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18-08-2006, 14:16
Beacon of light
Re: One Step Too Far
The British people are the most giving in the world.....we elect our representatives and trust them to do what we would like them to do.....that they do not always do what is moral, is not something that we can do much about until the elections come along.
Anyway jhonnyking, how would you change history then? The short answer is, as you have so rightly said...learn from it! But politicians rarely do.
Maybe some of the underdeveloped countries have bought weapons instead of concentrating on their infrastructure......underdeveloped countries have rich politicians too.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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18-08-2006, 14:18
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Re: One Step Too Far
Originally Posted by jhonnyking
hmmm shariah law thrust upon us in this nation..... it reminds me of something.. a bit like the british thrust upon, well lets see... south africa-just loved that aparteid, india-cant beat the british imperilaism, or yeh iraq-well done u liberators, how 'dead' happy that country is now, you can see their smiling faces on the news..
1) The British were certainly not responsible for the policy of aparteid; that was the policy of the south africans of Dutch/German descent - the Boers, if you wish to call them that - and was formally developed in the late 1940's/early 1950's, aprox. 50 years after the Union of South Africa had full independence from the British.
2) There was no such nation-state as India or Pakistan prior to the arrival of the British; the Indian sub-continent was no more than a rag-bag collection of Princely states with no notion of national identity whatsoever. It was the British who introduced civilisation, the rule of law, cricket and the common language of English. Only on independance did the Muslims want their own religious state (Pakistan). What followed was several wars with India and millions dead and a now a nuclear standoff between the two.
3) Likewise, the British created Iraq in 1919 from the remains of the Ottoman empire. By my reckoning, that gives us every right to be there. If the Shia muslims want to murder and terrorise the Sunni muslims and they both want to kill the kurds , thats fine by me; let 'em get on with it - it is their affair. We'll just take the oil, thank you! 
Last edited by Tealeaf; 18-08-2006 at 14:21.
18-08-2006, 14:38
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Re: One Step Too Far
Originally Posted by entwisi
Geesh, you get the chance of another few days off work and all you can do is winge 
I think that you will find that if the Muslim community get their way and Islam Holy days do become Bank Holidays we will lose some of our traditional Bank Holidays to compensate.
The CBI will fight tooth and nail not to give any more days off work than we have now, unless a EU Brussels guided directive orders more Bank Holidays.
18-08-2006, 14:48
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Re: One Step Too Far
in iraq there were brithish soldiersor the cia dressed as cavilians they were caught and then the british army when and broke in to the cells to get them out. the news was covered quick.
india pakistan the british divided the country in two yes because muslims wanted a separate country but they left kashmir for the indians and muslims to fight over.which is still going on.
just like america gave fighter planes to iraq to attack iran and gave iran radar detectors to detect them planes.
then the americans told saddam hussain to take over kuwait then they attacked saddam.
the leaders have changed but the policys are the same.
before 911 when there was the oil crises in england remember it wasnt because price of the oil went up. it was saudi cutting supply because of the palestine situation.the powers behind bush and blair want the oil of the muslims and want to call them terrorist. the day muslims wake up and stop the oil then what.
the west divided the muslim land divide and concerd so they dont have the time when they had to face saladin ayubi. when muslims were united.so thats why you see on the bbc sunni and shiya fighting thats because the powers behind bush and blair want them to and her you see moderate muslims and non moderate dividing muslims.even peaple here now that bush and blair both need to be tryed for war crimes.whos gona do it the muslims cant because we dont have a say. we are labled the bbc hides alot from you.
and as tealeaf said he just wants the oil. atleast hes onest. i have nothing against peaple here its just alots been hiden from peaple.
18-08-2006, 14:56
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Re: One Step Too Far
Sikhs want another river for ashes of their dead
THE Sikh community in Lancashire wants the use of part of the Ribble, which is now used by boaters, to be reserved for the scattering of human ashes, Debbi Figueiredo reveals.
