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Old 23-04-2009, 12:15   #1
I am Banned

Oswaldtwistle War Memorial

Oswaldtwistles new War Memorial list of names came on line last night. The compliers want people who know of any names missing, the can submit on the form provided. The person must have lived in Oswaldtwistle at the out break of WW1.
If that is so then a good 10% of the names already on their list do NOT QUALIFY.
I would have thought that havinbg been born in Oswaldtwistle would be the main criteria. So far I've checked the first 100 names on the list
James Barnes was a native of Accrington, no connection with Oswaldtwistle.
Adam Broughton was native of Blackburn, only worked in Oswaldtwistle.
Thomas Connor was a native of Accrington

Peter Butler his name is on St Marys Church Roll of Glory. MISSING

Robert W. Cartmell of Oswaldtwistle MISSING
James Cawley of Oswaldtwistle MISSING
Harry Chambers of Oswaldtwistle MISSING
James C. Clements Oswaldtwistle MISSING
Bartholomew Condry Oswaldtwistle MISSING
Thomas Connor St Mary's Church Roll of Glory MISSING
Robert Dawson Oswaldtwistle MISSING
Drummond should be spelt with 2 M's not 2 N's
William Duxbury is in several Military records as DUXBURY not Duxberry.

The people of Oswaldtwistle should be disgusted with the list produced so far which only totals 390 names,

My records show 419 men from Oswaldtwistle who qualify for inclusion on the memorial

One I did check first, was William Lowther, an Accrington, Pal killed in action 1-7-1916, he is not recorded in the war graves or soldiers died in the great war, he is on the Knusden War Memorial & 2 of his brothers are on Blackburns memorial. I've had a right battle with those who run the Commonwealth Grave sites, to have William's name on the Theipval memorial. I have also found his grand daughter who lives in Cheshire, she may have more luck.

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Old 23-04-2009, 13:03   #2
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Re: Oswaldtwistle War Memorial

Where online can you find the list?
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Old 23-04-2009, 13:08   #3
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Re: Oswaldtwistle War Memorial

Originally Posted by Lolly View Post
Where online can you find the list?

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Old 23-04-2009, 14:47   #4
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Re: Oswaldtwistle War Memorial

Originally Posted by Retlaw View Post
....The people of Oswaldtwistle should be disgusted with the list produced so far which only totals 390 names....

Who should the people of Oswaldtwistle be disgusted with? The Council or the Legion, which according to the former is the organisation that produced the list.
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Old 23-04-2009, 15:44   #5
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Re: Oswaldtwistle War Memorial

Why should they be disgusted at all? A list has been published for people to check and correct. I think that's a very sensible approach. They could be disgusted if it's engraved on the war memorial and incorrect but it isn't yet.

I'm sure they will appreciate your help Retlaw in setting them right.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 23-04-2009, 17:15   #6
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Re: Oswaldtwistle War Memorial

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
Why should they be disgusted at all? A list has been published for people to check and correct. I think that's a very sensible approach. They could be disgusted if it's engraved on the war memorial and incorrect but it isn't yet.
Because they have'nt seen the mistakes.

I'm sure they will appreciate your help Retlaw in setting them right.
I've already spoken to Roy Lockwood, once over two years ago when the project was first mentioned.
Then again two weeks ago, when he told me the list was ready and would be available for people to see at Oswaldtwistle & Accrington Libraries. The forms are available for people to add names but they will only accept those living in Oswaldtwistle at the out break of war, which will then be vetted by a committee, before they can be considered for inclusion.

I would have thought those who were born in Oswaldtwistle had first right, those who lived there next, those who were married to Oswaldtwistle girls next.
Then those who had lived in Oswaldtwistle most of their lives, but had moved away, and then those who had strong family ties in the town.

Some of those on the 1922 list of Oswaldtwistle men, are very tenuous, several should not be on at all.


