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Old 24-03-2006, 21:00   #1
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One rule for one........

I had occaision to visit a relative in Blackburn Royal Infirmary the other day, as one does, and as it happened I was there at the time the evening meal was being served.

I have heard a great many complaints regarding the quality of hospital cooking and have even been on the receiving end of quite a few of the most inedible meals it has ever been my misfortune to encounter. The service I witnessed at BRI did not disappoint. It was bland to the point of tastlessness, unimaginative, unappetising and cold. All of which is perhaps bad enough. But, the thing which truly horrified me is the way in which it was served. It was delivered to the ward in a stainless steel trolly which held approximately three dozen trays. The trolly was neither insulated nor heated and the doors were left wide open with the food exposed for over an hour while nurses passed by with bedpans and soiled dressings and visitors pushed their way past it too.

If I were to open a restaurant and serve food to my customers in the same manner, The Environmental Health Inspector would, not only close me down but would also ensure that I was summoned to appear before the Magistrates.

How is it that the one institution that really should know better, can openly flout food hygeine regulations on a daily basis and get away with it? And how is it that the health fascists who inhabit these places are so determined to take the splinter out of the eyes of others but are incapable of taking the plank out of their own?
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 24-03-2006, 21:25   #2
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Re: One rule for one........

I always thought BRI was bad until I came across a place that made BRI look acceptable. Stirling Royal makes some of the cooking my mother in law look like the restaurant food. It is to put a a polite name to it muck cant type what its like. Theres more taste in cardboard and after getting a glimps of the so called kitchen I am not suprised. They say they have a fixed budget and a lot of patients to feed with a wide varied set of diets both medical and non medical. Yet bigger hospitals manage so is it down to the changes in hospitals. BRI is closing slowly and SRI is supposed to be the hospital for my area yet Falkirk Royal is years ahead yet because Stirling is now a "city" it is getting preferance.

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Old 24-03-2006, 21:29   #3
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Re: One rule for one........

A-B, the food is delivered to outside teh wards in insulated heated trolleys, its then transferred to the 'serving trolleys for distribution round the ward. As for quality etc, when I was in for my appendix I thought it was fair, not exciting etc but not 'bad'

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Old 24-03-2006, 21:32   #4
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Re: One rule for one........

Last time I was in hospital was at Queens Park when I had Zack so over four years ago. Everyone complained that the food was bland but I didn't think it was too bad. One of the reasons why everyone found it bland was because they don't use salt in the cooking at the hospital. Salt is incredibly bad for you so it's only right that they don't use it. I don't use salt in cooking because of a potential hereditary illness which could be compounded by salt. If you don't use salt then you don't miss it in food so other flavours come out and things aren't bland.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 24-03-2006, 21:40   #5
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Re: One rule for one........

I used to go to Blackburn Infirmary when I was a young child to have my eyes checked out. I remember following a yellow line until it was my turn to approach the machine where I had to make two rabbits into one!

The worst thing about my stay, whilst having the op, was that they gave me a teddy and then took it back again. I don't remember being fed but I do remember getting Nana was disgusted!
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Old 24-03-2006, 21:41   #6
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Re: One rule for one........

I dont use salt at all yet still found it bland.

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Old 24-03-2006, 21:43   #7
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Re: One rule for one........

Last time i was in hospital i lost over half a stone!..hey not complaning its one way of losing weight!
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Old 24-03-2006, 21:53   #8
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Re: One rule for one........

Oh well my sons very fussy as they will find out when my son will be holidaying there in a couple of years for his op hopefully bland will be good enough or i'll be requested to smuggle in - hey least the cheeky sod wont complain about my cooking after then
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Old 25-03-2006, 08:22   #9
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Re: One rule for one........

Once upon a time, food was served by the nurses as soon as it hit the ward. Incapacitated patients were helped to eat their food by a nurse or auxillary. The food has never been brilliant, but it was edible and wholesome. I remember looking forward to meal times, as helping someone elderly, confused or unable to handle a knife and fork meant that I could have a sit down......

