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18-08-2006, 17:01
Beacon of light
Re: One Step Too Far
Spuggie.....compromise works both ways.......Muslims live and work in our communities and they have the freedom to celebrate their religion and their religious days......I object to being told that we should call Christmas 'Winterfest' or some such other ludicrous name.......and that local children cannot have a nativity play when they celebrate Diwali and other ethnic cultural festivals. It is time that we spoke up and let our views be known. People have become so scared of being labelled as rascist for speaking of the things that many people think, but few are prepared to say.
I get incensed when schemes aimed at 'sweetening' the ethnic population are promoted over the indigent people...like free driving lessons for young asian men in Blackburn....the young asian men are the ones hooning around in fast cars with no regard for human life......so hey lets give them free driving lessons. While other young men work hard, keep their noses clean and get B*gg*r all.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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18-08-2006, 17:47
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Re: One Step Too Far
It may already be too late. In these "sensitive" PC times, there is no requirement to assimilate. The Muslim birthrate is much higher so, demographically speaking, you are going to be outnumbered and then some within the next 30 years. One can only hope that there will be enough modern, moderate Muslims in the mix to keep things balanced.
18-08-2006, 18:01
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Re: One Step Too Far
Although brought up as a Christian I am now an atheist. However the whole fabric of Britain today is base on Christian principles, and it's infrastructure is founded on the principles of that religion, and has been so for well over a thousand years.
If this doesn't fit in with peoples beliefs they are free to leave and find a country that has the society in which they want to live their lives.
Britain has welcomed peoples from around the globe for centuries. Each wave of immigrants has added to and blended in with the British way of life. Muslims will have to do the same, unless they are hoping for another Bosnia. The general public will not accept or pander to a vocal but significant minority in this country anymore, and the sooner mainstream political parties realise this the better for all.
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18-08-2006, 18:34
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Re: One Step Too Far
Margaret I would line up all the s@@@ stirring PC brigade up and find a slow painful way to make them change their ways. While these idiots are around there will allways be disparity and the tendency to soft soap the minority and yes it should work both ways. I am in a minority up here and I aint got some PC gang molly coddling me and getting me everything I want or demand. Because of the way things are set up people take advantage and become so reliant on it any threat or action to remove causes a huge cowpatsfest.
18-08-2006, 21:19
white rabbits
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Re: One Step Too Far
Enock Powell would be doing cartwheels in his grave , Not just turning over
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18-08-2006, 21:21
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Re: One Step Too Far
Makboom seems a little clueless. This is not about "putting" democracy in the Middle East. It's about fighting Islamic terrorism first and foremost. Now, obviously, it would be a good thing if a little democratic governance sprouted here and there in its wake. It would make the world a hell of a lot safer. But it's going to take a long time and it won't be easy. However, I don't see where we have any other choice. Everything else has been tried - especially appeasement. Sometimes I think we are back in the 1930's with almost everyone's head in the sand. Just couldn't bring themselves to deal with the Nazi's. This is no less a fight to the death. Face it now or be forced to later.....when it's going to be really, really nasty.
18-08-2006, 22:49
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Re: One Step Too Far
mosques spring up as fast as churches get pulled down
I don't think you can blame us muslims for the declining numbers of people attending churches.
If you think Islam is such a "bad" or "evil" religion then why is it the worlrd fastest growing religion, with about 1.6 billion muslims around the world. also why do you think most people are converting to Islam than any other religion.
as a muslim i am against any terrorist attack to and from muslims. the meaning of jihad isn't holy war as the media says, it means 'struggle' the are two types of jihad: inner and outer.
inner jihad is the struggle against things such alcohol, sex outside of marriage, eating non halal food etc.
outer jihad is when the religion is under attack. however this doesnt mean you can go and fly planes in building. there are strict rules to follow. eg NO innocent people should, damage to infustructure must be to its minimum, damage to animals, trees or anythingto do with nature must also minimum.
these are just a few points not all.
personally the idea of having some sort of 'holy' bank holidays is not practical because the islamic calendar is a lunar one its to do with the shape of the moon. thats why Eid is never on the same day the following year. its about 10days earlier every year.
i dont have anything against christian or what ever religion you are, Islam teachs not to discriminate people because of their religion. i feel the same way about a jew, christian, hindu etc as i would about a muslim.
people who talk about killing the 'infidels' should not be seen as representing Islam or the rest of the 1.6 bl other muslims.
19-08-2006, 04:14
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Re: One Step Too Far
Here here Bullseyebarb and SPUGGIE J. Tealeaf, really appreciate how you've also laid out the facts in this thread. Keep fighting the good fight Accywebbers!
