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Old 23-08-2006, 17:06   #121
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Re: One Step Too Far

I said French culture, not law wasn't secular.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 23-08-2006, 17:15   #122

Re: One Step Too Far

Originally Posted by garinda
I said French culture, not law wasn't secular.
You said
"France is hardly secular, it's whole culture is grained in........"

you didn't say

"French culture is secular"

That's two very different things.

The statement

My statement "France is a secular state" remains a true statement of fact, as the French State itself says below

The French Republic is a secular state where all religious faiths and denominations are represented:
  • Catholics: 47,000,000, 81.4% of the population
  • Moslems: 4,000,000, 6.89% of the population
  • Protestants: 950,000, 1.64% of the population
  • Jews: 50,000, 1.29% of the population
  • Buddhists: 400,000, 0.68% of the population
  • Orthodox: 200,000, 0.34% of the population
  • Other: 4,700,000, 8.12% of the population
Source : PRIME MINISTER / Legal and Technical Office of Information and Communication

Pub time, see what happens when you dissect a post.....anyway that's the end of that.
France is a secular state with a Catholic culture.

J'en ai assez maintenant et je m'en vais.

Last edited by CusCus; 23-08-2006 at 17:21.
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Old 23-08-2006, 17:17   #123
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Re: One Step Too Far

Is this the same secular State that has elected National Front members of parliament, and recently had race riots in Paris this summer?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 23-08-2006, 17:26   #124

Re: One Step Too Far

Originally Posted by garinda
Is this the same secular State that has elected National Front members of parliament, and recently had race riots in Paris this summer?
Yes, but then again they elect BNP officials in Burnley and have the odd racially inflamatory incidents...........

Riots happen a lot in Frogland. I used to live there. Doesn't take much to start them off!
young people
taxi drivers
public officials / civil servants

Have all been manning the barricades and following a banner at some point in the last 5 years.

It's the standard Gallic jump-up-and-down-until-the-government-bottles-it line of thought!
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Old 23-08-2006, 17:30   #125
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Re: One Step Too Far

Originally Posted by CusCus
Yes, but then again they elect BNP officials in Burnley and have the odd racially inflamatory incidents...........

Riots happen a lot in Frogland. I used to live there. Doesn't take much to start them off!
young people
taxi drivers
public officials / civil servants

Have all been manning the barricades and following a banner at some point in the last 5 years.

It's the standard Gallic jump-up-and-down-until-the-government-bottles-it line of thought!
Much like the protests when French culture is under threat, especially from English speaking American cinema.

Very secular.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 23-08-2006, 17:36   #126
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Re: One Step Too Far

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
After speaking to one of the Muslim guys at work he cant understand why Muslims want extra bank holidays the only one he wanted was at the end of Eid the same as we have for Christmas. He hates taking it of as part of his holiday entitlement.
Whilst I can appreciate your posting. The Muslims are only in the same position as regards having to take the end of Eid from his holiday entitlement aslots of non Muslims, who have to take Christmas and Good Friday from their holiday entitlement. Not everyone automatically gets these days.
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Old 23-08-2006, 17:44   #127
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Re: One Step Too Far

Originally Posted by garinda
I was pointing out that we were asking Kash if he would inform the authotities if he knew of a terorist plot by a fellow Muslim, when the vast majority of Irish terorist didn't inform on each other.
The difference is the fear I think Garinda .. the Irish were afraid they would get their knee caps blown off; muslims would be afraid they would not get their place in the fairy tale after-life they have dreamed up.
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Old 23-08-2006, 17:49   #128
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Re: One Step Too Far

Originally Posted by katex
The difference is the fear I think Garinda .. the Irish were afraid they would get their knee caps blown off; muslims would be afraid they would not get their place in the fairy tale after-life they have dreamed up.

I've no problem with you asking Kash the question, I just thought it was very unfair of Jambutty to remark on him not answering when he may have had better things to do than come on Accy Web.

The fact that so called Christians wouldn't report terrorists that they knew were planning atrocities, is an even sadder comment on religion full stop, regardless of motive.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

Last edited by garinda; 23-08-2006 at 17:51.
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Old 23-08-2006, 18:29   #129
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Re: One Step Too Far

Originally Posted by garinda
I've no problem with you asking Kash the question, I just thought it was very unfair of Jambutty to remark on him not answering when he may have had better things to do than come on Accy Web.

The fact that so called Christians wouldn't report terrorists that they knew were planning atrocities, is an even sadder comment on religion full stop, regardless of motive.
I agree wholeheartedly with these comments garinda.
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Old 23-08-2006, 22:35   #130
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Re: One Step Too Far

Originally Posted by claytonender
I agree wholeheartedly with these comments garinda.

Goodness, someone who doesn't call me a ****** for having my own mind.

Thank you.

Have some karma.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 24-08-2006, 06:50   #131
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Re: One Step Too Far

Originally Posted by talentedbutslow

I didn't quote the whole post tal, it was too long but that's pretty powerful stuff.

I don't believe anyone in power in the UK would have the nerve to say something like that. They would undoubtedly be applauded for saying it if they did but then there would be a backlash - by the people who take political correctness too far. I know I get accused of being PC (well, Tealeaf accuses me regularly) but the thing is that all I believe in is tolerance on both sides and I totally agree with the sentiment that if you can't accept tolerance then you're in the wrong place. It works both ways!

I think it needs someone like Blair or Cameron (could be an election winner if he made a strong stand on this) to say it. They would then have to actually act on it though and I think that's where they've made the mistake in the past.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 24-08-2006, 09:07   #132
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Exclamation Re: One Step Too Far

It is magnanimous of you to stick up for kash garinda but he joined this discussion of his own free will. Yet he tried to claim the moral high ground for Islam, not just for himself, so whether he likes it or not he is fighting the Islam corner.

He was asked a question (would he shop a fellow Muslim if he KNEW that someone was planning an atrocity?) and has not responded to it. Could it be that the question was too awkward to answer truthfully?

If Eid were to be the first Holy day to be declared a Public Holiday then it would establish a precedent and our weak and appeasing government would meekly allow more. Quite rightly the CBI would object to all the extra Bank Holidays and to try to appease them the spineless government would have to remove some of our traditional Bank Holidays to maintain the status quo. We cannot allow that to happen. Muslims asking for their own Holy days being declared Bank Holidays is the thin end of the wedge. Are Good Friday and Easter Monday public holidays in Islamic countries?

There is more to Christianity than the Church of England CusCus. Catholics, Methodists, Anglicans, Presbyterian, Jehovah Witnesses to name just a few.

If we were to allow each religion to take its own Holy days off work it would create chaos in commerce and industry.

Whether anyone likes it or not, in the eyes of the world, the UK is a Christian country and as such immigrants of whatever religious persuasion have to conform to our traditions and not try to impose their own on us.
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Old 24-08-2006, 12:50   #133
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Re: One Step Too Far

When Kash returns we will get a reply wether for ill or not. At the moment we can only postulate on any answer or answers he might give.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 24-08-2006, 15:27   #134
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Re: One Step Too Far

Originally Posted by jambutty

If we were to allow each religion to take its own Holy days off work it would create chaos in commerce and industry.
It might work in some companies favour - if everyone wanted different holidays then it would mean that some people would want to work on bank holidays and the like.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 24-08-2006, 15:34   #135

Re: One Step Too Far

Originally Posted by Gayle
It might work in some companies favour - if everyone wanted different holidays then it would mean that some people would want to work on bank holidays and the like.
Plus it's further freedom of choice, which I perceive to be a generally good thing.
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