also use Thunderbird email client on Linux. Pretty good, that's a whole different story.
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