19-08-2006, 04:17
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Re: One Step Too Far
It's not evil or bad it's just not the religion of this country, the religion of this country has been for a long time church of england. There are some Roman catholics, and others jews jehovas witnesses etc but the majority are Church of england. I was bought up by Roman Catholic Parents, they sent there first family to a Roman Catholics School but sent us lads to the Church of England School because it was less hassle, we got less hassle. We sang C of E hyms, said Cof E lords prayer and took C of E religeous education, which I didn't listen to a word of cos most of it's a load of old cobblers designed as part of the laws of that country to keep you in line. Even so, I accepted as rindy says that this country is C of E You can have your own religion and follow it yourself but don't try to force on the whole of a country where it's never been part of that country.
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19-08-2006, 09:01
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Re: One Step Too Far
As Margaret Pilkington stated we are bending over backwards to accommodate the Muslim community yet find ourselves being trampled on. It is time to call a halt.
No one is blaming Muslims for the decline in Christian church goers kash I was just stating a fact, not apportioning blame. In this country we are FREE to choose if we wish to follow a particular religion. Even so when we choose to follow a religion we don’t have our lives controlled and run by that religion. We are not told to kill animals for food in what we see is a barbaric way.
There may well be 1.6 billion Muslims on this planet but there are close to one billion Catholics and at least a similar number of other Christians.
Islam may well be the fastest growing religion but that is because of the fact that it is the sworn duty of every Muslim to promote Islam. If Islam teaches not to discriminate against other religions, how do you square that with the prime Islamic directive?
Islam is not under attack by anyone kash. We are just defending our RIGHT to follow a religion of our choice if WE WANT TO in our own country and not be overrun.
We also have a ‘floating’ religious festival. Its called Easter and that is accommodated OK.
No doubt that most of the Muslims want a peaceful coexistence with other people but if called upon to take arms up against them they are honour bound to do so and most will.
19-08-2006, 12:35
Beacon of light
Re: One Step Too Far
Kash, I am not aware that anyone blamed the muslims for the fall in church attendances.......and actually that is wrong.......church attendances are going up(I think this may have something to do with the influx of people from the Eastern Bloc)....and to my knowledge no one on here has said that Islam is evil or bad.
It isn't the religion that is bad, it is the people who misinterpret the religion for their own agendas....and indoctrinate young and impressionable young men. If these young men have so much aggression in their systems and want to fight then they should put on the uniform of a soldier and do it openly. And I am not telling them which side they should fight on either....that is up to their conscience.
All I want to do is live in peace....and I don't care what religion my neighbour is....as long as I am not coerced or maybe even forced to share it.
We do not make muslims into victims.......it is the terrorist faction of the muslim community who do that. And while much has been said by muslims about not condoning the violence (which is perpetrated against your people as well as mine) they seem to do nothing about tackling the problem....it seems like the mullahs just shrug their shoulders and say'what can we do?'
Well, by accepting it you are condoning it.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
19-08-2006, 12:38
white rabbits
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Re: One Step Too Far
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
All I want to do is live in peace....and I don't care what religion my neighbour is....as long as I am not coerced or maybe even forced to share it.
We do not make muslims into victims.......it is the terrorist faction of the muslim community who do that. And while much has been said by muslims about not condoning the violence (which is perpetrated against your people as well as mine) they seem to do nothing about tackling the problem....it seems like the mullahs just shrug their shoulders and say'what can we do?'
Well, by accepting it you are condoning it.
Well said Margaret.....I agree,,,,
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19-08-2006, 13:20
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Re: One Step Too Far
if any country on this planet is going to sit back and allow this crap it will be the UK
all religon should be banned , churches , mosques , synagogs etc should all be demolished and any disputes between countries sholuld be settled by each countries leader in a boxing ring since 99% of teh time the public dont want to go to war in the first place let the ego maniacs in charge actualy do the fighting for once and perhaps the thought of themselves actualy getting hurt may make them less preppared to go to war
either that or settle it over a game of street fighter on teh ps2 or somthing 
19-08-2006, 13:25
Beacon of light
Re: One Step Too Far
Chav, that is a bit unrealistic. Faith is the cornerstone to the lives of many people....and while I think it is fine if that is what they want.......I do not wish to align myself to any of those organisations.
Religion is not the problem, it is the interpretation of the religion that causes problems.....and many wars that were started in the name of religion actually have nothing to do with religion at all.....they are purely the megalomaniac desires of one community to dominate another for their own benefits.
And sometimes they are just the desires of one megalomaniac leader to dominate another for the reasons previously mentioned.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 19-08-2006 at 13:27.
19-08-2006, 15:37
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Re: One Step Too Far
Religions are a set of rules, hiden as beliefs. Those rules were put there to control people and keep them occupied. If you don't do this god will punish you and you'll die and get set to hell forever. Do as your told and you'll live a long life and go to heaven.
We should start the accyweb religion, conversion of the stag in to church should start at once. I'll order the conversion materials now, and then when the framed picture of roy arrives we'll all help just like the johovas witnesses. i'll hold the nail, rindy can put the steps up staggers can hold the picture, chav can uae the hammer, tealeaf can buy the drinks.
Then we can all pray to our new god, roy.
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