Last edited by Retlaw; 23-04-2009 at 17:20.
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Old 23-04-2009, 23:19   #7
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Re: Oswaldtwistle War Memorial

To be honest, as these young men gave their lives for us, does it really matter that much that it needs an order of importance? Surely the sacrifice they made was equal, it surpasses all earthly boundaries? If a Sapper from Ossy comes before a Sapper form Knuzden does it matter? As long as they are ALL remembered and commemmorated.
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Old 24-04-2009, 08:22   #8

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Re: Oswaldtwistle War Memorial

I expect the names would be alphabetical on the list.
As for who should be on it, I would expect people born or lived in Ossy when they left for war.
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Old 24-04-2009, 09:43   #9
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Re: Oswaldtwistle War Memorial

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
To be honest, as these young men gave their lives for us, does it really matter that much that it needs an order of importance? Surely the sacrifice they made was equal, it surpasses all earthly boundaries? If a Sapper from Ossy comes before a Sapper form Knuzden does it matter? As long as they are ALL remembered and commemmorated.
I can see our point lindsay, but with the same view can also see Retlaws point too. I've had the pleasure of meeting Retlaw and I know just how much work he has done on finding out details of our war dead, he is a very dedicated man and a stickler for detail, and we have to remember that all the many thousands of hours he has spent doing his research has been done for the only reward of thinking its a job that needed doing and has done without any though for himself. I for one admire Retlaw, well done my friend
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Old 24-04-2009, 09:48   #10
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Re: Oswaldtwistle War Memorial

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I expect the names would be alphabetical on the list.
As for who should be on it, I would expect people born or lived in Ossy when they left for war.
I agree men born or lived in Oswaldtwistle, but the 1922 list contained several men who had never lived in Oswaldtwistle. The compilers of the new list have also continued that practice and added some more that are completely wrong.
One in particular is Thomas Connor shown as 10795 PAL.
I have Thomas Connors Service papers and he has no connection with Oswaldtwistle, he was born and lived in Accrington. I also have the records of 7 others who qualify for inclusion, but are not on the list. I have only seriously checked the first two pages yet.

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Old 24-04-2009, 09:53   #11
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Re: Oswaldtwistle War Memorial

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
To be honest, as these young men gave their lives for us, does it really matter that much that it needs an order of importance? Surely the sacrifice they made was equal, it surpasses all earthly boundaries? If a Sapper from Ossy comes before a Sapper form Knuzden does it matter? As long as they are ALL remembered and commemmorated.
No one is arguing with that, what I'm saying is wrong names being included. Some of those on the original list should'nt be included in any order, but Oswaldtwistle, Knuzden and Stanhill men should be, as long as all the names are there and properly SPELT.

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Old 24-04-2009, 10:15   #12

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Re: Oswaldtwistle War Memorial

Originally Posted by Retlaw View Post
No one is arguing with that, what I'm saying is wrong names being included. Some of those on the original list should'nt be included in any order, but Oswaldtwistle, Knuzden and Stanhill men should be, as long as all the names are there and properly SPELT.

Will you be assisting them with the spelling, errors and omissions so that the memorial is as complete and correct as it can be?
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Old 24-04-2009, 11:06   #13
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Re: Oswaldtwistle War Memorial

Yes i agree with what jaysay in what he as wrote.
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Old 24-04-2009, 11:46   #14
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Re: Oswaldtwistle War Memorial

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Will you be assisting them with the spelling, errors and omissions so that the memorial is as complete and correct as it can be?
The only time I was ever recognised, was at William Turners funeral by Roy Lockwood, he said he would be in touch with me. Since then nothing. When I saw the number of mistakes being perpetuated, in the list of names for Oswaldtwistles Memorial, it makes me wonder why I carry on with what I'm doing.
Never mind, Britcliffe in his ignorance supports them, so let them carry on. It will be no different than other War Memorials. Accrington's Memorial has 89 names missing, 5 men records twice and several spelling mistakes. Oswaldtwistle's original 1922 Roll of Honour, has several names that should not be on it & around 30 names missing.

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Old 24-04-2009, 12:12   #15

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Re: Oswaldtwistle War Memorial

It is a shame that all you gents with all this knowledge can't get together and make our memorial as accurate as possible.
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