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Old 13-04-2018, 21:49   #301
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

If they make Bond black, bisexual, know any of those things which are 'right on' then they take away the authors interpretation of the character.
Ian Fleming did not write it for any of those current, trendy social mores.
Undoubtedly those things existed in Flemings time, but they were not openly discussed or considered....some of them you could go to prison they do not feature in his writings.
I am sick of the meddling, twiddling PC crowd. I wish they would disappear up their own hairy bum holes.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Accrington Web
Old 13-04-2018, 21:52   #302
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Ask any healthy heterosexual woman what she would like in a man and all JB's attributes would figure in her pattern.
If the gay, bisexual, transgender want heroes, or thrilling role models, then they had better set to and write their not steal Ian Flemings iconic character.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 14-04-2018, 07:59   #303
God Member

Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Undoubtedly those things existed in Flemings time, but they were not openly discussed or considered....some of them you could go to prison they do not feature in his writings.
I am sick of the meddling, twiddling PC crowd. I wish they would disappear up their own hairy bum holes.
totally agree margaret. these people were around since time began. for me its live and let live but i do not want their actions and way of life shoved down my throat at every opportunity. not bothered about any ones sexuality but should not get all the publicity that goes along with it. even her indoors has stopped watching emmerdale due to the frequent story lines on the subjects and she is similar to my views on the subject.
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Old 14-04-2018, 08:50   #304
Beacon of light

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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Me too.
I am not interested in the bedroom antics of others.
No....I did not read 50 shades of Grey.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 14-04-2018, 09:04   #305
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
totally agree margaret. these people were around since time began. for me its live and let live but i do not want their actions and way of life shoved down my throat at every opportunity. not bothered about any ones sexuality but should not get all the publicity that goes along with it. even her indoors has stopped watching emmerdale due to the frequent story lines on the subjects and she is similar to my views on the subject.
That sums things up very well far as i'm concerned. also the bosses view.
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Old 14-04-2018, 09:54   #306
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
not bothered about any ones sexuality but should not get all the publicity that goes along with it.
Amen to that Brother! Must admit to watching very little of the UK's telly offerings due to the constant flood of "inclusivity", in fact, I'd say its gone so far that to my mind what I believed all my life to be the norm is now virtually not represented. Instead they pump out the pap they do & it annoys me that these attitudes are forced onto the public with no chance for redress as all the supposed "Controling bodies", adhere to & are implicit in pushing the common purpose agenda.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 14-04-2018, 09:58   #307
Beacon of light

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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

son, you took the words right off my keyboard!
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 14-04-2018, 10:15   #308
God Member

Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

the word GAY stands for as good as you. agree but i,m as good as you also. wish the media could get its head round this also. getting to be an under represented part of the community. white, straight and northern.
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Old 14-04-2018, 11:06   #309
Beacon of light

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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

No, it does not stand for anything.
The word gay means happy, does not mean homosexual.
The homosexual community have hijacked this word and given it their own meaning.
Why do they not like the term is what they are.
I have no axe to grind with those people who are attracted to those of the same sex.
I just do not want to have to navigate through their agenda's.
What they do in the privacy of their own space is no concern of mine.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 25-10-2018, 17:49   #310
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Twice today, different times different people, brazenly walked into a public house with their daughter's affectionately cuddling a doll.
Which of the authorities should I have reported them to?
Social Services?
Gay rights?
Human Resources? (After all the bar staff will have been traumatised and their feelings need to be considered).
Trading Standards? (Some low life must be supplying these disgusting items).


Do I just think ah bless, normal couples bringing in up their children, NORMALLY!

Even worse, an irresponsible parent has brought a child in cuddling a teddy (surely a sign of beastiality!)

I just hope some depraved soul hasn't the nerve to bring a child in loving a golliwog!
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Last edited by Less; 25-10-2018 at 17:59.
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Old 26-10-2018, 09:15   #311
God Member

Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

watch out for cars with blacked out windows less they,ve got your card marked now. the cars will have to be electric ones though as not to pollute your senses.
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