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Old 07-08-2007, 08:17   #76
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Re: One guy's way of getting back at smoking ban.

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
I use Goodsphere/ FengShui revitaliser/ PureAir - air washing machines which use essential oils (not petrochemicals) and my avid non smoking son and daughter in law say that my place does NOT smell of ciggies despite my 35 a day
i only use the spray thingy and my house does not stink of fags,probably because i dont smoke
i can whiff a fag yards away, its a nasty smell!!...........cant ya tell im a ex smoker!!....LOL
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Old 12-08-2007, 23:15   #77
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Re: One guy's way of getting back at smoking ban.

The one thing worse than breathing in 2nd hand smoke IS,breathing in my right fist,I was outside the pub in Liverpool on Thursday night and some tw at complained cos I was smoking,a bit of an argument ensued,I told him to go back inside,he told me I shouldn't smoke,I told him to duck, an he didn't,poor don't ever tell me I can't smoke outdoors,I've had to put up with you non-smokers tellin me I can't smoke inside,non smokers
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Last edited by Mick; 14-08-2007 at 06:53.
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Old 13-08-2007, 05:30   #78
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Re: One guy's way of getting back at smoking ban.

Originally Posted by panther View Post
i only use the spray thingy and my house does not stink of fags,probably because i dont smoke
i can whiff a fag yards away, its a nasty smell!!...........cant ya tell im a ex smoker!!....LOL
I wonder if the statistics on the deaths from passive smoking could really be deaths from inhaling the sprays that most smokers use to disguise the tobacco smell.

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Old 13-08-2007, 11:53   #79
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Cool Re: One guy's way of getting back at smoking ban.

Originally Posted by magpie View Post
I think they put something different in the fags to make them stink more...
my mum and dad used to smoke when I was a kid... and I never moaned about it...

I also smoke ( but not in my house) I go out doors: but I notice if I slip up from time to time then the whole house stinks...
In days of old when even doctors had a quick fag between seeing patients and many even recommended a fag to aid relaxation the tobacco was much purer than it is today. There were additives but only to aid even burning.

How many older people remember hearing comments such as “that pipe smells nice” and it did.

Today it is a different story.
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Old 13-08-2007, 12:01   #80
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Cool Re: One guy's way of getting back at smoking ban.

It seems rather strange to me that half the country is up in arms about the aroma of tobacco products but not a single word is said against the aroma of vehicle exhaust fumes, stinking overpowering perfumes and after shaves, not forgetting BO and the expulsion of bowel gasses.

Sorry I forgot. It is not necessary to smoke but it is necessary for vehicles to go about their lawful business. So it’s OK to pollute the air because it is necessary then?

All the hypocrites rejoicing in the perceived fact that their hair and clothes no longer reek of tobacco smoke will now find out that their hair and clothes will now reek of vehicle exhaust fumes instead. The first masked the second.
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Old 13-08-2007, 15:03   #81
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Re: One guy's way of getting back at smoking ban.

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
It seems rather strange to me that half the country is up in arms about the aroma of tobacco products but not a single word is said against the aroma of vehicle exhaust fumes, stinking overpowering perfumes and after shaves, not forgetting BO and the expulsion of bowel gasses.

Sorry I forgot. It is not necessary to smoke but it is necessary for vehicles to go about their lawful business. So it’s OK to pollute the air because it is necessary then?

All the hypocrites rejoicing in the perceived fact that their hair and clothes no longer reek of tobacco smoke will now find out that their hair and clothes will now reek of vehicle exhaust fumes instead. The first masked the second.
Does this mean that as a smoking non driver I can have a go at non smoking school run drivers???

It is a fare point and I need a ciggie to get going the same as a driver needs a car. I cycle and hate being stuck in belching traffic so in a way can see were the non smokers are coming from. So let the sit on my bike behind cars and see who is right and who is wrong.

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Old 13-08-2007, 15:10   #82
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Re: One guy's way of getting back at smoking ban.

