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I`ve always had a bit of a theory about wind farms, I`ve no links or proof this is true, just my own theory.
A gust of wind blows between point A to point B at say 30mph, it passes point A at 30mph and arrives at point B at 30mph(ish), carrying with it a load of rain clouds etc.
Someone puts a load wind farms between points A & B, The wind still passes point A at 30mph but when it gets to the wind farms, by turning the turbines, the wind speed is reduced to say 10mph.
Wouldn`t this reduction in wind speeds around the country affect the weather?
Are the turbines to blame for our recent floods?
The wind wont be reduced because the turbines are turning causing.....you guessed it....wind
OK so we are getting some projects funded in Accy, I mean, yeah you can tell its worth it by the way Accy has been revitalised and is a thriving hub of industry and commerce that attracts businesses from all over the world, but how much does the funding come to?...a thousand, ten thousand pounds...what? I see there are grants available but where are the schemes that make people who visit Accrington say "WOW look at Accrington now it fantastic", rather than "bloody hell more big name shops and pubs shutting and more pound and charity shops opening"
Someone must be getting rich and benefitting from these turbines and it certainly aint me or, I suspect, no one else in Accy. If these things are not efficient where does the money coming from?
my youngest had chille beans tonight and im serously considering sending him up yonder moors to power them bloomin turbines if he keeps pumping them out at the rate he is doing
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
The wind wont be reduced because the turbines are turning causing.....you guessed it....wind
So, friction doesn't exist in your world?
It's all these rotating blades slowing down our orbit of the sun taking us closer, and, closer, no wonder I sweat when I get a utility bill.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
OK so we are getting some projects funded in Accy, I mean, yeah you can tell its worth it by the way Accy has been revitalised and is a thriving hub of industry and commerce that attracts businesses from all over the world, but how much does the funding come to?...a thousand, ten thousand pounds...what? I see there are grants available but where are the schemes that make people who visit Accrington say "WOW look at Accrington now it fantastic", rather than "bloody hell more big name shops and pubs shutting and more pound and charity shops opening"
Someone must be getting rich and benefitting from these turbines and it certainly aint me or, I suspect, no one else in Accy. If these things are not efficient where does the money coming from?
I want to smoke what you are on, don't Bogart that joint.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Fact is the sun causes the wind and we'll be ok for the next few billion years...there is as much hokum out there about wind farms screwing with ecology as there is about greenhouse gases, Elvis in the chip shop, the Illuminati and the Queen being a lizard from another planet.
I'm with Neil...rather have these things next to me than a nuclear plant
The EU is making us shut down our coal fired but not sure if they will still allow us to have gas fired power stations. We have some bits of Hydro as well in the UK.
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The EU is making us shut down our coal fired but not sure if they will still allow us to have gas fired power stations. We have some bits of Hydro as well in the UK.
My point was, just because it may be the best option of the two mentioned (nuclear or wind), doesn`t make it the best option overall.