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Old 07-04-2012, 10:33   #16

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Re: Old Mother Red Cap

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
Ymmv, let me play devils advocate

How much is the a red cap worth as a building, 1 million? Add in catering equipment, bar fittings, cellar equipment, fixtures, tables, chairs, etc and I bet you aren't far off another 500k

Then to open the doors, you need at least 6 staff(8 hours cover shifts of 3 each x2), even on min wage with employees and employers ni etc you are looking at a min of 200k costs for wages, then there's training, uniforms etc. And let's face it at peak periods you probably have 4x that number available. Add in electric, gas, rates, water, telephones,

All that is before you have the product cost and of course you don't run a pub as a charity so let's add in some profit.

now do you see where some of that 1.60 comes from?
No I don't because the beer is cheaper and it is heavily taxed.
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:59   #17
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Re: Old Mother Red Cap

Originally Posted by annesingleton View Post
I like going to the pub but don't always want to drink alcohol so I tend to have diet coke, and alcohol wise either wine or vodka - alcohol is definitely cheaper to buy, apparently the syrup used in draught coke is very expensive to the landlords as are bottled soft drinks. I don't know why cordial and water can be so expensive though.
If cordial and water/soda were cheaper than other soft drinks everyone would drink that in preference and there would be less of a market for Coke/J2O etc. That's why it tends to be marked up.
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Old 07-04-2012, 11:25   #18
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Re: Old Mother Red Cap

didn't know about the £5.99 for carvery n drink till I sat down having already paid for carvery n orange and soda.
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Old 07-04-2012, 11:34   #19
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Re: Old Mother Red Cap

Originally Posted by SamF View Post
Another note along the same lines of the above.

If the offer was £5.99 for carvery and a drink would you still have an issue?

Or would that be great value ?
Originally Posted by Greeny View Post
didn't know about the £5.99 for carvery n drink till I sat down having already paid for carvery n orange and soda.
Thought Sam's point was hypothetical - the redcap website link posted by Garinda doesn't mention such an offer. Anyway you paid £5.59.

What's the beer price at the Redcap?? Is it less than £3.20 a pint?
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Old 07-04-2012, 16:14   #20
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Re: Old Mother Red Cap

I don't know anyone who goes to the Redcap just to drink, as it really isn't a pub anymore.

They go there because for a relatively small price you can fill your belly fit to burst.

They can't make much profit on the food, even with a high turn-over in the sale of meals.

They make money on extras, drinks, desserts, coffees etc.

They do have to make a profit...otherwise they'd close down.

No Old Mother Redcap.

They must be doing something right, as I'm told it's usually fairly busy.
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Last edited by garinda; 07-04-2012 at 16:19.
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Old 07-04-2012, 16:21   #21
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Re: Old Mother Red Cap

Their meals are like tins of beans in supermarkets.

Loss leaders, to get you in through their doors.

Where once inside you'll hopefully spend more than you planned.
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