I have resurrected this thread after nearly a year because I want to tell that it is possible to get top notch food from Ocado(Waitrose) for a £1.99 delivery charge.(for orders over £70 on certain times on certain days)
I stopped using Asda many months ago following two disastrous deliveries -
I was sent a putrid rotting organic chicken with one day left on the 'sell by'
I got a refund and the next delivery free, but that delivery had 12 items missing.
Because it was not still on the van, I had a long laborious phone call with the store manager in which I had to minutely detail every missing item, and had to wait for a very late evening delivery of them. He also promised a £10 voucher would be credited to my account - it never was.
I cancelled my Asda card and 'washed my hands' of them
I now eat mainly organic stuff - it tastes better - so I am alternating between Sainsburys and Ocado(Waitrose)
Asda organics range is abysmal by comparison, and Tescos only a little better.
I shop fortnightly and have a large fridge/freezer.
I have been pleasantly surprised by Ocado - their stuff costs
not much more but the food and delivery system are tons better than the others. You can see how little more it costs when using MySupermarket.com, and bear in mind that Ocado stock gormet food that others don't.
When I have wandered back to Sainsburys for cat food and non perishables, they have noticed my abscence and mailed me a voucher for 10% off !
Today I have had a delivery of organic stuff which had an original price tag of £99.74+ £1.99 delivery, which was actually reduced to £84.76 by a 10% discount and special offers.
...and I am eating like a lord (eg organic venison pate with port)- yummy