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J View Post
Does this mean that as a smoking non driver I can have a go at non smoking school run drivers???

It is a fare point and I need a ciggie to get going the same as a driver needs a car. I cycle and hate being stuck in belching traffic so in a way can see were the non smokers are coming from. So let the sit on my bike behind cars and see who is right and who is wrong.
Don't you think that the reason more kids today have asthma is down to the fact that their prams are on a level with all these cars? When the Silver Cross prams were the norm kids didn't seem tosuffer with chest problems like they do now, because they were well above the level of exhaust pipes, whereas now they are breathing exhaust fumes in constantly.
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Old 13-08-2007, 15:22   #83
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Re: One guy's way of getting back at smoking ban.

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Don't you think that the reason more kids today have asthma is down to the fact that their prams are on a level with all these cars? When the Silver Cross prams were the norm kids didn't seem tosuffer with chest problems like they do now, because they were well above the level of exhaust pipes, whereas now they are breathing exhaust fumes in constantly.
thats a good point,think it could well contribute to kids asthma,be interested to hear a medical viewpoint on that one.
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Old 13-08-2007, 15:28   #84
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Re: One guy's way of getting back at smoking ban.

one way to give up is to try rolling your own.... 100 papers later and visits to you tube I still can not get the hang of it.
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Old 13-08-2007, 16:03   #85
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Angry Re: One guy's way of getting back at smoking ban.

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Don't you think that the reason more kids today have asthma is down to the fact that their prams are on a level with all these cars? When the Silver Cross prams were the norm kids didn't seem tosuffer with chest problems like they do now, because they were well above the level of exhaust pipes, whereas now they are breathing exhaust fumes in constantly.
Many times in the past on this forum when the subject of smoking was being discussed I put forward the opinion that vehicle exhaust fumes are expelled directly into the faces and lungs of small children and kids in pushchairs.

My view was met with apathetic silence, not just from those drivers who were not inclined to admit their contribution to the increasing incidence of asthma in the young but also from anyone else. So I am pleased to read that someone else has twigged what is happening.

During the fifties and sixties when there was far fewer vehicles on the road than there are today and some 80% of the population enjoyed a fag or two the incidence of asthma in young was hardly noticeable. And don’t forget that most houses still had coal fires. So what’s changed today? Many, many more cars on the road, fewer people smoking, no coal fires and more kids suffering with asthma. It’s not rocket science is it to work out that the evil tobacco has been made a scapegoat? It’s called dividing the community and we all know the saying “divide and conquer”. Whilst we argue amongst ourselves on the smoking issue (plus some others) the government is hell bent on following its own agenda (illegal wars, unwanted Trident replacement to name just two) as well as pushing us further and further into a very limited civil liberties corner.
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Old 13-08-2007, 16:14   #86
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Cool Re: One guy's way of getting back at smoking ban.

Originally Posted by magpie View Post
one way to give up is to try rolling your own.... 100 papers later and visits to you tube I still can not get the hang of it.
You should have joined the navy magpie. You would have learned how to roll a fag with your hands that was almost as good as a tailor made one.

When I joined in ’54 every sailor was allowed to buy 300 fags or three quarters of a pound of rolling or pipe tobacco for seven shilling and six pence per month. To put that into context in those days a 20 pack of Players cost 3 shillings and six pence. So rolling your own became an art form, a never forgotten art form.

In those days the tobacco was much drier than it is today and a few drops of navy rum helped to keep it moist and just right for rolling and smoking. None drinkers used a piece of raw potato.
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Old 13-08-2007, 16:21   #87
I am Banned


Re: One guy's way of getting back at smoking ban.

I roll my own with aid of a rolling machine entact in tin, great for us that for the life of me cant hand roll - it is an art form LOL

Still cheaper than fags or patches at cost tho lol
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Old 13-08-2007, 16:38   #88
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Re: One guy's way of getting back at smoking ban.

I roll my own by hand its quick easy and cheap.
2 pouches of snout for the price of a pack of 20 cant be beat as some even give you papers.

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