How long before these turbines cause us health issues?

Wind Turbine Syndrome (WTS) is the clinical name Dr. Nina Pierpont has attributed.
Wind farms 'make people sick who live up to a mile away' - Telegraph
It would take thousands of wind turbines, spread over miles of our lovely countryside (killing tourism and wildlife) to produce as much electricity as a power station or nuclear reactor. But the power stations would still be needed as back-up for the days when these wind turbines produce little/no electricity.
Prof Michael J. Trebilcock of the University of Toronto wrote an interesting artical entitled "Wind Power is a Complete Disaster".
As he (correctly

) points out, wind power in other countries (Denmark, Germany) has not reduced CO2 emissions nor closed any coal powered plants.
In fact, emissions have gone up

I'm with Margret on the "wave power" or hydro electrics, There are many famous such generating stations in the world for example, Niagara Falls and Boulder Dam. These are just a few examples of energy produced by falling water.
On the other hand, a small mill with a water wheel set in the rapids of a fast-flowing stream is also an example (on a lesser scale) of it in action.
The truth is that any steady current of flowing water from a river or other waterway can be converted to power.
"so why is there not more push to maximise these more efficient types of energy....might it have something to do with subsidies.
At present, it is going to take many many years to recoup the cost of these eyesores....and without the benefit of cheaper energy." MP.
Hope you don't mind me quoting you M,but I believe your correct