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Old 12-01-2013, 15:00   #106
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
A bit of good old common sense wouldn't really go a miss Eric
Don't talk daft.
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Old 12-01-2013, 15:20   #107
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Don't talk daft.
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Old 12-01-2013, 18:35   #108
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Ok. For qualifications, it looks as if there are at least two: 1) A membership card in one of the major parties. 2) A pulse. Maybe one could add: a thick skin, a thick skull, and a strong stomach. These last three are up for debate. Oh, and maybe the ability to put up with any number of terminolgical inexactitudes (thanx Winston) as long as they come from senior members of your own party, although having a thick skin, thick skull, and strong stomach would answer for this.

I've often considered that the Yanks ... who, by the way have told Cameron not to have a ref. on the EU ... are prisoners of their Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights. Maybe you, and us to a lesser degree, are shackled to a Parliamentary system which is out of date.
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Old 12-01-2013, 22:47   #109
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

And here is our very own MP dodging a simple question 4 times on twitter...

Hi Graham. What are your thoughts on MPs' pay? Should there be a 32% pay rise?

GJ - The gap between rich and poor must close. Picking on MPs misses the point of higher wage earners with less responsibility.

not picking on anyone: committee recommendation, public office, regit question. So MPs underpaid for responsibilities?

GJ - Bigger issue than MPs pay. Gap between rich and poor needs tackling.

I agree on the gap. But what are your views, specifically, on the suggested 32% rise for MPs?

GJ - It was an anonymous survey. MPs pay irrelevant in the big scheme. Closing the gap between rich and poor is what matters.

Only interested in what you think of the suggested 32% (not your response to the survey) with public sector pay freeze etc.

GJ - MPs pay a false distraction from the wider pay gap issue.

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Old 13-01-2013, 09:08   #110
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
And here is our very own MP dodging a simple question 4 times on twitter...

Hi Graham. What are your thoughts on MPs' pay? Should there be a 32% pay rise?

GJ - The gap between rich and poor must close. Picking on MPs misses the point of higher wage earners with less responsibility.

not picking on anyone: committee recommendation, public office, regit question. So MPs underpaid for responsibilities?

GJ - Bigger issue than MPs pay. Gap between rich and poor needs tackling.

I agree on the gap. But what are your views, specifically, on the suggested 32% rise for MPs?

GJ - It was an anonymous survey. MPs pay irrelevant in the big scheme. Closing the gap between rich and poor is what matters.

Only interested in what you think of the suggested 32% (not your response to the survey) with public sector pay freeze etc.

GJ - MPs pay a false distraction from the wider pay gap issue.

all this crap about the pay gap to me is a none starter, it won't happen because people like Jones won't let it, they make too much money out of it for themselves, you only have to look at labour politicians who have been blurting this out for years, yet the likes of Brown and Blair are now making millions now out of office, good old Gordon, even though he's still drawing his 65K a year, hasn't set foot in the commons for a year, I wonder how our illustrious MP will answer that little poser
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Old 13-01-2013, 10:13   #111

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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
Stupid arguments!
Councils are overpaying their chief we should overpay MP's to bring them into line
We pay bankers a fortune to deal with the finances of this country, in fact we reward them for screwing up....where's your pay peanuts get monkeys on that one then?
Give me an argument for paying Gordon Brown £96k when he hasn't even set foot in the commons for 8 months..or an argument for MP's who are absent from most of the votes to receive £96k..or one for MP's who vote against the wishes of their constituents because they think they knnow better
No matter how much these backstabbing, two faced MP's are paid, it will never be enough to stop them from screwing every single £1 they can from the taxpayers, whether its on fiddling expenses, fact finding trips to barabados or gilt edged pensions
Your right, as far as I am concerned they are absent from work and should not be paid or kicked out even
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Old 13-01-2013, 10:26   #112

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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
As for intelligence only have to view Parliament TV and watch the donkeys and geese bray and cackle until some guy in a gown (who's airhead wife is more famous than him for a nude photo, reality TV, and a column in a redtop rag), shouts 'order' (and they want £96k for this remember).
Sounds a lot like on here - he or she who shouts the loudest thinks they are listened to while the more intelligent/nicer members find another thread.
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Old 13-01-2013, 10:29   #113

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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
GJ - Bigger issue than MPs pay. Gap between rich and poor needs tackling.

I agree on the gap. But what are your views, specifically, on the suggested 32% rise for MPs?
I don't agree with the gap thing. I don't care if someone has 10 or 100 times more money than I do as long as I can provide for my family.

The gap thing has more to do with jealousy than need.
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Old 14-01-2013, 09:01   #114
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I don't agree with the gap thing. I don't care if someone has 10 or 100 times more money than I do as long as I can provide for my family.

The gap thing has more to do with jealousy than need.
Think you've hit the nail on the head there Neil, the likes of C'mon and Mancie, have that green eyed yellow monster sat on their shoulders, why should they have it when I haven't, that's why Labour will never prosper, because the moment they gain any sort of power and the financial trappings that go with it, they have a change in attitude, from all for one and one for all, to I'm all right jack your own your own now, as our present MP has proved only too well, and remember good old Tony, he's made over £12 million since departing government, and good old Gordon is far to busy on the circuit earning megabucks and hasn't been seen in the Commons for over 12 months now, yet he's still getting his sixty odd thousand quid MPs salary, good god if that had been a Tory C'mon would have been doing somersaults and frothing at the mouth, but not one word of condemnation, which I find a tad hypocritical
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Old 14-01-2013, 11:17   #115
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
And here is our very own MP dodging a simple question 4 times on twitter...

