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Old 28-03-2005, 21:25   #106
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod
This one's a bit more practical;given the scale of this "art",presumably it's not something you could dig by hand....Coppice/JCB how????

I don't know exactly. I've been assuming that it would need something mechanical to build it but it might not. At it's highest it is 1.5 metres high - it's not beyond the realms of possibility that it could be built by hand.
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Old 28-03-2005, 21:27   #107
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night

Originally Posted by Neil
I think a concern of many people here is about the future upkeep of the project. How can we believe HBC is going to manage this when we all see the state of our local parks.
I think we have to talk about wider issues here like pride in our town. I know that HBC get lambasted for rubbish on streets, graffiti etc but surely it's because we don't respect what we've got (or some people don't respect what we've got).
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Old 28-03-2005, 21:28   #108
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night

Originally Posted by Neil
It may help if the project funding was explained. From what I understand no HBC money will be spent on the project.
If this is true then it is in fact a freebie for Hyndburn using someone elses money that we would not have to spend on anything else anyway.
Explained in another answer. Yes, it is a freebie, if we don't use it for this we will lose it.
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Old 28-03-2005, 21:31   #109
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night

Originally Posted by garinda
My main objections are the siting, why can't it go on Oswaldtwistle Moors, there's more room and won't be as obtrusive and there is some parking.
You mentioned Anthony Gormley's 'Angel of the North', l don't think the chosen artist has the same cache on a world stage. l think a more well known artist would have put us more on the map and given us more prestige.
In one respect I'd like it to be in Oswaldtwistle. I live there and would like the investment to come to my town. If it becomes clear that the site is everyone's main issue then it will need to be reviewed as it was in Ribble Valley.

No, the chosen artist doesn't have that sort of cache on the world stage. But he was initially approached because he is an up and coming artist. Simple fact is we couldn't afford Anthony Gormley.

Also, putting it into the context - there are six Panopticons and they will attract the attention as a whole - we should not just be looking at Hyndburn in isolation.

Last edited by Gayle Knight; 28-03-2005 at 22:31.
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Old 28-03-2005, 21:33   #110
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night

Originally Posted by Gayle Knight
I don't know exactly. I've been assuming that it would need something mechanical to build it but it might not. At it's highest it is 1.5 metres high - it's not beyond the realms of possibility that it could be built by hand.
they all work for United Utilities now, sorry gayle could not resist that one

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Old 28-03-2005, 21:36   #111
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
Welcome to the board Gayle. Thanks for joining us and thanks also for the detailed rundown of the situation to date.

I really have to take issue over the comparison of this project with The Angel of the North. the two things are completley diffferent, in scale if nothing else, but also different in cost (£800,000), and completley different in impact and visibility.

Yes, I agree that the angel has worked wonders for Gateshead. But I do not agree that the current proposal will produce similar results for Hyndburn. How does Mr Beard answer the charge that his work is a pale pastiche of the work of Charles Jenkcs, and as such will probably have the opposite effect to that which is intended?

Again we must look at it in the wider context of all six Panopticons. I agree that the scale is different but what we're producing for East Lancashire is an ambitious project to put six sculptures in place. East Lancashire Partnership are working very hard to promote East Lancashire, and we are bang smack in the middle.

We will have to agree to disagree on this because I think it will produce similar results for Hyndburn and EAst Lancashire.

I can not answer for Peter Beard on this question.
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Old 28-03-2005, 21:38   #112
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
You see Gayle this is one of the problems, the cash strapped HBC can't be trusted to maintain it. Who's going to kick HBC's backside when it becomes a dilapadated joke?
ME - I live here, I have to live with it. Joking in one respect but serious in another.
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Old 28-03-2005, 21:40   #113
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night

Originally Posted by park381
Why then has this not been thought of in the proposed project, and included.
This question was related to disabled access and a reply I gave on an earlier page.

The process starts with £50,000 for the sculpture. Until we've secured the rest of the funding which we can't start spending it is the simple answer to that.
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Old 28-03-2005, 21:43   #114
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
Oh, so we are going to have a carpark built up there as well are we?

It is interesting that you should mention Hameldon Hill, has anyone spoken to the owners of Cold Harbour Farm and Miry Farm to see what they think of having to accomodate increasing numbers of people walking across their land? Considering the problems they already have with members of the public using their land, I don't think they are going to be too thrilled.

I did not say that. I said that was the option that is being used in Rossendale.

