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28-03-2005, 22:01
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night
Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
You see Gayle this is one of the problems, the cash strapped HBC can't be trusted to maintain it. Who's going to kick HBC's backside when it becomes a dilapadated joke?
ME - I live here, I have to live with it. Joking in one respect but serious in another.
Sorry Gayle, but you are merely a "press officer." In 5 years time, you will have only one vote amonst thousands that will re elect or throw out the council....
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
28-03-2005, 22:02
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night
Originally Posted by Bazf
Why do we have to start things then hope for extra money? if you build a house would you run to the bank and say or we now need money for the roof, any bank would have asked that question at the time of application.
Because it's coming from different sources, for different things and one is dependent on the other happening. It is like buying a house then getting a bit of extra money on your mortgage to add a conservatory.
28-03-2005, 22:07
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night
Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
I think Britcliffe's objections have more to do with pandering to public opinion than any real concern for the fate of the Coppice. Though given that, as Gayle has said, the steering group is composed partly of members of HBC, it does seem odd that he should be so strident in his opposition to the proposal.
Yes, to be honest I don't know exactly where Peter Britcliffe is coming from. I think he's taking his steer from the Accrington Observer and vice versa. At each stage we've been collecting forms and letters and the majority are honestly in favour of it. So he doesn't even seem to be pandering to public opinion either. I am as puzzled as anyone by his reactions but he does wield a tremendous amount of power of the Council and unless he's on board wholeheartedly the project will collapse around our ears. Please don't cheer! Joking!
28-03-2005, 22:09
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night
Originally Posted by Gayle Knight
And yes, the shelter and monument have been covered in spray paint, so should we leave them like that for all time? Part of the wider scheme is to renovate them. I know there's the danger that it will happen all over again but we shouldn't live our lives frightened because vandals will destroy what we've got. That's a very defeatist attitude. May be I'm a bit different from you because I always feel that if vandals get to something you should rebuild it bigger and better than it ever was to prove a point.
Thank you for your stand in respect of this issue Gayle. It is the only way forward in fact. When you give in to vandals and bullies they win hands down. Thankfully today buildings can be treated against spray paint and makers and in most cases minor repair are inexpensive. I have to say I don’t like the idea of art work on the coppice or any other hill for that matter, I have found your replies interesting and I look forward to seeing how this develops. Is it possible for you to pdf the plans and information packs so those of us no longer living in the area can see this issue in greater detail…?
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28-03-2005, 22:12
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night
Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
It would be interesting indeed to see what those numbers actually were.
In answer to how many people attended each meeting. I don't know because I haven't been to every meeting myself. I do know that over 40 people attended the Town Hall meeting. Strip away a few officers from the council and MPA staff that left around 35. As I said, 22 forms in favour and 3 against. If it was even remotely like those numbers at the other meetings it does start to add up. Plus, if you look at the letters pages in the Acc Obs there are as many for as there are against.
Even when Accrington Web started up a campaign to email me at work in protest, I only received 10 emails - you have a membership on here of over 2,000.
28-03-2005, 22:14
Always EVIL within us
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night
Originally Posted by Gayle Knight
Reply to Busman747
I'm really glad that someone has brought this up. In the same article Peter Britcliffe contradicted himself - on one hand he said 'how many components of the word NO do these people not understand'. Yet further down in the piece he said 'One does not want to be rejecting the idea outright because it involves significant investment in the Coppice area'. So what exactly is his view on this?
He also added: "One does not want to be rejecting the idea outright because it involves significant investment in the coppice area, but they really have to come up with something that is suitable to that area and which will be acceptable to the people of Accrington and the surrounding districts. Until they do that, it is still NO, NO, NO."
I return again to a point I made earlier, is P. Beard any good at designing picnic tables?
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
28-03-2005, 22:14
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night
Originally Posted by Busman747
This latest design is ALSO to serve as a memorial to the Accrington Pals according to Peter Beard!
