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20-01-2013, 21:28
Beacon of light
Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world
I did actually have a go at reading some of the stuff that is in those links...but it wasn't an easy read.......so I gave it up.
Those writers are like vultures picking over the bones of history...they can do nothing about what happened any more than we can.
And who is to say what India(or any of the colonies for that matter) would have been like had the British not been involved in their past?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
21-01-2013, 01:27
God Member
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I did actually have a go at reading some of the stuff that is in those links...but it wasn't an easy read.......so I gave it up.
Those writers are like vultures picking over the bones of history...they can do nothing about what happened any more than we can.
And who is to say what India(or any of the colonies for that matter) would have been like had the British not been involved in their past?
I'm afraid I don't agree with your view of history. But, as usual, I like and admire the way you put forward your opinions: lite on the cliches, and heavy on the calm reasoned argument ... except maybe when something really pees you off  I always like to think that you don't open your mouth, or head for the keyboard, without giving some serious thought to what you are about to "say".
21-01-2013, 08:25
Beacon of light
Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world
I take that as a compliment Eric....Thankyou.
I like that you have been 'gentle' with me for my differing view of history......and I'm quite happy to agree to disagree.
I'm not an expert on history(and that could be why I hold the views that I do).......and unless something really grabs me about a time or a place in history then the facts can be a bit hazy.
When I was at school, we didn't do a lot of history, and it was taught in such a manner that I found window gazing and daydreaming to be a better option.......which I suppose is why I left school at 15 without a paper qualification to my name.
I am somewhat distrustful of latter day writers, of what the Brits did to places they colonised....thinking they have some kind of gripe and want to exercise it.....but cannot conceive of how India(just as an example) might have been without any outside influence.
We can't move on by hanging onto the grudges of the past.....that were perpetrated in different time, by people who had a vastly different view of the world.
We didn't do it back then, so cannot be held responsible.
We can only be held responsible for what is happening in the here and now.........and I don't know about you, but my influence on world events is like a gnat bite on the hide of a hippo.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
21-01-2013, 09:02
Resting in Peace
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world
Originally Posted by yerself
Or the 'Daily Mail'  
ticktock the clocks ticking
21-01-2013, 09:14
Resting in Peace
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I did actually have a go at reading some of the stuff that is in those links...but it wasn't an easy read.......so I gave it up.
Those writers are like vultures picking over the bones of history...they can do nothing about what happened any more than we can.
And who is to say what India(or any of the colonies for that matter) would have been like had the British not been involved in their past?
History is always quoted by the left in arguments, as you say we can do sod all about what our forefathers did, different era different set of rules, thankfully we've taken giant steps since those times, yet in places like China, and Burma their human rights record today are just as appalling and on a par with life behind the Iron Curtain pre 1989, yet you never hear any criticism, wonder why
21-01-2013, 10:42
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
my influence on world events is like a gnat bite on the hide of a hippo.
Ah, but had you not been there Margaret someone that has had a great effect on the world might have died, some other unsung hero.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
21-01-2013, 10:54
Beacon of light
Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world
Less, you overestimate my influence.........I did my bit(mainly because I enjoyed doing it - nothing altruistic in that...and yes I got paid too) and I daresay that over the years I have made a difference to some lives, though in a very small and perhaps insignificant way. (it must be so, because people still yell out in the street Sr P!)
I have not touched the lives of those with influence on how the world is run....or at least I don't think I have.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
21-01-2013, 11:04
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
or at least I don't think I have.
A perfect example of the butterfly effect!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
21-01-2013, 11:31
Beacon of light
Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world
yes, Less...I have a theory(but no real evidence) on that, but if I told you what it was...you would mark my card 'NUTTER' 
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
21-01-2013, 11:53
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
you would mark my card 'NUTTER' 
Don't assume I haven't already!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
21-01-2013, 12:08
Beacon of light
Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world
Oh well......nuff said 
Personally...I prefer....Unique, but will accept eccentric.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
21-01-2013, 14:25
God Member
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I take that as a compliment Eric....Thankyou.
I like that you have been 'gentle' with me for my differing view of history......and I'm quite happy to agree to disagree.
I'm not an expert on history(and that could be why I hold the views that I do).......and unless something really grabs me about a time or a place in history then the facts can be a bit hazy.
When I was at school, we didn't do a lot of history, and it was taught in such a manner that I found window gazing and daydreaming to be a better option.......which I suppose is why I left school at 15 without a paper qualification to my name.
I am somewhat distrustful of latter day writers, of what the Brits did to places they colonised....thinking they have some kind of gripe and want to exercise it.....but cannot conceive of how India(just as an example) might have been without any outside influence.
We can't move on by hanging onto the grudges of the past.....that were perpetrated in different time, by people who had a vastly different view of the world.
We didn't do it back then, so cannot be held responsible.
We can only be held responsible for what is happening in the here and now.........and I don't know about you, but my influence on world events is like a gnat bite on the hide of a hippo.
You sound a little like Catherine Moreland in Northanger Abbey: "History, real solemn history, I cannot be interested in ... The quarrels of popes and kings, with wars or pestilences in every page ... it is very tiresome."   Austen had interesting views on history.
I got interested in this view when I read a little about chaos theory, and quantum cognition. I know, I have too much free time on my hands ... maybe I should get a life  , or concentrate on   
21-01-2013, 15:07
Beacon of light
Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world
I am not a fan of Austen, but now, you make me tempted to read Northanger abbey to see if I am like the character Catherine Moreland.
I am sure that Catherine was a far more refined lady than i could ever hope to be.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
21-01-2013, 15:25
Resting In Peace
Join Date: Oct 2011
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world
Originally Posted by Eric
Eric, if everyone used their free time as well and as intelligently as you do the world would be a better place.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
21-01-2013, 17:40
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world
Originally Posted by susie123
Eric, if everyone used their free time as well and as intelligently as you do the world would be a better place.
However, if he spent more time drinking instead of reading he wouldn't need books, no books means less trees being used for paper, better for the planet, unless of course his books are supplied by velvet publishing.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
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