29-01-2011, 21:58
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Re: Opt-out policies for councils
Originally Posted by Busman747
Can anyone explain what I am missing please?
You can thank (or blame) Margaret Thatcher.
She introduced the concept of Compulsory Competitive Tendering for most Council services in the early 1980s, forcing them to test the inhouse service costs against what the private sector could do. The only factor that could be taken into account in those days was cost, and it led to a field day for private companies to cut corners and provide a thoroughly shoddy service, in areas such as refuse collection, street and building cleaning.
The Labour Government plugged the loopholes in the rules from 1997 onwards by introducing Best Value, where price AND quality had to be taken into account, but by then many of the old in house providers had long since been dismantled.
And so today we still have many services run by outside contractors.