The religion dictates that the cremated remains of family members are disposed of in a river.
They say that Sikh families are forced to take the ashes of family members back to India to be disposed of because there isn't a designated waterway.
The Ribble in which ashes would be scattered
Charanjit Singh Heera, General Secretary of the Lancashire Sikh Association said that, while he knew that people were already scattering ashes in the Ribble, the community wanted part of the river to be a designated site to be used solely for this ceremony.
He announced:
"We want to be somewhere where we won't disturb people and they won't disturb us and the remains can be scattered properly in a place where they will be properly distributed in the water.
"When my parents died I had to fly back to India with their ashes. It would be so nice if there was somewhere in Lancashire where families could go to do this so they didn't have to go through all that."
Of course the Soar is already such a designated river for the scattering of ashes, but which is causing consternation amongst boaters as more and more objects are being thrown into the river and there is now the added worry that the cremating of bodies on the river is being muted.
Your losing your own country.
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To the left, to the right, jump up and down and to the knees
Come and write every night, chat with a hula melody
Last edited by Madhatter; 18-08-2006 at 15:00.
18-08-2006, 15:04
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: One Step Too Far
I don't agree with changing our traditional bank holidays to suit the Moslem population of the UK. It is a case of 'where do we draw the line?' The UK has a vast Chinese population, Manchester houses the biggest Chinese population outside of China (according to news reports at Chinese New Year). You don't hear the Chinese whinging about the lack of their own special bank holidays. Would every Australian living in the UK then demand Anzac Day as their own bank holiday? Would every American want to observe Flag Day?
The list of worldwide holidays is endless. If we were to change things for one section of the community it would be discriminatory not to include all of the others.
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
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18-08-2006, 15:07
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Re: One Step Too Far
The Muslim community just want their special days recognised by society.
It probably won't work, but get a grip people - it's not a signal of the four horsemen.
I don't see Britain as a 'Christian' country, I don't think it has been for over a century.
Just take a look at the sparse attendances of the Churches. It may well just be my opinion here, but I can tell you that most of the people from my generation will see it that way aswell, especially in the north-west. We've been to school and grown up amongst large percentages of Muslim people compared to past generations, I'm not saying that makes us more liberated than the wrinklies but perhaps we respect the Muslim place in our community more.
Will someone please enlighten me to the big problem.
18-08-2006, 15:27
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Re: One Step Too Far
Originally Posted by makboom
in iraq there were brithish soldiersor the cia dressed as cavilians they were caught and then the british army when and broke in to the cells to get them out. the news was covered quick. SO WHAT!
india pakistan the british divided the country in two yes because muslims wanted a separate country but they left kashmir for the indians and muslims to fight over.which is still going on. THIS WAR HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BRITISH OR THE US!
just like america gave fighter planes to iraq to attack iran and gave iran radar detectors to detect them planes. THE US DID NOT SUPPLY FIGHTER PLANES TO IRAQ. THE IRAQI AIRFORCE WAS EQUIPPED WITH MIGS AND MIRAGES...SUPPLIED BY RUSSIA & FRANCE..AS WAS MOST OF IRAQ'S MILITARY EQUIPMENT
then the americans told saddam hussain to take over kuwait then they attacked saddam.RUBBISH - GROW UP!
the leaders have changed but the policys are the same.
before 911 when there was the oil crises in england remember it wasnt because price of the oil went up. it was saudi cutting supply because of the palestine situation.the powers behind bush and blair want the oil of the muslims and want to call them terrorist. the day muslims wake up and stop the oil then what.
the west divided the muslim land divide and concerd so they dont have the time when they had to face saladin ayubi. when muslims were united.so thats why you see on the bbc sunni and shiya fighting thats because the powers behind bush and blair want them to...
