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Old 17-10-2010, 16:15   #16
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Re: “oppositional defiant disorder”

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
I'm afraid my take on things won't go down very well with you either.

Although, as with most things, there are genuine cases it seems that many of these buzz acronyms are applied to children a little too freely these days. Chemical solutions such as Ritalin are favoured over a more behavioural approach such as good old-fashioned discipline.

ADHD was not around in the 1980s and the threat of George the Slipper being wielded across your bare backside was quite enough to keep us all in check without the need for any expensive psychoanalysis or drugs.

Two years ago a local boy was caught vandalising my house and we took part in something called Restorative Justice which basically involved everyone sitting in a room with the police thrashing it out. This little boy came from a broken home and was diagnosed with ADHD, filled to the brim each week with some wonder drug which wasn't working, and after talking to him it came out that what he really enjoyed doing was jigsaws. JIGSAWS. His family seemed shocked at the revelation so I dug out some of my old ones and gave them to him. Since then he has never caused any problems in the neighbourhood and I have been given respect by him simply by listening to him for two hours, something the family could have done in his 11 years on this Earth.

Science moves on and accurate diagnosis is a better way forward but when it is overused it simply becomes a crutch for the parents to absolve themselves of responsibility.
totally agree with what you've said Mossy, a lot of parents get their kids to put it on so they can claim more benefits, seen it done....some even say their kids have it as an excuse for their behaviour, fair enough some MIGHT have it but its funny how people my age didn't have it when we where kids, suddenly someone hears it from some American and it's aparently rife over here
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Old 17-10-2010, 17:39   #17
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Re: “oppositional defiant disorder”

I must admit, having looked up ODD,ADHD and CD I am a little puzzled. A lot of the web sites are American, my first concern. Also I dont remember ANY child at my schools showing these symtoms-being naughty or disruptive yes, but not for long-the teachers were in charge,with the parents at home the same.Nor did the next generation seem affected.
Also if these problems are genuine and hard to cure, why don't we have teenagers and young adults throwing themselves on the floor and screaming in the supermarkets and streets or running riot? Perhaps by then they realize how silly they would look.And yet too many children do it.We do have teenagers and young adults misbehaving but most of them seem to know exactly what they're doing and why they're doing it.
In the USA the drug companies are making hundreds of millions selling these drugs- of course they work, any child drugged up to the eyebrows will quieten down.
I have my doubts! And not only in MargaretRs offering.
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Old 17-10-2010, 17:44   #18
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Re: “oppositional defiant disorder”

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
I'm afraid my take on things won't go down very well with you either.

Although, as with most things, there are genuine cases it seems that many of these buzz acronyms are applied to children a little too freely these days. Chemical solutions such as Ritalin are favoured over a more behavioural approach such as good old-fashioned discipline.

ADHD was not around in the 1980s and the threat of George the Slipper being wielded across your bare backside was quite enough to keep us all in check without the need for any expensive psychoanalysis or drugs.

Two years ago a local boy was caught vandalising my house and we took part in something called Restorative Justice which basically involved everyone sitting in a room with the police thrashing it out. This little boy came from a broken home and was diagnosed with ADHD, filled to the brim each week with some wonder drug which wasn't working, and after talking to him it came out that what he really enjoyed doing was jigsaws. JIGSAWS. His family seemed shocked at the revelation so I dug out some of my old ones and gave them to him. Since then he has never caused any problems in the neighbourhood and I have been given respect by him simply by listening to him for two hours, something the family could have done in his 11 years on this Earth.

Science moves on and accurate diagnosis is a better way forward but when it is overused it simply becomes a crutch for the parents to absolve themselves of responsibility.
I can see where your coming from Ken, the thing is the use of drugs is far to common these days. When I was young you never heard of kids who were driving their parents round the twist, because parents didn't allow it to happen, these days if you shout a kid some do gooding busy body will be reporting you for bring cruel, oh or the old days
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Old 17-10-2010, 17:52   #19
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Re: “oppositional defiant disorder”

Agree with comments above(John,Ken,Flashy etc). We had a happy childhood were my parents used to play games with us and take us on days out, yes to tire us out mostly!!! Kids dont seem to get that inter-action these days with parents so kids being kids they are bound to kick off when they want a bit of attention, not to be drugged up so the parents get a quieter life. Just my opinion..............
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Old 17-10-2010, 18:46   #20
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Re: “oppositional defiant disorder”

Originally Posted by heth View Post
Kids dont seem to get that inter-action these days with parents
With decent parents the kids still get plenty of interaction, just like you plenty of kids today are being brought up by decent parents, unfortunately just as happened in the past some parents should never have been parents, not the child's fault that they don't know how to behave.
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Old 18-10-2010, 07:02   #21
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Re: “oppositional defiant disorder”

Originally Posted by Less View Post
not the child's fault that they don't know how to behave.
Totally agree with you, it is not the childs fault at all. What I was trying to get accross is that "some" parents just do anything to have a quiet life with thier kids and if thats the case they should have been more careful in the first place!
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Old 18-10-2010, 08:45   #22
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Re: “oppositional defiant disorder”

There was an item on Breakfast TV this morning about an American Charity that has set up over here and is paying drug addicts to get serialised, seems they imply that all drug users should be serialised
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Old 18-10-2010, 08:49   #23
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Re: “oppositional defiant disorder”

Serialised Jay ? You mean they'll be doing it once a week then ?

Mr.Freud, a call for Mr.Freud !
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Old 18-10-2010, 09:01   #24
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Re: “oppositional defiant disorder”

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
There was an item on Breakfast TV this morning about an American Charity that has set up over here and is paying drug addicts to get serialised, seems they imply that all drug users should be serialised
Will it be on Sky 1 after the Simpsons?

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Old 18-10-2010, 09:12   #25
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Re: “oppositional defiant disorder”

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
There was an item on Breakfast TV this morning about an American Charity that has set up over here and is paying drug addicts to get serialised, seems they imply that all drug users should be serialised

I prefer one off addicts.

Rather than those long, drawn out, serial smack heads.

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Old 18-10-2010, 09:25   #26
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Re: “oppositional defiant disorder”

...or another way of spelling...............porridge oats

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Old 18-10-2010, 09:34   #27
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Re: “oppositional defiant disorder”

Okay okay, you lot as well as typos I have a rampant spell check, which I totally rely on seeing my first language is gibberish
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Old 18-10-2010, 09:39   #28
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Re: “oppositional defiant disorder”

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Okay okay, you lot as well as typos I have a rampant spell check, which I totally rely on seeing my first language is gibberish
Don't worry.

If you went to the doc's to get the snip, you'd probably not feel any pain.

You'd just leave with two bottles of steri.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 18-10-2010, 09:45   #29
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Re: “oppositional defiant disorder”

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Don't worry.

If you went to the doc's to get the snip, you'd probably not feel any pain.

You'd just leave with two bottles of steri.

Don't believe in bottles only draught mate, there is a joke about that I'll tell you when I see you
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Old 19-10-2010, 21:08   #30
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Re: “oppositional defiant disorder”

I have found this video which outlines the history of psychiatry.
It is a long - (1 3/4hrs) documentary.

The section of it which is relevant to this thread begins at 1h.23mins when the topic of ADHD is covered.


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