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Old 01-04-2005, 21:19   #226
Resident Waffler

WillowTheWhisp's Avatar

Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night

I've finally managed to read the whole thread. (The board seems very slow loading for me tonight.) There's just one point I'd like to comment on from your last post Doug about "the little ****** shouldn't be allowed to play on it" because I thought the aim of this concentric circles idea was for people to walk up and over the ridges and into the centre. Hasn't it been said earlier that we aren't only supposed to view it from the air or some higher point (be it Hambledon or not) but also view it from within?

Actually you get quite a good view of the Coppice from Bullough Park and perhaps the panopticon could be visible from there?

I voted in the pole thread but there's one possibility I'd like to ask about. Does it have to be an earthwork? Perhaps some other structure on the Coppice more like a sculpture or statue would be more acceptable to people? The Angel of The North has been mentioned elsewhere and that has become accepted but that is more like art.

It has also been said that an earthwork can't be vandalised but spraypaint and fire would surely harm the wildlife flora/fauna which we are told is to be encouraged by "high form". That's before considering the damage which quad bikes etc could cause. Putting a fence round it all would seem to defeat the original object.

I can't see many people wanting to go and spend much time up there with no loo as it's quite a trek. (particularly if picnic tables are being considered)

It's a pity that the LET assumed that disabled access would be a foregone conclusion because now many disabled people who have not previously been able to get up there will be deluded into thinking that the panopticon itself is going to ensure them access.

That would have been a great idea to send a questionaire out with the Council Tax bills. What a sadly missed opportunity.

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