18-08-2006, 15:39
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Re: One Step Too Far
just cus you dont no it doesnt mean it aint happning who put israel on muslim land. and what are the british and american army doing in afganistan and iraq no nuclear in iraq and no binladin in afghanistan.they haven gone to make chapatis.you said it your self tealeaf you want oil buy liying and using terrorist means.wepons suppled to israel is from us.and a palistinian has a stone and he is a terrorist. so what if the picked up a rocket in lebonan.and them rocets are empty shells.
wake up before its to late
18-08-2006, 15:40
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Re: One Step Too Far
Originally Posted by makboom
just cus you dont no it doesnt mean it aint happning who put israel on muslim land. and what are the british and american army doing in afganistan and iraq no nuclear in iraq and no binladin in afghanistan.they haven gone to make chapatis.you said it your self tealeaf you want oil buy liying and using terrorist means.wepons suppled to israel is from us.and a palistinian has a stone and he is a terrorist. so what if the picked up a rocket in lebonan.and them rocets are empty shells.
wake up before its to late
...OR try getting on thread 
18-08-2006, 15:43
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Re: One Step Too Far
i can turn round and say i have evidence that 911 wasnt done by bin lardin i have evidence but why should i show it. have you seen bushs evidence yet
even the taliban said give us evidence and we will punish him. by sharia thats a dead planty. and that mula omar head of taliban he ascaped on a bike no he didnt have a yamaha r1 they had him surounded what happned
18-08-2006, 15:45
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Re: One Step Too Far
Originally Posted by makboom
just cus you dont no it doesnt mean it aint happning who put israel on muslim land. and what are the british and american army doing in afganistan and iraq no nuclear in iraq and no binladin in afghanistan.they haven gone to make chapatis.you said it your self tealeaf you want oil buy liying and using terrorist means.wepons suppled to israel is from us.and a palistinian has a stone and he is a terrorist. so what if the picked up a rocket in lebonan.and them rocets are empty shells.
wake up before its to late
I don't understand a word of this post...are you John Prescot in disguise?
18-08-2006, 15:48
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Re: One Step Too Far
Originally Posted by makboom
i can turn round and say i have evidence that 911 wasnt done by bin lardin i have evidence but why should i show it.
Of course you do.
& I bet a tin of spam told you this evidence before it turned into Robin Cook & flocked to the hills.
18-08-2006, 16:15
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Re: One Step Too Far
Sparse attendances in Christian churches doesn’t make this country non-Christian shakermaker. The reigning monarch is head of the Church of England and the Church of England is a Christian religion – ergo the UK is a Christian country.
Whether the majority of smoothies take your view is also irrelevant. I had better explain ‘smoothies’. If you see we golden oldies or silver surfers as wrinklies I see you youngsters as smoothies. I would just remind you that with a bit of luck you too will develop into a wrinkly although by then you could well be attending a Muslim mosque.
I would also remind you that it were us wrinklies who welcomed the immigrants and made them feel at home from as far back as fifty years ago. You have been brought up by us wrinklies to accept them.
I will repeat again that it is the DUTY of every Muslim to promote Islam all over the world until that is the only faith in evidence. The only way that that can be done is to take control of every country. You can take control of a country in one of two ways – by force or by stealth. The UK is being taken over by stealth and we are bending over backwards to assist. And that is the big problem shakermaker.
Just a thought! I wonder if it is still the case that when a couple get married in a Catholic church the marriage is not recognised by the state UNLESS there is a state registrar present at the ceremony? Does that apply to a Muslim wedding?
18-08-2006, 16:17
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Re: One Step Too Far
Twenty years from now this whole issue could make the Northern Ireland spat look like a stroll in the park. If they did have an enclave in the same sence that there is/was in N.I then how long would it last before there is a little civil war between the Muslims and the Christians? Sharia Law may or may not be wanted but somewere down the line it will appear in some form in English Law. I have the advantage (if it is) of looking from the outside in being up here but also having been brought up in Accy know what the situation is. There has to be comprimise or the whole of the UK will suffer to the detriment of both sides.
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