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Old 13-08-2021, 08:24   #46
God Member

Re: Nuisance Calls

had the TV licence goons around our area yesterday. ignored them. watched em going up the street and they actually knocked at about half the houses. seems they are going to have a big task getting all their tv rape money in as only one person answered the door and that was quickly shut.
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Accrington Web
Old 22-08-2021, 00:58   #47
Senior Member

Re: Nuisance Calls

A little while ago I posted on this thread about a couple of people I know well who had been scammed out of almost $9,000. The good news is that the bank has now come to the party and has reimbursed the money. Thought I would mention this because (over here at least, and I assume it is similar in the UK) banks will honour dodgy transactions but some do need a bit of pushing to do so.

If it happens to you (and it can happen to the smartest people) stick to your guns when dealing with your bank. As long as the correct procedures have been carried out then it should come out right in the end. I have to say that in the case I have mentioned they did have to do quite a bit of follow-up work with their bank. An upsetting situation.
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Old 22-08-2021, 09:02   #48
Beacon of light

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Re: Nuisance Calls

It is good to know that this couple have been reimbursed by their bank....eventually.Like you, I think it is necessary to stick to your guns because these big institutions will side step their responsibilities if they think they can get away with it.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 13-11-2021, 23:29   #49
Senior Member

Re: Nuisance Calls

I was getting a number of those nuisance calls a day, sometime three or four, and got fed-up of being ‘nice’. So when I got one particular call I said ‘please wait while this call is transferred to the Fraud Squad, this is the one they are waiting for’. That was about three or more weeks ago and I haven’t had one call since. Coincidence, or not? Hope I haven’t spoken too soon.
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