Due to the NHS having too many generals and not enough foot soldiers, nurses are now incapable of delivering the meals on time. There's simply not enough of us around on the wards to feed people any more. Those of us that have stuck it out are bogged down with endless excessive paperwork which falls from the adminisphere in order to make it look like we are meeting targets.

It does not surprise me that people complain. Believe me, food is not the worst thing that folk gripe about. Being kicked out of hospital before you have made a full recovery because some other poor soul needs your bed is much worse........and happens on a daily basis throughout the country.

Being transferred all over the North West because your local hospital has no NICU cots left, or even worse......has a cot, but no staff (a frequent occurrence), is much worse.

Nurses and midwives leaving in droves because they are brassed off, but they are never replaced....... We have lost 4 full time experienced midwives to Australia and New Zealand in the last 12 months. Trusts claim that they haven't the money to replace these people, but they can appoint a new manager to oversee yet another government target, and no doubt on a fat cat salary with protected pay.

The food may be bad in hospital but people are lucky to be getting food. They're certainly not getting care....

I do believe that most people think that QPH food is better than BRI..
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Old 25-03-2006, 11:09   #10
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Re: One rule for one........

A sweeping sythe is need in hospitals to rid them of useless desk jockeys who's first concern is targets not patients. When premeture babies lives are at risk and people treated like cattle due to targets then in my eyes the NHS has failed.

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Old 25-03-2006, 11:23   #11
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Re: One rule for one........

I don't know why folk complain it's free, it's the NHS. It would cost a fortune if it was all private.. and if were aren't careful it will be all private.
I remember the doctor's man calling at our house for the money every week. So much per person in the family. and having to pay for everything ie medicines, hospitals, doctors. Come on now, do we want those days back again. No we do not We have the finest health service in the world., and as far as doctors and nurses go.. It costs a fortune to train them,, and then what do they do, go abroad for better money. Well, if it were up to me, they would have to stay in this country for at least ten years, To help pay back what it cost to train them.
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Old 25-03-2006, 11:29   #12
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Re: One rule for one........

Would you stay in a job when for more money you could do the same job elsewere? Even the most dedicated proffesionals have a limit as to how much crud they take and the way things are more will follow. A large proportion proberly have student debt that needs paid as they had the loans to get their education in the first place and need a better salary in order to pay them back and have a half decent lifestyle and shorter hours.

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Old 25-03-2006, 11:38   #13
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Re: One rule for one........

I have to agree that when it comes to the NHS people will complain about anything. I have to disagree that nurses and midwives go abroad for better cash. All of the people that I work with that have gone abroad recently have put 10 years or more into the NHS. Some of them are not actually getting more cash but better working conditions, giving more care and doing less paperwork. I have to say that their reports of their new working lives are very appealing compared to working in the NHS here. I don't blame them for a second for getting off their collective arses and finding themselves better lives.

I love that the NHS is free, but I can forsee a day when it won't be. Too many people come to this country and take advantage. Denmark had a similar system but imposed new rules a few years ago. Basically the Danes are not allowed to marry outside of their own country until they reach the age of 24. If they do marry someone living abroad, they are not allowed to bring that person into the country until they are 24. According to a Danish colleague of mine, this has drastically reduced the number of young spouses coming into the country, falling pregnant and taking advantage of their maternity and child welfare services. Maybe it's high time for a review in the system of who is, and who is not entitled to NHS care..
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 25-03-2006, 11:51   #14

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Re: One rule for one........

Originally Posted by thindle
I don't know why folk complain it's free, it's the NHS.
How do you work out that it is free. We are paying for it in tax. It would be interesting to know how much of my monthly tax bill goes on the NHS. I wonder what sort of private heathcare I could get for the same amount (or less) for my family.
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Old 25-03-2006, 12:22   #15
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Re: One rule for one........

Originally Posted by Neil
How do you work out that it is free. We are paying for it in tax. It would be interesting to know how much of my monthly tax bill goes on the NHS. I wonder what sort of private heathcare I could get for the same amount (or less) for my family.
My private health care is through work so I am ok but it is expensive even for just a single adult.

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