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13-01-2008, 20:50
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organ donation?
Gordon Brown has stirred up controversy by saying doctors should be allowed to remove organs from dead patients without permission.
unless people opted out of the donor register or family members objected, hospitals would be allowed to take their organs for transplants.
what are your views on this?
personally I dont agree with it, reminds me of body snatching 
it should be up to me what happens to my bits! no bloody goverment!
yet again the goverment running our lives, i wish they would just ****** off!!
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13-01-2008, 20:53
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Re: organ donation?
i agree.... i dont think you should be allowed to just take organs without permission.
yummy mummy !!!!!!
13-01-2008, 20:53
Beacon of light
Re: organ donation?
I'm not sure about this. I feel that you should have to opt out of organ donation rather than opt in. After all when you are dead your organs are of no earthly use to you, but they may help someone live a fuller, longer and more productive life.
What I DO mind is government meddling.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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13-01-2008, 20:58
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Re: organ donation?
I agree that they should take nothing without permission, but, due to apathy, they are desperate, I would prefer they make it law that you are to give your doctor your preference, that way it is on record.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
13-01-2008, 21:00
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Re: organ donation?
This announcement has been made at the same time that proposals are released to replace tagging of offenders with implants.
It seems that governments are violating our bodies without much compunction -as if we were national property.
I have a donor card - It specifies which organs they can use (dont want anyone inflicted with the ones that don't work properly)
Some european countries have the proposed 'opt out' system and have higher donation rates-- on the other hand --USA has the same rates as them from an 'opt in' system that we have already.
The donor scheme just needs more publicity-- not national ownership of our dead bodies
13-01-2008, 21:03
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Re: organ donation?
I certainly don't think that organs should just be taken away without a person's permission but I do think it should be something that we have to opt out of rather than opt in.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
13-01-2008, 21:04
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Re: organ donation?
I'm with the goverment on this. You are welcome to opt out but if you can't be bothered to do that then someone who can make use of them should get the chance of life. I'm damn sure your views would be different of it was you that was desperate for a new kidney/liver/heart.
When all said and done it's meat when your dead. The person is the soul, the memories you leave behind with the people you meet. I was at the funeral of Dennis Gregory this week(The Vic Landlord). The 300+ people who took the time out from their busy lives to say goodbye weren't thinking of the cold body in the box. They were thinking of the fun and laughter that he brought to their lives.
13-01-2008, 21:07
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Re: organ donation?
Catholic Spain does it; Islamic sharia councils approve it; across the Atlantic even Americans do it. So why are we Brits so afraid of organ donation? Rates are 13 donors per million, compared to 35 per million in Spain. Gordon Brown is right to want to change that.
He's brave though; with politicians as well as the public showing reluctance for quite a while to face up to the issues around organ donation.
The PM and former health secretaries John Reid and Alan Milburn have either voted in the past against the "presumed consent" approach now being considered, or come out with half-informed assumptions about the matter in the aftermath of the Alder Hey organ removal scandal.
I would definitely support the presumed consent system. If you object, then opt out - simple as.
13-01-2008, 21:13
Coffin Dodger.
Re: organ donation?
i,m all in favour of the "opt out" suggestion, and i am one who personally does not believe in heart transplants,so i would not benefit myself, i also have no beef with anyone who is not in favour, if people cannot be bothered to opt out, then apathy is no excuse. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
13-01-2008, 21:35
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Re: organ donation?
i dont think they should take peoples organs out without permission.
kelcey- grandmas baby
13-01-2008, 21:41
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Re: organ donation?
I fully support the Govt on this one, on what grounds could anybody deny another poorly person the use of their organs after they've died.
Like money you cant take it with you, personally I would find some solace if a loved one had assisted somebody else, why are you all so selfish and shortsighted (you can have my corneas when I'm gone!!!!)
13-01-2008, 21:44
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Re: organ donation?
i think it should be left up to the family of the deceised, if no arrangements have been made before there death.....
I would offer any thing that i could be of use to any one after my death, but i know my organs are limited due to me being diabetic ??
13-01-2008, 21:48
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Re: organ donation?
Gordon Browns another Tony Blair, just a muppet
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
13-01-2008, 21:59
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Re: organ donation?
Originally Posted by firth_dawn
i dont think they should take peoples organs out without permission.
Isn't the whole point that by letting everyone know NOW you effectively give permission unless you actually say not. Job done, if you say no then OK. If you don't then its accepted you are happy to donate.
Its just the default thats changing.
13-01-2008, 22:05
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Re: organ donation?
why not take all inside out if you are going to be free heat for chaples
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