"The ripple reminds us of the way in which small events can have a big effect. It is also intended as a reminder for ourselves and for our children that our actions can have a resonance and effect on a scale way beyond that of our immediate home."
"The coppice carries strong memories of the 11th Battalion, the Accrington Pals, so many of whose members died at the Somme in 1915."
"High Form is also a homage to the Pals. A reference to the 11th Battalion can be read in the 11 circular folds of the form - a total of 5 ridges and 6 furrows"
If I were not so cynical, I would have believed that P. Beard come up with this AFTER the design!
I think you're being far too cynical. Peter Beard is an earth work artist - he is also a really keen military historian. He really wanted to work on this project and specifically on this site because it incorporated all of that.
28-03-2005, 22:18
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night
Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
And what about the Goddess of the North, also at Gateshead. A reclining female figure with breasts and hips 100ft high, containing millions of tons of mining spoil and visible from passing passenger Jets. That is Big Gayle. That's what gets a place noticed. It is bold, ambitious, unrestrainedly modern and impervious to vandals.
We had the option of something that big and bold when we had the option of the Halo (the UFO), now Rossendale are getting all the attention for it. And I hasten to add they are not being mocked because of it one little bit. The project for six Panopticons is big, bold and ambitious in itself. They will be like a string of pearls around East Lancashire.
28-03-2005, 22:19
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night
Originally Posted by Gayle Knight
Even when Accrington Web started up a campaign to email me at work in protest, I only received 10 emails - you have a membership on here of over 2,000.
Yeah but to be fair Gayle many people register and don't ever post, which is the same on many forums. It also wasn't a campaign, someone kindly posted an e-mail were we could ask for further information or to log our issues, which until then some of us were in the dark as to who to contact.
28-03-2005, 22:20
Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night
It would appear that the majority of people are in favour of something somewhere.
It would also appear that a very small minority are being very vocal on the subject.
From your comments and those in the Observer by himself, Peter Britcliffe does not know what he wants and will probably make an arse of this like most things he touches.
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28-03-2005, 22:22
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night
Originally Posted by Gayle Knight
You asked me where it could be viewed from and I explained. It can be viewed from within, from Hameldon Hill and from the sky (probably going to be photographs as you so rightly point out not everyone has a light air craft).
Here is a photograph taken from the side of Hameldon Hill. Can you see the Coppice? No, neither can I. That's because it is obscured behind Moleside Moor.
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28-03-2005, 22:24
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night
Originally Posted by Busman747
Can you honestly tell us, the residents of Accrington, that no one other than P. Beard is receiving money if the Panopticon goes ahead?
He will get paid, yes. Also, the contractor (hopefully, a local firm) will get paid thus ensuring some jobs for local people.
Mid Pennine Arts (and my salary) is funded primarily by the Arts Council who get their funding from the National Lottery. As far as I know, no one will be paid any bonuses should the Panopticons be built.
28-03-2005, 22:25
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night
Originally Posted by Gayle Knight
Even when Accrington Web started up a campaign to email me at work in protest, I only received 10 emails - you have a membership on here of over 2,000.
I am so glad that you are finally finding your way round the Accy web,...but if you are more observant, you will find that our members are based in places like Canada, U.S.A, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand..........the list goes on and on!
Many have their roots in Accrington, some like myself ae relative new-comers to the area, I feel that I have a right to make my comments known while others perhaps feel that because of distance, they should not get involved in esthetic decisions regarding the future of the coppice!
On a lighter note, as a new member of the Accy web, I hope that you can find time in the future to put your own imput into the various topics raised, Please do not disappear into obscurity as soon as this thread has become obsolete Your views will always be welcome!
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
28-03-2005, 22:27
Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night
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28-03-2005, 22:29
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Re: On Behalf of Gayle Night
Sorry, my system crashed temporarily. I think it must be getting overloaded a bit.
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