Hi Graham. What are your thoughts on MPs' pay? Should there be a 32% pay rise?

GJ - The gap between rich and poor must close. Picking on MPs misses the point of higher wage earners with less responsibility.

not picking on anyone: committee recommendation, public office, regit question. So MPs underpaid for responsibilities?

GJ - Bigger issue than MPs pay. Gap between rich and poor needs tackling.

I agree on the gap. But what are your views, specifically, on the suggested 32% rise for MPs?

GJ - It was an anonymous survey. MPs pay irrelevant in the big scheme. Closing the gap between rich and poor is what matters.

Only interested in what you think of the suggested 32% (not your response to the survey) with public sector pay freeze etc.

GJ - MPs pay a false distraction from the wider pay gap issue.

LMAO -hes learning quick isnt he

if you cant impress someone then baffle them with bullcrap

or as american indians would say

white man speak with forked tongue
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 14-01-2013, 14:45   #116
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
LMAO -hes learning quick isnt he

if you cant impress someone then baffle them with bullcrap

or as american indians would say

white man speak with forked tongue
Hey there Ke-mo sah-bee, Indians are becoming far more articulate. But the message is the same.

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Old 17-01-2013, 22:36   #117
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Sounds a lot like on here - he or she who shouts the loudest thinks they are listened to while the more intelligent/nicer members find another thread.

I don't agree with the gap thing. I don't care if someone has 10 or 100 times more money than I do as long as I can provide for my family.

The gap thing has more to do with jealousy than need.
At the risk of being accused of shouting while the nice intelligencia wander off to the floral section of this site..

Thats a simplistic statement to make, let me counter with a simplistic question..

Providing for your family...would you care if you did that from a council house in Moss Side feeding them with Tescoburgers or from a detached in Cheshire eating filet mignon? (yeah I know, unfair of me because your statement does not take account of quality of life, after all it's just a typical Daily Mail type argument)

Earlier this week some overpaid IT guy was discovered to be farming his job out to a company in China..he was paid that much that he could actually employ a company to do his work for him and still make enough to live the high life...He was becoming richer for being non-productive and exploiting the poor. He didn't need the money, he wasn't scraping a few quid together to pay his electric bill, he was just widening the gap.

It's not about jealousy, it's about obscenity...a golfer..a bloke who hits a ball with a stick gets £500+ every single hour for wearing a hat and trainers with ticks on them, while a struggling young mum goes home with roughly the same amount every month for a 40 hour week dealing with all the problems raised by looking after 10-12 people in late stage dementia.

Is that a fair distribution of wealth?
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Old 17-01-2013, 23:28   #118

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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
It's not about jealousy, it's about obscenity...a golfer..a bloke who hits a ball with a stick gets £500+ every single hour for wearing a hat and trainers with ticks on them, while a struggling young mum goes home with roughly the same amount every month for a 40 hour week dealing with all the problems raised by looking after 10-12 people in late stage dementia.

Is that a fair distribution of wealth?
If its that easy to hit a ball with a stick why is she not doing it, or you and I for that matter?

Does your £500 an hour take into account all his ball whacking time and all the time previously he had to practice to get to his level?
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Old 18-01-2013, 06:35   #119
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
If its that easy to hit a ball with a stick why is she not doing it, or you and I for that matter?

Does your £500 an hour take into account all his ball whacking time and all the time previously he had to practice to get to his level?
Does the young mums £500 a month take into account all the training, skills and patience she needs to treat 10-12 people with dignity and give them a decent quality of life in the twilight of their lives?
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Old 18-01-2013, 10:07   #120
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Re: Oh Hum its a funny old world

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
At the risk of being accused of shouting while the nice intelligentsia wander off to the floral section of this site..

That's a simplistic statement to make, let me counter with a simplistic question..

Providing for your family...would you care if you did that from a council house in Moss Side feeding them with Tescoburgers or from a detached in Cheshire eating filet mignon? (yeah I know, unfair of me because your statement does not take account of quality of life, after all it's just a typical Daily Mail type argument)

Earlier this week some overpaid IT guy was discovered to be farming his job out to a company in China..he was paid that much that he could actually employ a company to do his work for him and still make enough to live the high life...He was becoming richer for being non-productive and exploiting the poor. He didn't need the money, he wasn't scraping a few quid together to pay his electric bill, he was just widening the gap.

It's not about jealousy, it's about obscenity...a golfer..a bloke who hits a ball with a stick gets £500+ every single hour for wearing a hat and trainers with ticks on them, while a struggling young mum goes home with roughly the same amount every month for a 40 hour week dealing with all the problems raised by looking after 10-12 people in late stage dementia.

Is that a fair distribution of wealth?
So what your saying basically that people who have an initiative to go out and make the best they can by their own ingenuity (within the law) they're wrong, its like saying Joe Stalin was Equal with every tom dick tovarish in the street. I had a mate left school at sixteen with few qualifications he started 3 jobs, stood the market during the day, sold portable burglar alarms at night then went behind a bar at a night club to finish of his 18 hour day, this same guy now has a chain of shops, drives a mercedes and has a big house in the Ribble Valley, no doubt people like this are despised by the likes of yourself or is it the green eyed yellow monster
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