It's not going to be coach loads of people traipsing up there. Please don't try to put words into my mouth. You asked me where it could be viewed from and I explained. It can be viewed from within, from Hameldon Hill and from the sky (probably going to be photographs as you so rightly point out not everyone has a light air craft).

Last edited by Gayle Knight; 28-03-2005 at 21:45.
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Old 28-03-2005, 21:47   #115
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night

Originally Posted by Gayle Knight
This question was related to disabled access and a reply I gave on an earlier page.
The process starts with £50,000 for the sculpture. Until we've secured the rest of the funding which we can't start spending it is the simple answer to that.
Then why not think out the whole project from start to finish, and ensure you have "all funding" in place to complete the project and all conected works.
As has been previously posted, it's like building a house, then going back to ask for funds to put the roof on.

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Old 28-03-2005, 21:49   #116
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night

Originally Posted by park381
Gayle, have you visited the hills around Horton in Ribblesdale, the paths are being destroyed by "scramble bikes", and I am sure if they can get up there, then they will get up on to the coppice, or rossendale for that matter. But again it's this additional funding, should all this not have been thought of in the planning stage of the project. Seems a little like going back with cap in hand saying "please sir we got it wrong, can we have another £20,000"
Not at all. We've got the original £50,000 for the sculpture. We couldn't possibly plan for everything else at that stage - we're doing it now. And it won't be a little amount like £20,000 it will be substantial, like the £300,000 that they have got in Rossendale. I admit we'll have to get it right to ensure we get enough but the funding application is still being prepared.
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Old 28-03-2005, 21:51   #117
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night

Not a question, [but thanks for answering mine.]

As a one fingered typist, thanks for answering our question's as quickly, and as fully as you are doing.
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Old 28-03-2005, 21:52   #118
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night

Originally Posted by Gayle Knight
Yes, it is a freebie, if we don't use it for this we will lose it.
Nothing in this world is a true "freebie" H.B.C. simply can't afford the upkeep of something that is out of the town centre, they made a big issue of the fact that they had to put themselves further in debt by erecting Christmas lights...and can't afford to take them down!

I am a firm believer in Government giving finance to essential works and in this day and age, it is totally wrong to supply funds for projects just for the sake of it, and this is what the Panopticon is all about.

The funds are free...yes,...but what about the various committees that arrange these things and claim 5 figure wages for their "good work?"

Can you honestly tell us, the residents of Accrington, that no one other than P. Beard is receiving money if the Panopticon goes ahead?

We pay our taxes to the government with the hopeful knowledge that OUR money is used wisely, In turn, the government gives our money to the European fund. I hate the feeling that MY money is being given to faceless committee members and also to be used to build unwanted lumps of "art" in the middle of a beauty spot (or what should be if HBC had the funding)
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Old 28-03-2005, 21:54   #119
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night

Originally Posted by chav1
the most likely graffiti will be spray paint and fire

both the shelters and the monument are or have been covered in spray paint

Sorry, but I have to disagree with you on this. I don't understand how grass, which is all the earth works are made of can be destroyed permanently by spray paint or fire.

And yes, the shelter and monument have been covered in spray paint, so should we leave them like that for all time? Part of the wider scheme is to renovate them. I know there's the danger that it will happen all over again but we shouldn't live our lives frightened because vandals will destroy what we've got. That's a very defeatist attitude. May be I'm a bit different from you because I always feel that if vandals get to something you should rebuild it bigger and better than it ever was to prove a point.
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Old 28-03-2005, 22:00   #120
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night

Reply to Busman747

Gayle, you have painted a pretty picture so far but those that have designs on the coppice (Oops, no pun intended) have NOT taken into consideration the views of the locals that use the coppice, the local population that live around the coppice and the fact that it holds fond memories in the hearts of the many that were brought up in the area and they do not want change!

We have taken into account the views of the locals that use the Coppice and we are continuing to do so. We will go with whatever the majority wants at the end of the day and at present point about 75% of the population want something.

Also, can I bring to your attention an article in this weeks Accrington Observer in which they quote Peter Britcliffe, spokesman for the HBC (and NOT one of my favourite peope) but for once, he is making good sense!

I'm really glad that someone has brought this up. In the same article Peter Britcliffe contradicted himself - on one hand he said 'how many components of the word NO do these people not understand'. Yet further down in the piece he said 'One does not want to be rejecting the idea outright because it involves significant investment in the Coppice area'. So what exactly is his view on this?

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